The Serum

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Episode 0239/1x239
The Serum

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Blogger Spencer
Date Posted July 25th, 2007
Forum [12604 forum discussion]
Length 3:30
Description We have the blood, time to experiment.
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 bree daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko spencer taylor lalabrat soccerstar4ever
Music "Sideways" by Antiguru
Spencer Maxwell Glick
Taylor Becki Kregoski
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Proceed with Caution"
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Previous by Spencer "Mission Possible"

The Serum is the two-hundred thirty-ninth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. The Serum is the two hundred thirty-ninth video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(Musical montage of the lab and the process)

Spencer: (Pops out from the side of the camera) Welcome to our makeshift lab. It's our little refugee away from The Order. We're trying to create a serum to help Bree using the blood sample Daniel got last week. This place actually belongs to my friend Ire Cronanburg...Well actually it's his dad's, um, they're going to turn this into an office building. You know what it use to be? (Turns to Taylor, who has been working in the background) Tell 'em, Taylor.

Taylor: A morgue.

Spencer: (Sniffs the air) Do I smell rotting flesh?

(Taylor rolls her eyes in the background)

(Musical montage of the lab and the process)

Taylor: (Frustrated) Spencer, it's not working. It's still white.

Spencer: (VO) Uhm...Might've done something wrong. It's okay. (Cut shot of Spencer) Quick refresher, zinc oxide is thermochromic, so in it's crystalline form, when heated, it goes from white to yellow and then back to white again once cooled down. So it should be yellow by now.

Taylor: Maybe I grinded up the wrong sample.

(Spencer dipped his finger in the powder)

Spencer: (VO) You idiot!

Taylor: (Worried) What? What did I do?

Spencer: (VO) I'm just kidding. It's calcium, no big deal. (Laughs)

(Cut shot to Spencer talking directly to the camera)

Spencer: It's strange, trying to save someone you've never met.

(Cut shot to Taylor)

Spencer: (VO) Taylor, tell me a little bit more about Bree. I mean, what was she like?

Taylor: (Contemplates for a moment and smirks) I-I don't know. I mean, I wish I knew her better. They were in Texas for, like, a week, but we spent maybe an afternoon with them. She was really nice.

Spencer: That's it?

Taylor: (Sighs) Well, Daniel and Jonas obviously care a lot about her, so there has to be something that's special about her that they're willing to scarifies so much for.

(Camera pans to Spencer)

Spencer: Yea, my dad too. Man, I hope what we're doing here works.

(Cut shot to Taylor, who is now holding the camera)

Taylor: Spencer took over for me for a minute because he felt like I wasn't using all the necessary safety precautions. (Rolls her eyes) He's getting a little bit paranoid.

Spencer: (Looking into a microscope) Hey, I'm not the only person here who's paranoid. After last night, we all should be on our toes.

Taylor: (VO) Yea, Alex's video creeped us all out.

Spencer: (Looking around) What was that?

Taylor: What was what?

Spencer: That sound. (Gets up from the stool)

Taylor: (Whispers) What?

Spencer: (Puts his ear to the door) Maybe it's a Watcher. (Holds in his laughter)

Taylor: That is not even funny, Spencer.

Spencer: Seriously, I'm not paranoid. Paranoia is when you think you're being followed when you're not. We on the other hand are legitimately being followed.

Taylor: Okay. So if we're not paranoid, what are we?

Spencer: Surviving?

Taylor: (quietly) That's deep, Spence.
