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is this real?? It

No, it's Aprils Fools day.

Best April Fools Joke Yet

Well done :p But hey, I reckon this is something that should be looked into, it would be very hot casting :p

actually i was thinking... how typical of them to emit the middle eastern kid lol... - platy april 1
Awe man I saw that and I started breathing heavily :P

This is such a mean tease:-( If only Jessica Rose came back or LG moved to TV (although I don't care so much for the casting changes!).-- 16:41, 1 April 2008 (CDT)

HAHA!!! I got sooo mad, I was like "ZAC EFRON!?!?!?!?!"

Omg, this BETTER just be an April Fool's joke. ZAC EFRON as Daniel?! That just isn't right. But teasing us with the possibility of Jess coming back is just cruel.

Wait, you mean people seriously believed it? ..okay then..

Alcombe Antiques

The domain was registered by Amanda Goodfried of EQAL inc., so I'm guessing EQAL is the new name for the LG15 franchise. Love, Randy (Say Wha'? | Whachu Doin'?) [Apr. 11, '08 - 3:37, Central Daylight]


Hey is EQAL a nonprofit organization? (will respond with good news if it is)