Isaac Gilman

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Isaac Gilman
First Mention Last Mention
The Mad Scientist We Have A Plan
Character information
Age Unknown
Portrayed by Unknown

Isaac Gilman is a geneticist first mentioned by Daniel in The Mad Scientist. Daniel found Gilman's name in the box left by Bree's dad. When Daniel tried to find him in a hospital in San Diego, the receptionist simply said that there was no Dr. Gilman there. When the gang did further research and went to his health club, they met his former mistress.

She revealed that Gilman had been killed in a car accident on December 31, 2006, on his way to pick up his son, Spencer. He was planning to meet with Bree's dad (Drew Avery) later in the day; Avery also died that day.

Gilman was married, but, according to his mistress, the marriage was horrible. Gilman and his mistress were together for ten years, until his fateful death.

It is speculated that both Avery and Gilman were killed that day because they were going to inject Bree with something to attempt to make her "Trait Negative," in the hopes that the Order would no longer want her.

It was later revealed that Isaac's lab assistant at the Wyman Foundation many years ago was Dr. Calvin Hart, a Doctor who helped Jonas and Emma learn more about turning trait negative, but they ended up being rivals to each other when Dr. Hart moved to Verdus Pharmaceuticals to work.


Follow this link for theories about Isaac Gilman.

lonelygirl15 Characters
Main Characters Bree · Daniel · Jonas · Sarah · Taylor · Emma · Jennie · Gina
Supporting Characters Gemma · OpAphid · Tachyon · Alex · Carl · Spencer · Mallory · Dr. Hart
Recurring Characters Lucy · Nikki B · Virgil · Elizabeth Avery · Bree's Watcher · Brother · Sonia · Jules · The Whartons · Claire · Edward Salinas
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