The Mistress

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Episode 0218/1x218
The Mistress

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Blogger Daniel
Date Posted June 22nd, 2007
Length 3:54
Description So we went to talk to that lady Jonas met at the club…she had some pretty important information.
Jonas Jackson Davis
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
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The Mistress is the two-hundred eighteenth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. The Mistress is the two hundred eighteenth video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


Transcribing please do not edit for a few

Jonas: Hey D, we rollin'?

Daniel: Yeah, we're rolling.

Jonas: Okay, look, yeah, we saw it. Looks like Bree's back to singing her eternal song. And I, you know, I don't know what to say about it anymore, do you?

Daniel: No, man, I have no idea.

Jonas: Here's what, here's what I will say is that now we are incredibly worried now that she just seems so willing to go along with their crap! It's ridiculous. Anyway, Dan, Daniel is pissed, because I mean he put so much time and so much effort into a YouTube account, only to have their goons come along and use it to troll for new victims. But it doesn't matter, because you changed the passwords, right?

Daniel: Right, man. H of O can get their own YouTube account.

Jonas: Exactly. Look, here's the good news. We're here at the health club owner's apartment.

Sarah: Otherwise known as the Mad Scientist's mistress.

Jonas: Yeah, well, we don't know that for sure.

Sarah: Why else would she have said she couldn't talk to us at the health club?

Jonas: I don't know. Anyway, I told her about Bree, I told her about the Order and all this craziness and she told us to come here, so here we are. You ready?

Daniel: Let's go.

Sarah: Let's do it.

Jonas: Let's get some answers. Stop, I just knocked.

Sarah: Why are you whispering?

Jonas: I'm just trying to keep it quiet.

Sarah: Calm down.

The Mistress: Come in.

Sarah: (mouths at the camera) Oh my God!

The Mistress: I would really appreciate if you, you couldn't see my face. Is, is it better if I lean back?

Daniel: Right there's fine.

The Mistress: Well, I guess I'm kinda mostly secretive about this because um, just merely out of habit, but after what happened to Isaac, after that I'm really worried. Are you sure I can't get you kids something to drink?

Jonas: No, no, we're fine. Thank you, though.

Sarah: Um, just so we're all clear here, you and Dr. Gilman were hooking up.

The Mistress: Well, it was a little more than hooking up, I mean, uh, we were together for over ten years, and he spent as much time as he could in this apartment. It was our home.

Sarah: But he had another home.

The Mistress: He did, but his life with her, his wife, was pretty horrific.

Sarah: Why didn't he just get out and get a divorce?

The Mistress: Well, it was a little bit more complicated than that, but mostly it was for financial reasons.

Jonas: Listen, did Dr. Gilman ever talk to you about Bree or her dad?

The Mistress: No, not directly, um, just a minute, I'll be right back.

Sarah: God, it would suck to be a mistress.

Jonas: Shhhhh... shh.

The Mistress: This is all I have left of Isaac.

Drew: Isaac, it's Drew. I have Bree here with me now. She's ready for her final injection. I was wondering if you would--

Isaac: Hello? Drew. (unclear) You found her.

Drew: Yeah, she's here.

Isaac: Listen, if I leave now, we can meet Mission (unclear) You wanna do dinner?

Drew: Let me talk to Bree.

Isaac: Listen, I'm taking my son Spencer out to celebrate the new year. I'd love for him to meet Bree. her love of science actually reminds me a lot of Spence when he was her age. Who knows, maybe Spencer can mentor Bree.

The Mistress: Isaac left her at 3:15 to pick up Spencer. Around 3:30 his car plowed through a guardrail on the 5, and he died. He never made it to Spencer's.

Sarah: I'm sorry.

Jonas: Yeah, I'm really sorry.

The Mistress: Thanks.

Daniel: Wait, that was December 31st of this year?

The Mistress: Yes.

Jonas: Oh my... Bree's dad, Drew? He died the same day.
