Learn how to TELEPORT!

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Episode 8
Learn how to TELEPORT!

Bad burrito decisions...

Blogger Jack
Date Posted January 14th, 2008
URL youtube.com
Description Teleporting is getting pretty easy - well, so far...
Location(s) {{{location}}}
YouTube Tags learn how to teleport

Jack Unknown
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Learn how to TELEPORT! is the eighth video in the Watchyourjack video series.


(Jack is seen shuffling and dealing cards)

Jack: My brother got arrested again. This time my dad couldn't bail him out so... He's in there, and it doesn't look good. He stole a car. His hearing is in a week or so. I wanna get him out, but I mean, I get better at teleporting everyday. Now I can pretty much jump to any place I've ever seen. I've never been inside the jail. I think I could get out if I could just get into his cell. I'm not going to do that though. I mean, there don't seem to be any rules to this. So I guess I'm just going to have to make up my own. I'm not using it to break the law. My brother's just going to have to... I dunno... get a good lawyer.

You guys on whatweird have been doing alot of work, so thanks! One of you even found out how teleporting can be harmful. I had no idea. I mean, I guess depending on how clean the teleport is it can actually hurt you? That's pretty scary stuff. Like for me, there's definitely been good ones and bad ones but... I dunno, if I'm just like goofing off then it's pretty easy. But like if I'm in some sort of like danger, it's really hard. The other day I was on the subway tracks, and I was waiting for a train to come, and I waited until the last minute to teleport. By the time I reached the platform I was so exhausted I collapsed.

Oh yeah that guy stopped following me. I'm not really sure what it means, but it's gotta be a good thing right?
