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Bree's long lost friend.

Gemmers19 is a friend of Bree's from when she lived in Nottinghamshire. Bree was particularly good friends with Gemma's dog, as revealed in Mysteries of My Past... REVEALED! Gemma has said that her parents are members of Bree's religion and this forced her to move to London.

Gemma has made several videos talking about her life in London. She has given Bree advice about her situation toward the religion. Gemma has said it's hard for her to live away from the community.

Gemma's mother and Bree's mother met in college, after Bree's mother became angry in a discussion revolving around the philosopher David Hume. She also taught Bree a game called Nut Kills Man, a fictional variation on "Rock, Paper, Scissors."

When the first Gemma video appeared, it was unknown whether or not the character was an official part of the Breeniverse or just a fan video. The editing style in Gemma's videos is similar to the editing in the lonelygirl15 videos. The actress that plays Gemma was quickly identified through as an aspiring actress named Jackie a pal of Jessica Lee Rose in real life. This connection prompted many to speculate that Gemma was cannon.

This was confirmed when Bree responded with Hi Gemma! and later when a Gemma video It's Not Your Decision was uploaded to the official lonelygirl15 account on Revver.

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