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Age Unknown
YouTube LaRezisto
Portrayed by Unknown

Even though not much is known about LaRezisto, we can tell from his/her first video that (s)he is a leader of The Resistance. It appears as if the video is a recruitment for others to battle The Order. Fans speculate that LaRezisto will play the role of a new Tachyon figure. Whether or not this character is working with Tachyon remains unknown, but is highly unlikely due to the fact that the OpAphid ARG is no longer a part of the lonelygirl15 video series. It does not look like the LaRezisto videos are ARG on account that his first video was uploaded to within the day of signing up for the YouTube account.


  • Initially, fans incorrectly identified La Rezisto as the Spanish translation of The Resistance. However, "resisto" is actually a verb meaning "I resist" and "la" is the feminine definite article, thus LaRezisto makes no sense as it would be literally translated "the I resist." In correct Spanish the name would be "La Resistencia". The real intention of the Creators is unknown.
  • La Rezisto means "The resistance" in the international planned language Esperanto.
  • The feminine article la is an example of lg15's reoccurring feminist themes.
  • It's been discovered that LaRezisto may also have the same, infamous 'shadows' that The Order supposedly possesses.


Follow this link for theories about LaRezisto.

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