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In the context of this article the term Universe is used as it relates to a non-fictional video series. For the more convention use of the term universe see Wikipedia [1].

Most fictional works take place in real world unless there is a specific mythology [2] in whcih case you find niche universes. For example, Marvel Universe [3], Whedonverse [4] and Breeniverse each take place within their own universe with their own mytyology. They exist individually unless there is a crossover. When Marvel Universe overlaps with DC Universe [5] there is no new universe created to represent the combined universes.

The description of a Universe, its character and it other elements. becomes vitally important when discussing User Generated Content. When a producer selects a universe to create their series in they are not only selection how their story line might interact with the story link in that universe but they must also consider all facets of they mythology in that universe

One additional area are where this has become important is in understand the Terms of Use provided by the Creators.

The below Venn diagram shows the relationship between "elements" used by the Creators, and UGC creators (fan fiction creators) both in the extended universe and the parallel universes.



LG15 Universe: This contains everything that is officially produced by the Creators including the Lonelygirl15 Universe (also known as the Breeniverse) and the KateModern Universe. There are some overriding elements of the universe, including the Hymn of One and the Order.

Extended Universe: This universe contains fan creations that take basis in the LG15 Universe, but have additional elements created by the fan. For instance, they may have characters who are on the run from the Order, but does not necessarily follow the LG15 storylines precisely.

Parallel Universe: This universe is made up of fan creations that do not take basis in the LG15 Universe. They are unique creations that contain elements entirely designed by the creators of that particular universe.