lonelygirl15 puzzles

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For other series, see Puzzles.
For puzzles relating to the OpAphid ARG, see OpAphid puzzles.
For puzzles relating to the Watchyourjack/Whatweird ARG, see Jumper puzzles.
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This is an index of all the puzzles that have taken place in the lonelygirl15 web series.

Bree Phone Home

Why can't my dad leave normal voicemails like all the other dads...


In Bree Phone Home, Bree calls several of her relatives in hope of finding out what could have happened to her parents. When she dials great uncle Franklin from San Francisco, her call is picked up by an answering machine for Powell's Dry Cleaners. Bree said the phone number aloud as she dialed it: 287-0211. Since Franklin was in San Francisco, a possible area code was (415). Calling 415-287-0211 allows you to listen to the message.

The Puzzle

Powell's Dry Cleaning Message

Hello and thank you for calling Powell's Dry Cleaners. We are open 7 days a week from 9 am until 5 pm. Our current specials are as follows: Dress shirts 3 for $5 with an 8-9 day turn around time. We also offer rush service at a rate of 3 shirts for $12. Please leave a message after the tone and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.

The Solution

When the numbers mentioned in the message are put together (7953589312) and reversed, it yields (213)-985-3597, a phone number which leads to a voice message from Bree's father. This is the message heard after dialing (213) 985-3597.

Bree, it's your father. If you are listening to this message, you managed to crack my code. Your mother and I are safe but I need to talk to you alone. Confirm that you got this by sending me a secret message back. I'll meet you one week after that at the place where we used to talk about Feynman and Jared Diamond. I know you're confused right now. But all will make sense after we talk. I'll see you soon sweetie.

Richard Feynman is a famous physicist for whom Bree has great admiration. She quoted him in her blog Daniel Returns, and More Interesting Factoids (Yay!), in which she tells a story from his book Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman.

Bree also quotes Jared Diamond' Guns, Germs and Steel in the The Tolstoy Principle (and Dad "talks" to Daniel).

These readings have been assumed to be part of Bree's homeschooling, and her dad is referring to a place where they worked on her studies.

Mystery Movies


When Bree hears the answering machine's message for Powell's Dry Cleaners, Bree makes the video Mystery Movies, and names the movies she watched that day

The Puzzle

Bree names the following movies Citizen Kane, Usual Suspects, Sneakers, Out of Sight, Ocean's Eleven, Never Say Never Again.

The Solution

The first letter of the titles of these movies spell out "CUSOON", as in "See you soon."

  • Citizen Kane
  • Usual Suspects
  • Sneakers
  • Out of Sight
  • Ocean's Eleven
  • Never Say Never Again

This is her response to her dad's message.

Miss Me?


In Miss Me? very faint symbols that flash momentarily during the video in different corners of the screen. The symbols are braille, although the resolution is poor and the contrast in the video needs to be increased in order to see them properly.

The Puzzle

Below are the symbols from the video and the Braille equivalent

First flash

  • Lower left corner at 0:04

Braille 1 HARD.gif

Second flash

  • Upper left corner at 0:19

Braille 2 AND LIFE.gif

Third flash

  • Lower right corner at :33

Braille 3 HEINZ.gif

Fourth flash

  • Upper right corner at 0:45

Braille 4 SQUARE.gif

Fifth flash

  • Lower left corner at :58

Braille 5 MILE.gif

Sixth flash

  • Upper left corner at 1:15

Braille 6 RIP STEPHEN.gif

Seventh flash

  • Upper right corner at 1:27

Braille 7 ASMODAI.gif

The Solution

First flash: Anagrams to "HARD".
Second flash: Anagrams to "AND LIFE".
Third flash: Anagrams to "HEINZ".
Fourth flash: Anagrams to "SQUARE".
Fifth flash: Anagrams to "MILE".
Sixth flash: Anagrams to "RIP STEPHEN".
Seventh flash: Anagrams to "ASMODAI".


They each have some number associated with them.

