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Revision as of 00:56, 18 September 2007 by Nancypants (Talk | contribs)

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Lazyeye.jpg This user's favorite lg15 character is Bree.
Jonas666.JPG This user's lg15 crush is Jonas.
Lonelybeast.jpg Lonelybeast taught this user about the Cornwallis Effect.
HotBaloon.jpg This user still likes Gemma, even if she is evil. Go figure.
LonelyCrack.JPG This user is severely addicted to LonelyCrack.
PSW This user enjoys Proving Science Wrong!
0222-SpencerExtremeCloseup.JPG This user could just "eat Spencer up."
Firefox.jpg This user contributes to LGPedia using Mozilla Firefox.
Watcher symbol.JPG This user keeps an eye out for Watchers, just in case.
Dinostomp.gif This user has been stomped by a dinosaur.
Bree cute shirt.jpg This user wants to know where Bree got that cute shirt.
0228-Spencer-Khonad.jpg This user feels like Cliff Sawyer when he entered the other-dimensional world of Khom'ad.
GemmaRaisonDEtre.jpg This user is irritated by unpatched plot holes.
This user loves userboxes.
Gavin3.jpg This user's favorite KateModern character is Gavin.

Ahem, there's no box for this so I'll improvise: This user would love anyone who could make her an "I hate Sarah" userbox. That's right, I said it. I hate Sarah.