They Belong With Us

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Episode 324/2x068
They Belong With Us

Home, to the Hymn of One.

Blogger Chris
Date Posted October 17th, 2007
Forum [14557 forum discussion]
Length 1:54
Description I saw your video and needed to respond. You kids should look at this from the proper perspective.
Location(s) The brick wall
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 jonas jonastko daniel danielbeast soccerstar hymnonfone
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried
Series Producer(s) Amanda Goodfried
Supervising Producer(s) Mary Feuer
Production Manager Greg Goodfried
Director(s) Marcello Daciano
Camera Kevin Schlanser
Vidplay Mary Feuer
Story Mary Feuer, Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, Greg Goodfried, Marcello Daciano, and Jan Libby
Editor(s) Kevin Schlanser
Music Supervisor Seth Jacobs
Chris Steve Shaheen
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "They Beat Her!!!"
Next "A Woman's Touch"
Previous by Chris "Nothing More, Nothing Less"
Directly after "Claire's Hideout - NBR Investigates"

They Belong With Us is the three-hundred twenty-fourth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the sixty-eighth video of season two. They Belong With Us is the three-hundred twenty-fourth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the sixty-eighth video of season two.


(Chris sits in front of the camera with a brick wall behind him.)

Chris: Well, Sonia, Jonas, Daniel, and Sarah. I'm genuinely not one for spending much time on the internet. I just don't get this modern desire that you kids have to make everything, well, so public. But Carl showed me the video that you posted today and thought it was necessary to respond in kind. To make sure that I'm not, well, misunderstood. You wondered why we let Sonia go. The answer's simple. See, we felt she was best served as a warning to all of you. A warning as to how far we'll go to defend our own principles. Now, that's not to say we're about retribution. No, that's not how the Hymn of One teaches our lessons. It's also not to say we're not shy about using force...when necessary. The permanent harm done to Sonia would not have benefited the Hymn. Until such time as it does, well, she's safe... As are the rest of you. I wish I could say the same for that baby you think you rescued. Or Emma. What you don't seem to understand with all your obsessive theorizing about secret Orders and blood-sucking old men, is that these girls need the kind of life that only we can provide them. They're essential notes in the Hymn, and they belong here with us. The universe knows this and will bring them back to us. We'll have Emma soon. We'll lead her home. Home, to the Hymn of One.


  • This is the first appearance of Chris in a video in over 4 months, since It's A Cult (June 1, 2007).