It Didn't Happen (Did It?)

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Episode 4
It Didn't Happen (Did It?)

Gaze into my Magic Eye.

Blogger Jack
Date Posted December 4th, 2007
Description I guess I'm just crazy, right?
Location(s) {{{location}}}
YouTube Tags teleporting crazy confused hell

Jack Unknown
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It Didn't Happen (Did It?) is the fourth video in the Watchyourjack video series.


Jack: It hasn’t happened again. Big surprise. So… obviously I just imagined it. Aaron and his friends beat the crap out of me. And, I must have just hit my head. And, don’t remember the walk home… or something…

The weird thing is, there’s this sandwich shop on my route that I always pass, and the guy who runs it always waves hello to me as I walk by. I walked back and asked him if we seen each other the day Aaron beat me up. And he said no. Well actually he looked at me as if I was crazy, and then said no.

Maybe I just took another route home. I can’t teleport. That’s ridiculous. I hit my head, and I blacked out. I don’t even know why I thought I could teleport in the first place. If I did it would have happened before this, or it would have happened again. And, it hasn’t.

My mom says my irises are swollen. She thinks I have a concussion. (puts eye in front of camera) Do they look swollen to you? But did she take me to see a doctor? No. That would be way too much trouble.

I can’t teleport. I don’t even know why I thought that in the first place. Actually, I’m kind of embarrassed I even posted anything.
