Playing With Wood

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Episode 414/3x004
Playing With Wood

She's putting my birdhouse to shame!

Blogger Sarah
Date Posted June 21st, 2008
Forum [16152 forum discussion]
Length 4:06
Description This is what I woke up to.
Location(s) Rented Cabin at Big Bear Lake
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 sarah jonastko danielbeast wood tools building carpenter hammer nails
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried
Series Producer(s) Amanda Goodfried
Director(s) Marcello Daciano
Camera Kevin Schlanser
Editor(s) Matt Vanselow
Music Supervisor Seth Jacobs
Music Flying Machines - On a Whim
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Gina Crystal Young
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Jennie Melanie Merkosky
Emma Katherine Pawlak
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "4 Girls, 2 Guys"
Next "A Woman's World"
Previous by Sarah "Am I A Criminal?"
Next by Sarah "Things Fall Apart"

Playing With Wood is the four-hundred fourteenth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the fourth video of season three. Playing With Wood is the four-hundred fourteenth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the fourth video of season three.


(Sarah walks into the kitchen and pours herself a cup of coffee. Banging is heard in the background.)

Sarah: Salvation. (walks into the living room) Guess who still snores. (walks out onto the deck) Okay... Morning.

(The camera pans to show Gina hammering pieces of wood together.)

Sarah: So, tell me: is that a red oak or a nice soft maple?

Gina: Pine.

Sarah: Of course! Excellent, excellent choice. What the hell is that girl building?

(Cut to Gina still hammering. Daniel leans over in front of the camera.)

Daniel: Good morning, everyone. Hope you all slept well. Sarah snores. Like a chainsaw. (turns to Gina) Looks great! (whispers to the camera) We should take bets on what she's making.

(A montage is shown of Gina hammering and assembling her project in fast-motion. Cut to Emma and Jennie appearing in front of the camera.)

Jennie: I am about to crush Emma in an epic contest of wit and will. (nods)

(Emma pulls a Boggle box and opens it as Jennie looks over at Gina.)

Jennie: She's still going.

Emma: Alright.

Jennie: What do you got there?

Emma: (showing the Boggle board to the camera) You guys want to help me?

Jennie: Clock's ticking...

(Emma and Jennie leave. Cut back to a montage of Gina. She finally finishes her project - a bench - and Sarah appears)

Sarah: I can't say enough about the craftsmanship. Maybe I underestimated Gina.

(Gina cleans up deck and takes her tools inside.)

Sarah: So strange. And I thought her sister was mental.

(Gina comes back outside with her book, moves the bench to the side of the deck, and sits on it to read her book.)

Sarah: Well-played, Gina. Well-played.


  • This video shows that Gina/Crystal is good at wood-working as she made the bench by hand. She used a hammer, nails, and some pine planking to build the bench, then stained it black using a rag. In fact, Crystal is a builder as it has been her main occupation for three years.[1]
    • Crystal actually had made two benches: she built a test bench prior to the video, then built another one during the filming. Both were signed by the main cast and crew of LG15, and contest was held to give away the benches to fans. The winners, GREENLACEBEAUTY and Laurensav, were announced February 19th, 2008. [2]
  • The montage of Gina assembling the bench is very similar in style to early videos of Bree's.
  • The irony of Sarah's suggestion of 'a nice soft maple' is that maple is generally not soft. [3]
  • Red Oak is also the name of a small town in Iowa.
  • This is the second episode that Jonas does not appear in, even though most of the other main characters do.
  • It would appear that Daniel and Sarah spent the night together, since both complained about the others snoring.
  • Sarah is not the first to complain of Daniel's snoring: A year earlier Bree refered to Daniel's snores in Daniel’s A Liar.
  • The Boggle game appears to have been staged because the cubes are all right side up, except for the Ws, which are up-side-down. The layout is:
  • It was eventually discovered by Greg Gallows that the Boggle board was an anagram for "Craigslist Emma LA". Under the LA missed connections section of Craigslist, a posting by Emma was found, intended for her parents:
Emma is THE best at Boggle - w4m
Date: 2008-02-12, 8:42PM PST said:
Mom and Dad -- Still up at the cabin. Starting to feel better. Miss you guys so much. Need to talk but can't use phone. Can you chat on Thursday, 6:00PM?




As promised, Emma joined chat on February 14th, 6:00 PM. Below are filtered logs that only show lines spoken by characters. For the full log (906 lines), click here.

