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In the context of this article the term Universe is used in the context of non-fictional video series. For the more convention use of the term universe see Wikipedia [1].

Most fictional work take place in real world unless there is a specific mythology and that is where you get niche universes. For example, Marvel Universe, Whedonverse and Breeniverse. They exist individually unless there is a crossover. When Marvel Universe overlaps with DC Universe I don't think it was named something new to represent the combined universes.


The Venn diagram above shows the relationship between "elements" used by the Creators, and UGC creators both in the extended universe and the parallel universe.

LG15 Universe

The LG15 Universe contains a Lonelygirl15 Universe and a KateModern Universe. Some plot elements (for example, The Hymn of One) can exist in more than one Universe.

UGG Video Universe (Fan Video Universe)

Fan produced vidoes can exist either with the Lonelygirl15 Universe/KateModern Universe (or a combination of both) or they can exist in an entirely new universe created by the writers/producers of the fan video series. A fan video can either use elements from the Lonelygirl15 Universe/KateModern Universe (extended univesrse) or it can elements that are totally unique to its plot (parallel universe).