My Mom's A Freak!

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Episode 0221/1x221
My Mom's A Freak!

A cute girl vlogging, and a guy on her bed, looking sullen... deja vu, anyone?

Blogger Taylor
Date Posted June 28th, 2007
Forum [11809 forum discussion]
Length 2:47
Description Jonas arrived here safely and we've been doing our best to get in touch with Spencer by emailing him at Sure beats watching my mom hit on Jonas - Yuck!
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 bree daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko soccerstar4ever Taylor Sarah Sister Slut Mom
Taylor Becki Kregoski
Jonas Jackson Davis
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My Mom's A Freak! is the two-hundred twenty-first video in the lonelygirl15 video series. My Mom's A Freak! is the two hundred twenty-first video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


Transcribing please do not edit for a few

(Jonas is lying on Taylor's bed, playing with a soccer ball. Taylor sits at her desk, addressing the camera.)

Taylor: Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. Haven't you been paying attention? (The words show up on the screen in glowing pink letters, and a siren blares.) Sister equals slut. And Sarah? The genetic code of your sluttiness has reared its ugly head in Mom. She's now acting psycho, soccer-mom style, and hitting on guys half her age. Jonas and I were writing our umpteenth e-mail to Spencer Gilman, and when Mom walked in with this twenty-year-old kid. I'm proud to say, this young man attends Dallas County Community College, and as anyone around here can tell you, the kids who go to DCCC aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the box... nor the best looking. Obviously, my mom is trying to get back at my dad for his midlife crisis. That is, (air quotes) "spending time" with a certain "young lady" who couldn't be more than "nineteen years old". I mean, thank God I have Jonas here as my buffer. And luckily, he's already been immunized by her wrath. Yes, she hit on him. And yes, it was disgusting.

(Music and a wave effect start a re-enactment of the events, with Taylor's mom, Jonas, and Taylor played by Troll dolls. Taylor does her mother's voice over, using an accent, and her own, using her normal voice. Jonas voices his own character.)

TrollMom: Hello, Jonas.

TrollJonas: Hello, Taylor's mom.

TrollMom: I have some beer in the fridge. Would you like some?

TrollJonas: You know, um, that's.... huh.

TrollMom: (sitting in a Troll bed) Why don't you sit down next to me, Jonas?

TrollJonas: Whoa, um, hmmm, okay... (He reappears next to her in the bed.)

TrollMom: You're very handsome, Jonas. (A 70's groove plays as she imagines TrollJonas opening his vest.)

TrollJonas: Whoa, I, uh... thank you.

TrollMom: Do you mind if I kiss you?

TrollJonas: Huh. That's uh, huh. The... ummmmm....

(The 70's groove begins to play again as TrollMom moves toward TrollJonas with her lips puckered. Suddenly the music cuts off and TrollTaylor appears.)

TrollTaylor: Mom! You're such a bitch, Mom! Why can't you act your own age?

TrollMom: If dad won't, why should I? Right, Jonas?

TrollJonas: Huh... yeeah... huh.

(The fantasy sequence ends with the same wave effect. Jonas has fallen asleep and Taylor wakes him up by pelting him with a stuffed animal.)

Jonas: Bree?
