Plot holes

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There have been a number of details that have happened in the Breeniverse that some fans view as mistakes on the part of the creators. Here is a list of them, and suggested or actual resolutions.


Problem: Bree occasionally slips into a foreign accent. Why?

Solution: In Mysteries of My Past... REVEALED!, Bree explains that she has lived abroad for a large portion of her life, both in England and New Zealand.

Bree's wardrobe on the run?

Problem: How much clothes did Bree take with her when she left her house, anyway? From On The Run through Your Decision, Bree makes over a dozen wardrobe changes, but never seems to have much luggage.


Daniel the drama queen?

Problem: Could Daniel really be that dense in response to Bree's religion? He gets upset when she stands him up for a date to go to an important religious ceremony with her parents, and freaks out at the suggestion that Bree's ritual will involve walking back and forth in a straight line. What's up with that?


Fourteen hours?

Problem: In Aleister Crowley, Daniel complains "I've been up for like, 14 hours straight." Since the video was posted at 11:37 a.m., does that means he woke up at around 10 p.m.? Whatever fourteen-hour span of time he's referring to, seeing as there are 24 hours in a day, being up fourteen hours implies ten hours left in the day for sleep, not a small amount.

Solution: Perhaps Daniel mis-spoke and meant that he had been searching for info on the Internet for fourteen hours straight. Still, if that's the case, he didn't get much info for such an investment of time. Another possibility is that the video was filmed earlier and posted after Daniel had slept for some period of time.

Precision burglary?

Problem: When Daniel breaks into the warehouse, it's clear that the place is several floors with numerous rooms on each floor, but Daniel chooses a single room seemingly at random. Entering that room, he passes up stacks of open boxes to choose a closed box, opens it and removes a single object. In such a short search, he is certain he has found the substance that Bree has been injected with?