  • HARD = Hard Eight, a movie. (8)
  • AND LIFE = A song by Skid Row, called 18 and Life (18)
  • HEINZ = The Ketchup (57)
  • SQUARE = 4 Square, the children's game. (4)
  • MILE = 8 mile, the movie. (8)
  • RIP STEPHEN = St. Stephen, who died in the year 34 AD. (34) (Note: Many have also suspect RIP Stephen is also in reference to Bree's dad, whose name is unknown to viewers.)
  • ASMODAI = The demon of lust, the seventh sin. (7)

The number is: (818)-574-8347
This number leads to Daniel's voicemail message

Daniel said:
"Hey, this is Daniel. Leave a message if you want to, but I only call back girls who do ceremonies. (In a whisper) Bree, do the ceremony."

Tachyon's encoded disk and password


In the video Jonas Sucks Daniel finds a set of Nancy Drew books and a note from Tachyon. Daniel suspects the package contains a clue to the password of encrypted disk Tachyon had left Bree. This is supported by the fact that the file is named "semiotics". Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols, both individually and grouped in sign systems. It can represent a methodology for the analysis of texts regardless of how the information is to be encoded for presentation to humans. For these purposes, "text" is any message preserved in a form whose existence is independent of both sender and receiver suggesting the password to the file already existed in what Tachyon sent Daniel.

Daniel posted a link to the file, http://tinyurl.com/33s4w2. The file has been uploaded here. It is a password-protected .rar file named "53454d494f54494353.rar", which is hex for "SEMIOTICS".

The Puzzle

The package contained five books from the Nancy Drew series, including

  • No. 1 The Secret of the Old Clock
  • No. 7 The Clue in the Diary
  • No. 10 Password to Larkspur Lane
  • No. 19 The Quest of the Missing Map
  • No. 52 The Secret of the Forgotten City

The Nancy Drew series was created by Edward Stratemeyer, founder of the Stratemeyer Syndicate, which continued the series after his death.

Tachyon's note left with the books reads

  Where it all started
the answer is before you
  a subtle clue I Drew

The Solution

The note from Tachyon pointed to "where it all started" and capitalized "Drew" in "a subtle clue I Drew". This led to the first part of the password, which was "stratemeyer" because the Nancy Drew series was started by him. Stratemeyer is an 11-letter word-equal to the number of x's in the upper-left corner of the note.

When Daniel read the note aloud, he mentioned that it was a haiku - a short poem with five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five in the third. Tachyon's note however actually had 5, 7, and 6 syllables. These numbers, "576" were the second part of the password. They are 3 numbers which corresponds to the 3 y's in the note.

Password (case sensitive): stratemeyer576

The disk contained two images and a text file. These contents are explained in detail at Bree's disk.

The TCC Messages


The letters TCC appeared in code at the end of many Hymn of One videos. Taylor and other forum members theorized conversation it was some sort of sign-off, possibly someone's initials, or the name of an organization.

The Puzzle

There are 5 videos with a secret message and the TTC signature hidden in code Sing With Me, Be Part of Something, FOLLOW YOUR HAPPINESS, Look Back and Sing Until The End.

The Solution

Sing With Me

The first letter of every sentence in the video spells out "HELP HER FRIDAY TCC."

Be Part of Something

A continuation of the previous message from Sing With Me, the first letter of every line in the video spells "BENEATH THE BLUESTONE" This video is the only Hymn of One video without a TCC signature.

(The two messages allowed Daniel, Jonas, and Sarah to find and rescue Bree in the video Getting Her Back.)


The word "Follow" in the title suggests to look after the words Your Happiness. All the words in the video that come after "your happiness" make up the message "My Hands Are Tied. She's Being Prepared. I'm Sorry." The signature comes from the first letter of the last three lines in the video and spell TCC.

Look Back

All the words said before "look back" spell the message "Friday Early Low Tide Yacht Club Parents Slip". The signature comes from the first letter of the last three lines in the video and spell TCC.
This message led Daniel and Sarah to the slip where Jonas's parents docked their yacht.

Sing Until The End

The last word of every sentence in the video spells the message "Road Block. I Am Coming To You. Everyone Must Be Careful. Order Everywhere. Stop Questions. Answers May Be Too Difficult For You." The signature comes from the first letter of the last three lines in the video and spell TCC.

