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Revision as of 21:35, 16 June 2007 by Zoey (Talk | contribs)

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First Appearance
Last Appearance
On the computer
Person information
Age 16
Birthday April 25th (Taurus)
MySpace pixieavery
Portrayed by Avery


LG This user has been following lonelygirl15 since July 13, 2006.
Firefox.jpg This user contributes to LGPedia using Mozilla Firefox.
IP This user sometimes edits using their IP address when they forget to log in.

Tachyon7.jpg This user wants to be just like Tachyon when they grow up.
HotBaloon.jpg This user still likes Gemma, even if she is evil. Go figure.
Dinostomp.gif This user has been stomped by a dinosaur.

Grillz.jpg Dis user gonna rob da jewelry store and tell em make me a grill.
0157AlexEvil.jpg If anything, being evil only makes Jonas's aunt even hotter.
GemmaRaisonDEtre.jpg This user is irritated by unpatched plot holes.

OtherMonkeySmall.JPG This user loves The Other Monkey, even if Bree doesn't.
NoWebCam.jpg This user has never made a Fan Video. What's up with that?
0048-14Hours.jpg This user has been up for 14 hours, and feels fine.

0184-SarahHoldingLipstick-Cropped.jpg This user's lg15 crush is Sarah.
Sym str.jpg This User wants Daniel and Sarah to hook up.
Sym str.jpg This User wants Bree and Jonas to hook up.

LonelyCrack.JPG This user is severely addicted to LonelyCrack.
Puppy only.JPG This user NEEDS their puppy.
My First Kiss.jpeg This user hopes that they don't kiss like a dead fish.

Owen hiding in his shell.jpg When sad, this user hides in their shell. "So dark in here..."

  • Userboxes I've made:
Dorkiness.jpg This user l'cares about Bree.

Jeans and Her Best Friend in a Nutshell


About Me

I like solitude. But I'd also like someone to share it with.
I am defensive and I hate smart-asses. So, try not to piss me off.
I am nice, though. No, really! I am!

  • General:

graphic novels, current affairs, politics, virus strains/epidemics, volunteering, infomercials, free things, embroidering, museums, camping, exploring, fishing, seafood, video games, The Golden Age of Hollywood.

  • Music:

Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Shins, Le Tigre, Tsunami Bomb, Gorillaz, Dir en grey, Ella Fitzgerald, Philip Glass, Johnny Cash, Supertramp, Regina Spektor, The Clash, Patsy Cline, Spice Girls, Eisley, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Coldplay, Boards of Canada, Queen, Billy Talent, Anti-Flag, Cake, The Rat Pack, Metric, Our Lady Peace, The Bee Gees, Heart, Tegan and Sara, Blondie, Ravi Shankar, Death Cab for Cutie, Modest Mouse, The Killers, Imogen Heap.

  • Films:

Ghost World, Kill Bill, Mystic River, Fargo, Grindhouse, Undertow, Sin City, Hard Candy, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Pan's Labyrinth, The Royal Tenenbaums, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, City Lights, Casablanca, Airplane!, Singin' in the Rain, Office Space, Borat, The Seven Year Itch, Blazing Saddles, Roman Holiday, Rebel Without a Cause, Little Miss Sunshine, Lost in Translation, Gladiator, Man on Fire, A Beautiful Mind, The Pianist, Napoleon Dynamite, The Shawshank Redemption, Amadeus, Thelma and Louise, The Red Violin, Misery, The Man With No Name trilogy, About Schmidt, Batman, Catch Me If You Can, This Is Spinal Tap, Romeo and Juliet (Zeffirelli), Mean Creek, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, The Matrix, My Fair Lady, Fiddler on the Roof, Best in Show, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, Garden State, Saturday Night Fever, What About Bob?, Memento, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Dead Man Walking, The Stepford Wives (original), The Breakfast Club, Donnie Darko, Funny Face, Wait Until Dark, Two for the Road, Sabrina, How To Steal A Million.

I Love Too Much

Dreamfall.jpg Auudrey.jpg Deanjerry.jpg

Video Reactions

I'm thinking of creating a blog to post these in. For the time being, however...

Friday, June 8, 2007: Holy SH%T!!! - Sarah
Holy SH%T indeed, Sarah! I must say, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. And I was not disappointed. Yes, I used to be all for Daniel/Bree, but Bree just wasn't interested after a while (as far as I could tell). Hopefully this is not just a "hypnotized-Bree" ploy to pull Jonas into The Hymn of One somehow...
Great video!! YAY! Now, as long as Daniel goes on the rebound and makes out with Sarah... IT'S ALL GOOD.
Saturday, June 9, 2007: The Morning After - Jonas
Awweeee, Jonas was so cute and happy, but quite a bit cocky as well, if you ask me. Too cocky. He needs to understand that Bree is Daniel's best friend, and that it's hard to see her be with other guys. He definitely needs to be more sensitive about that, but Daniel also needs to be more understanding.
Uh oh. I guess, as I had dreaded earlier, this was just a ploy by Bree. Not to pull in Jonas to the Hymn of One, however, but to escape. OR ELSE she is scared about having broken her purity bond? I knew something was up when he mentioned how long she was taking in the shower. Bad move on Jonas's part to attempt to "awaken" Bree in this way. Although, I'm not going to deny that I enjoyed every bit of seeing them together so happily.
THE SUSPENSE! I hate waiting for Mondays!
Monday, June 11, 2007: Mr. Park Ranger - Jonas
LOVE the Daniel/Sarah interaction here. I feel like Daniel is going much too slow with this relationship. Seriously, Sarah is totally coming onto him and he keeps just laughing it off. UGH. C'MON MAN. SHE LIKES YOU.
I haven't got much else to say for this video. Except Jonas? Hang in there man.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007: Everybody Does It ;) - Sarah
Loved it.
First of all, I believe that Jonas's reaction will NOT be good. He's probably going to be severely pissed at Sarah, maybe saying it's none of her business or something like that. Second of all, Daniel's reaction? He is definitely going to be very freaked out. This girl has a WHOLE LOT more experience than him and I think he's going to be intimidated. He'll probably be avoiding her for a while.
Those are my predictions.
I've really liked the videos over the past two weeks. VERY entertaining. :D