Gemma? (Part II)

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(Note that the correct title of this video contains square brackets, but technical restrictions make it impossible to name the page properly.)

Gemma? [Part II] is the ninth video in the Tachyon video series, a component of the OpAphid game.


(This video starts off showing an apartment complex. Then, a clip of Gemma's Bad Decisions video sped up. Next, we see Gemma and Lucy entering a car. As they drive off, the camera focuses on a palm tree and zooms in.)

Text: But wait, there's more.


  • Ths video footage of Gemma with Lucy implies that she has been working for the Order the whole time while pretending to be Bree's friend. There had been some speculation that this was so, but there was little proof until this video.
  • When this video was reposted on Gemma's YouTube account, it included new text at the end. After "but wait, there's more." it said "Investigate the Order" "Fight OpAphid" and had a brief advertisement for the Web site " Explore the Breeniverse"