It was confirmed in Mission Possible that TCC means "The Clarion Call" and is actually Alex. In literature, the clarion call is a point in the plot where a character receives clear justification or incentive for his or her actions in the future of the plot. It is still unclear exactly how this ties into the story however, when Daniel asked Alex what the clarion call meant, she suggested that he ask Sarah.

Other Theories

Time Correction Coefficient:

The Time Correction Coefficient has to do with calculating the handicap of a particular sailboat when racing. Boats of different sizes and weights will naturally sail at different speeds, so a handicap is used for some races so that each boat has the same chance at winning. Thread discussion here.

Topanga Canyon, California:

Topanga Canyon has been featured in several videos, including The Ceremony video and Nikki Bower's LG15 in Topanga Canyon - NBR 1 and What I Found at Topanga Canyon - NBR 2.

T Cell Cloning:

Users on the forum googled "Bluestone" and "TCC" together and found several papers written by Dr. J. A. Bluestone about T Cell Cloning. Thread discussion here.

Tachyon Can't Come:

A popular joke interpretation involves Tachyon, a character from the recent ARG OpAPHID.

Deep Throat:

This video brought the possibility that either Jonas's Aunt Alex or Beth (the reporter at the party) could be the mysterious TCC.



Daniel finds a note inside P.monkey and posts it on the forum. It is from Bree's Dad to Bree.

The puzzle

The note from inside P. Monkey.

The Solution

Using the number of the syllables of each line (except for "Love, Dad"), look up the elements with the same atomic numbers on the Periodic Table. Line 1: 6 syllables : Carbon
Line 2: 13 syllables : Aluminium
Line 3: 25 syllables : Manganese
Line 4: 15 syllables : Phosphorus
Line 5: 15 syllables : Phosphorus
Line 6: 3 syllables : Lithum
Line 7: 13 syllables : Aluminium
Line 8: 39 syllables : Yttrium

Full solution [1]

This leads Daniel and Jonas to the camping site where Bree did her play

Season One Finale

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LaRezisto Puzzles

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Ted McKinley Memo

The Ted McKinley Memo is the memo obtained from Ted McKinley's apartment in Am I A Criminal?, and later given to fans at the San Francisco Live Event. After the live event, a pdf version of the memo went up on inside LG15.

The Memo


It has been theorized by Jonas and Daniel that there is a code in the memo that, if cracked, reveals the location of the Ceremony or other important clues. If one views the metadata of the file, one can see that part of the original filename was "memo_code" - as such, there is a high likelyhood there is indeed a code hidden in this memo. Clues so far include:

  • Underlined phrase the date
  • Italicized phrase name of war
  • The memo is in reply to a letter from October 26th, 2007

With the help of Taylor on the forums, one of the solutions to the Memo was revealed that Olivier Henry was merely a psuedonym for William Sydney Porter. William Porter was the real name of the popular author O. Henry, who wrote such great works as The Gift of the Magi as well as The Clarion Call. The full solution can be seen viewed here [2]

Other Theories

From Annie

Theory "The World War I naval Battle of Coronel took place on 1 November 1914 off the coast of central Chile near the city of Coronel. German Kaiserliche Marine forces led by Vice-Admiral Graf Maximilian von Spee met and defeated a Royal Navy squadron commanded by Rear-Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock. This was Britain's first naval defeat since the Battle of Lake Champlain in the War of 1812 and the first of a British naval squadron since the Battle of Grand Port in 1810." wikipedia

November 1, 1914 fought off the western coast of chile in the pacific...

"Even in failure we must celebrate the DATE" November 1, 1914 was the very start or early battles faced in World War 1 that the British Army lost to Germany... Britain is our ally, so their loss is our loss essentially...

November 1, 1914 whatever day this is, will be the same day as the ceremony...

As far as locations go, i'm still doing research, but this date has got to be the key connection to finding locations and date... Type the battle of corronell it will have a connection to the war of 1812 and everything else such as battles and dates from 10 26, 1861-1914.

Ill keep you posted feel free to edit at will...

From FfejNS

Theory about "the first name of war": Mars was the Roman God of war, which the month of March was named after. Could this mean "the first of March" ?