<emma07>	hi
<emma07>	thanks everybody for meeting me here
<emma07>	i'm okay
<emma07>	i don't feel great
<emma07>	ive been sleeping a lot
<emma07>	do you think my parents got my message?
<Emmas_Mom>	EMMA!!!
<Emmas_Mom>	Emma!
<emma07>	mom?
<Emmas_Mom>	honey yes it's me
<Emmas_Mom>	are you ok?
<Emmas_Mom>	how do you feel?
<emma07>	i'm still really tired
<emma07>	is dad there?
<Emmas_Mom>	yes honey he's here with me now
<emma07>	say hi for me
<emma07>	i miss you guys
<Emmas_Mom>	we MISS you too! big hug
<Emmas_Mom>	how are you feeling? are you ok?
<Emmas_Dad>	Emma it
<emma07>	everybody up at the cabin is being really great
<Emmas_Dad>	it's your dad
<emma07>	jennie's such a good friend
<emma07>	hi dad!!!
<Emmas_Mom>	you need a doctor
<emma07>	i'm so glad you guys got my message
<Emmas_Dad>	hello my darling
<emma07>	jonas say we can't go to a dr
<Emmas_Dad>	jonas is stubborn. do you feel alright?
<Emmas_Mom>	Emma, we were SO scared when we saw your videos
<emma07>	i'm okay. sleepy but i'm getting better i think
<emma07>	i know
<Emmas_Dad>	that monster..
<emma07>	i was so scared
<Emmas_Dad>	I couldn't eat or sleep or think of anything but you
<Emmas_Dad>	trying to rescue you
<Emmas_Dad>	did he hurt you?
<emma07>	yes but i'm okay
<emma07>	i was more afraid than anything
<Emmas_Mom>	emma, we were horrified by those videos
<Emmas_Mom>	thank goodess
<emma07>	i know i know
<Emmas_Mom>	goodness
<Emmas_Mom>	i wish i could hug you
<emma07>	i wish i could hug you guys too
<Emmas_Dad>	we are so glad that you are okay
<Emmas_Mom>	emma, can we come get you?
<Emmas_Mom>	take care of you
<Emmas_Mom>	??
<emma07>	come get me?
<Emmas_Mom>	please we miss you so much
<Emmas_Mom>	yes
<emma07>	no i don't think that's a good idea
<Emmas_Mom>	your father and i think it would be a good idea if you were with us
<Emmas_Mom>	why not?
<emma07>	i shouldn't even be chatting with you guys
<Emmas_Dad>	emma, we are your parents
<emma07>	jonas would kill me
<Emmas_Dad>	we know what's best for you
<Emmas_Dad>	we LOVE you
<Emmas_Dad>	and want to take care you
<emma07>	i don't know if i can trust u guys
<Emmas_Dad>	like we always have
<Emmas_Dad>	what do you mean? 
<emma07>	i love u but i don't know
<Emmas_Mom>	we feel so terrible about what happened before
<Emmas_Mom>	with the serum and everything...
<emma07>	jonas blames you guys for the syrum
<Emmas_Mom>	we were just trying to make you safe
<Emmas_Mom>	he doesn't understand
<emma07>	and i think i blame you too
<Emmas_Mom>	what it's like to see your child suffer
<Emmas_Mom>	what? 
<emma07>	how can i not blame you
<emma07>	i nearly died
<Emmas_Mom>	we've seen the errors... we are so sorry honey
<Emmas_Dad>	we made a mistake
<emma07>	i know you were trying to help me but
<Emmas_Dad>	and we were wrong to trust the hymn... we thought they were a spiritual org
<Emmas_Dad>	exactly emma, we were trying to help you. to save you
<emma07>	you should have listened to jonas
<Emmas_Dad>	we're not with the hymn anymore
<Emmas_Mom>	we didn't understand
<Emmas_Mom>	we thought it was a way to appreciate life and grpw
<Emmas_Mom>	grow
<emma07>	maybe
<emma07>	it's not
<Emmas_Mom>	emma, we love you
<Emmas_Mom>	and miss you
<Emmas_Mom>	i know now that it isn't
<emma07>	how do i know you've actually left the hymn of one
<Emmas_Dad>	we've left the hymn of one. for goood
<Emmas_Dad>	Because we are your parents
<emma07>	i don't know
<Emmas_Dad>	and we are telling the truth
<Emmas_Dad>	I want us to be a family again, like before
<Emmas_Dad>	remember when we first took you in?
<emma07>	how can we be a family again
<emma07>	i want us to be but it feels impossible
<Emmas_Mom>	emma, remember those late night talks over hot chocolate
<Emmas_Mom>	and Gilmore Girl marathons... oh how we laughed!
<emma07>	i remember...
<emma07>	of course i remember
<Emmas_Dad>	and when you fell from that tree, how i scooped you up in my arms and took care of you
<Emmas_Dad>	and nursed you back to health
<Emmas_Dad>	i want to be there for you again
<Emmas_Dad>	we were so happy before all of this
<emma07>	i know
<Emmas_Mom>	let us come get you
<emma07>	i can't
<Emmas_Mom>	please
<Emmas_Mom>	honey
<emma07>	even if i wanted to see you guys
<Emmas_Mom>	please... jonas will understand
<emma07>	i can't leave jonas
<Emmas_Mom>	jonas is a tough kid and he can take care of himself
<emma07>	jonas is my brother
<Emmas_Mom>	he's a survivor
<emma07>	and he risked his life to save me
<Emmas_Mom>	and you have his strenght
<Emmas_Dad>	Jonas will understand
<emma07>	i can't abandon him
<Emmas_Dad>	Emma, you can't keep running
<Emmas_Dad>	an neither can Jonas
<Emmas_Dad>	you're still young and you need stability
<emma07>	i don't want to run anymore
<emma07>	i need to rest
<Emmas_Dad>	You're not abandoning Jonas this is what's best for you
<emma07>	i don't know
<Emmas_Mom>	you can get as much rest as you want with us
<Emmas_Mom>	Emma please let us take cre of you
<Emmas_Mom>	you need rest
<emma07>	i'm just really tired
<Emmas_Dad>	Okay Emma, you get some sleep and think about it
<Emmas_Dad>	But remember how much we LOVE you
<Emmas_Dad>	and MISS YOU
<emma07>	i know
<emma07>	i love you guys too
<Emmas_Dad>	and we can take care you 
<Emmas_Dad>	we love yoU!!
<Emmas_Mom>	we love you
<emma07>	i miss you guys so much
<Emmas_Mom>	You know how to get in touch with Emma
<emma07>	makes me wanna cry
<Emmas_Mom>	please think about this
<emma07>	i'll think about it
<Emmas_Mom>	and contact us when you're ready
<emma07>	okay
<Emmas_Mom>	ok that
<Emmas_Mom>	that's all we ask
<emma07>	i know
<emma07>	goodnight momo
<Emmas_Dad>	Emma think about it 
<emma07>	mom
<emma07>	goodnight dad
<Emmas_Mom>	goodnight honey
<Emmas_Dad>	goodnight darling
<Emmas_Dad>	we love you!