About The Gun

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Episode 0173/1x173
About The Gun

She lied to my face! Twice!

Blogger Jonas
Date Posted April 16th, 2007
URL lonelygirl15.com
Length 4:07
Description I'm not too happy with my "performance" last week, and I'm really upset about Alex... I'm just glad i didn't hurt Bree or Daniel
[[{{{1}}}]] Unknown
[[{{{1}}}]] Unknown
[[{{{1}}}]] Unknown
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Previous "The Perfect Beach"
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Previous by Jonas "Spanglish"

About The Gun is the one-hundred seventy-third video in the lonelygirl15 video series. About The Gun is the one hundred seventy-third video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(Jonas is sitting in a parked car alone and talks straight to the camera.)

Jonas: Guess we're, uh, on our way back from Mexico. About the gun, um, it was the dumbest thing that I ever... (shakes head.) I acted imbalanced, you know. (Mumbles, then sighs and runs his hand through his hair.) Anyway, um, where did the gun come from? Uh... I stashed it under my seat, on the passenger side, when that watcher came to my house that day. It was my Dad's and, I don't know, it just made me feel safer to have it. I guess, in retrospect, not such a good idea. I watched the video and I don't even remember it, but I was... I was waving the gun at everyone. At Daniel. At Bree. I mean if I were... if I were to hurt one of them, I don't, I don't know what I would do. And I'm pissed. Pissed at Alex. I don't call her Aunt Alex. She's not Aunt Alex anymore. She's just Alex to me. And what she did was inexcusable and unforgivable. I mean I don't, I don't give a damn what the Order wants her to do or what they need from her. I don't care, I don't care anymore. You know, she lied to my face! Twice! Twice. And she put my friends in danger, and for that... (shakes head.) Anyway, uh, I guess out of everybody Bree is handling this the best. Daniel... he's been, uh, drinking... kind of a lot. I, I make a lot of jokes when he's drinking (laughs to himself.) Sometimes it's funny, but nah it's not, it's not funny, it's... he has a serious problem and I wish, I just wish I had the guts to confront him about it. But, you know what I hope? That I learn from my mistakes, and... I'm just tryin' to learn that, yeah, I need to just roll with the punches. Sometimes, it can be kind of a lot.

(Cut to view from Jonas's camera as he moves round the back of the car to film Bree and Daniel approaching. They are carrying some shopping and talking to each other.)

Jonas: (Calls out.) Hey team! What you got there?

Bree: Oh I dunno, a little this, a little that.

Jonas: Ah, swee- Oh! Did you get toilet paper?

Bree: No! (Loudly) Are you serious?

Jonas: I don't know, I don't know. That's, uh, anybody's guess, really. I mean it's a bunker. Do they typically come equipped?

Bree: Do you know if it at least has running water?

Jonas: I... think... yes. I don't know.

Bree: (After putting down her shopping bag grumpily, and in a sarcastic tone) Awesome! (Bree walks back towards the shops.)

Jonas: (Looks at the camera.) Oops!


  • The whiteboard.
    The bunker has an office area where there is a whiteboard. The previous occupants, presumably members of the Resistance, have left some notes on this whiteboard regarding the Order and the ceremony which can be seen during the video.
  • Although Jonas is credited as the blogger, both Bree and Daniel both hold the camera for intermittent periods of time.