Chapter 6: Hacked and Tracked

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Episode 33/1x033
Chapter 6: Hacked and Tracked

I want to go to Jonas you LBL geeks!

Blogger Maggie
Date Posted October 26th, 2008
Length 9:44
Description They are closing in. But so are we.
Location(s) Old LifesBlood Labs, Diner at the Midwest, LifesBlood Labs HQ
YouTube Tags amatuer blood cult extreme for fun hacked hymn jonas lefty lg15 lonelygirl15 reed resistance sarah scissors tracked
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett, Greg Goodfried, and Amanda Goodfried
Line Producer Lynn Kramer
Production Assistant(s) Andrea Aguilar and Travis Prow
Director(s) Yusuf Pirhasan
Assistant Director(s) Ram Paul Silbey
Camera Kevin Schlanser
Head Writer Joshua Hale Fialkov
Vidplay Joshua Hale Fialkov and Jim Campolongo
Story Joshua Hale Fialkov and Miles Beckett
Editor(s) Jerry Pyle, Yusuf Pirhasan, James Renfroe, and Christopher Ryder
Music Supervisor Seth Jacobs
Music "Next to Argyle", "Give Me Your Brights", "Consumption Junction" by Scissors For Lefty
Jonas Jackson Davis
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Maggie Marnette Patterson
Reed Brett Ryback
Leonard Alderman Bill Oberst Jr.
Beaumont Reed Windle
Bree Jessica Lee Rose
Kate Alexandra Weaver
Gina Crystal Young
Emma Katherine Pawlak
Nadia Erica Ibsen
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Charlie Tara Rushton
Steve Giles Alderson
Dr. Calvin Hart Sean Vincent Biggins
Dr. William Porter Jason Wilburn
LifesBlood Labs employee Aaron Wertheimer
LifesBlood Labs employee Bobby Pollier
Nurse Rachel O'Meara
Nurse Rachel Rosenbloom
Nurse Andrea Aguilar
Nurse Heidi Ryder
Nurse Christina Rice
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Signal Lost"
Next "Exposed!"
Previous by Maggie "Expose the Lie"
Directly after "In the Dark"

Chapter 6: Hacked and Tracked is the thirty-third blog in the LG15: The Resistance blog series. It is also the video for the sixth chapter of the series.


Voice: The fountain of youth is real, and it's in the blood of dozens of girls across the world. Their secret is known by few, yet desired by all. They are pawns in the most dangerous of games. We are the Resistance. Our mission is to find these girls and protect them from those who want to use them and destroy them. And we document what happens to them, so that their stories live on. This is the story of one of those girls. We are the Resistance. We will not be stopped.

(Static effect to a picture of the LG15: The Resistance logo. Static effect to a doctor on the floor speaking into his walkie-talkie.)

Doctor: She's headed for the security doors.

Voice: Team, converge on South Hallway One. Repeat, converge on South Hallway One.

(Maggie runs down a corridor and pushes open a door leading outside. She exits onto a sunny rooftop.)

Maggie: Knowing her fate was sealed, the princess did the only thing she could. She ran like a frightened animal. Let loose into a confusing world, she let her instincts guide her.

(Static effect to Road Head Butting. In the bottom right corner, text says "Monday October 20, 2008 Sarah". Static effect to Maggie on the rooftop.)

Maggie: Fear is powerful. It drives us to act. And yet, it clouds our minds. The lies they tell. That evil king and his tiny minions, they wield their fear to keeps us subservient, weak, immobile.

Doctor: There she is!

(Several other doctors rush onto the roof with their guns drawn.)

Maggie: But fear breeds something else as well—courage.

(Static effect to The Truth and Expose the Lie. In the bottom right corner, text says "Wednesday October 22, 2008 HymnofNone". Static effect to Maggie approaching a ledge.)

Maggie: But fear, more than anything, fear is a motivator. It's a teacher. We learn so that we won't make the same mistakes twice.

(Maggie climbs onto the ledge and stands there, hestitating. Static effect to Signal Lost. In the bottom right corner, text says "Friday October 24, 2008 Jonas". Static effect to a doctor approaching Maggie.)

Maggie: Opportunity is a fickle mistress. A fleeting moment of glory so easily torn down by indecision.

(Multiple doctors seize Maggie and drag her back inside the LifesBlood Labs complex.)

Maggie: The princess had spent a long time thinking of her mistake. One thing was sure. She would never make that error again.

(Static effect to a picture of the LG15: The Resistance logo, and below it, the text "".)


  • This video was posted with a note from the Hymn of None:
Hymn of None said:
Note: We apologize for the posting delay. We have dedicated all of our resources to finding Maggie. We still have no word. Should you see or hear anything, contact us via -- HoN