Orange Slurpee

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Mmm... Orange.

The Origins of Orange Slurpee

Over time, bored forum members devised the theory that orange is a symbol for evil and that those who drink orange slurpees are signing over their immortal soul to The Order. Further, it has been suggested that when orange appears in a video, it is a foreshadowing of evil.

This came about when Sydney claimed to be so bored, she found the average of the two times shown on the clock in the video "Proving Longitude Wrong", 7:10 and 7:12, and thus decided that she should go to 7-11 and try a slurpee.

Later, users claimed that all slurpee machines at the 7-11had been broken except for orange, which lead to a discussion about how the cult is trying to poison us through orange slurpees.

Orange Slurpee Developments

Sharpl helped confirm our fears when she posted this link (They Disappeared video comment #314).

Also, Lizard directed us to a photo of an orange dressed as Darth Vader, harvesting other oranges to make the Orange Slurpees.

The original logo for Orange Julius.

As you can see, these Orange Slurpees and possibly other Orange products (i.e Orange Juice), are very serious and VERY destructive. However, Orange Slurpee has started a website in his/her/its defense, stating that OS is unaffiliated with the Order and actually has NO evil intentions.

Shortly after this website was erected, the "Breakfast In Bed" video clip came out, showing multiple images and references to oranges. Orange Slurpee commented on this in the most recent OS blog. Fans speculate that these images were foreshadowing of the impending danger of the Watchers facing Bree and Daniel.

jonastko went on record in the LG15 chat on 27 November 2006 as being a fan of orange slurpees and one who hangs around at the local 7-11. Also, the clock in Jonas's house was set to approximately 7:11 in the video Trust Issues

Dr. Immant, in his most recent video, Order Announcement: New Policy to Combat Misinformation., making a public announcement, sipped on a slurpee saying "mmm orange" when he thought he was no longer on the air.

Orange Slurpee Credits

Characters Who Have Played A Major Role in Orange Slurpee's character development:

Sydney, Lizard, Joe, HoorayForMeImMakingOut, Grace, QuickClick, Hooda17, Georgia, Orange Slurpee, Marbella, Tessaroo, and many others.


Orange Slurpee's Myspace Page

HorrayForMeImMakingOut's video