Maddison's Apartment (xmarlasingerx video)

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Redearth88: Prologue Video 0046
Maddison's Apartment

Maddisons Apartment 2.jpg
I am worried about her.

Blogger Marla Singer
Date Posted September 7th, 2007
Description It looks like someone is living here - which is fucking weird, but whatever. I'll explain more about the journals soon, I promise.

This place is weird without her...I miss her.


YouTube Tags Maddison Atkins Clara Stokes amblyopianne marla singer marlasinger joel frady apartment journals

Marla Singer Marla Singer
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Maddison's Apartment is the forty-sixth video in the Redearth88 video series.

Maddison's Apartment is the thirty-third video in the Maddison Atkins video series. It is also the twenty-first video in Chapter 2.


Marla: I don't really know what we can do for Clara, but she's obviously going through more than we thought she was. And I don't know how hard it is for her but it seems pretty rough. So, I'm just gonna look around Maddison's apartment. Uhm, I am worried about her, I am, I'm just not going to push anything. (opens a briefcase, removes some papers.) It's tough to look at. Everything looks like it's here. We never really did figure out what he was saying did we? The cops all played Mr. Zipp out to be this like, evil internet stalker and we just sorta trusted him from the beginning and thought that he was probably the good guy, right? Who knows? I will say something sorta weird about this place is that it - it looks like someone's living here. I mean, the kitchen looks like it's been used. I don't know who could be, but it's kinda eerie. (holding some notebooks) I know Clara didn't want to look in these, but... and I don't mean any disrespect to Maddison, I just know that I feel okay reading them. So. They could have something useful in them. And I want to feel like I've done everything I can.


  • Clara also posted a video entitled Maddison's Apartment. It is the second video in the Maddison Atkins Chapter Two video series that has the title.