Faye Austin

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Faye Austin

Faye Austin.jpg

Background information
Age Unknown

Faye Austin is the actress who plays Maddison Atkins in the Maddison Atkins ARG. She is currently a student at the University of Texas at Austin. She was approached by Jason Zednick in an acting class they had together and asked to help out with the project. This was her first time acting in front of a camera. She had been in plays since she was young, but says she never had fans before Maddison Atkins.

Faye will be acting in an upcoming production called "Dimly Percieved Threats to the System," in which she plays a 13 year-old.

Prior to this experience, Faye had never heard of Lonelygirl15 or ARGs. She says she is impressed with them and is proud to have been a part of it.

Outside Sources