trailer - LG15: The Resistance

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Episode -7
the resistance

They have found their leader.

Blogger Hymn of None
Date Posted August 1st, 2008
Description Our numbers are growing.
Location(s) Zavalla, Santa Monica, A beach in Mexico, Mexico, the world
YouTube Tags the resistance jonastko sarah order join now fight

Lucy Amanda Goodfried
Bree's Watcher Greg Goodfried
Jonas Jackson Davis
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
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the resistance is a trailer for the new series LG15: The Resistance made by the creators of lonelygirl15 set to premier September 20th, 2008.


(Camera shows various shots of people walking and driving in urban areas while a female announcer with a distorted voice speaks.)

Announcer: Control has been stolen from their hands. The sun has risen once more. The journey has begun and the fight is far from over. It is our turn.

(An odd symbol appears on screen. Camera shows shots of individual people. They appear to be dressed as high ranking members of The Order, including some that we recognize from past videos.)

Announcer: Our turn to monitor them, to control them, to manipulate the power they wield and turn it against them. Our numbers are growing strong. Our reach gradually expanding. Our grasp tightening. We are everywhere. We are waiting. We are watching. We have found our leader and he has found his first disciple. (Camera shows a shot of Jonas looking into the camera with an angry expression followed by a shot of Sarah) They don't know it yet, but soon, we will combat our collective enemies head on. We are the resistance. (The voice turns very high pitched) We will not be stopped.

(Title card appears reading "the resistance, september 2008".)
