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Marbella's Name and "Fan-ship"

Anybody want to ride with her on the "Fan Ship?" We promise it's not going to Hale Bopp!!

Marbella chose her name because she loves beautiful marbles. At the time she chose the name, she actually believed it was her own original creation!!

However, later she discovered that there is a Spanish village named Marbella, as well as a line of Pepperidge Farm cookies! Shortly after this, RosieIsWatching PM'd her to let her know that her name means, "Beautiful Sea" in Spanish. How fitting, since there is so much water imagery in the LG-15 series!!

Marbella is the Ambassador of the LG-15 Defense force and she is also Daniel's Personal Ambassador, as she has founded his fan club. Marbella has also earned a LG-15 Defense Force Calvary Medal. She is a Moderator/Ambassador on the Forum.



The "Real Person"


The "real person" behind Marbella is Laura Paxton. She is a 38 year old, born in Georgia, currently living in Durham, NC. Previously, she lived for five years in southern California. Laura does not look or feel even half her age. She has a high functioning autistic disorder, which offers her the gift of an "eternal child perspective, "loyalty, perseverance, conscientiousness, and detailed focus. Laura has made 7 videos to increase autism awareness. These are light-hearted, comedic videos that teach as they entertain. This set of videos is on YouTube.

Laura's challenges include sensory integration disorder, chronic neuralgia from having shingles twice in her mid-thirties, migraines, insomnia, and challenges with mood and attention. However, she has written a self-help book series, called Borderline and Beyond. Many people with autism are misdiagnosed as having personality disorders, so her new book will shed light upon how and why this occurs and the damage that results.

Despite this, Laura holds two master's degrees and credit towards a PhD in Psychology. She worked for two years as a special education teacher and five years as a psychiatric case manager. She has had her own business, writing books published by the White Tiger Dream Press since November of 1999.

Links (The official site of EVIL!!)