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HSAO Video 1-05

Hsaovideoimage Memo.jpg
That's knot funny.

Blogger Ms. Kelly
Date Posted October 23rd, 2006
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Memo is the fifth video put up by Ms. Kelly of The Homeschoolers Aggregate.


(Revolving planet, caption: HSA Memo: A Tangled Web)

Background colour turns to violet, text is white. "a memorandum"
"trust and loyalty"

Background colour turns to rust, text remains white. "At HSA, we must focus on the importance of trust."

Background colour returns to violet, text remains white. "Trust your elders, trust your family, trust in tradition."
"Lies have no place here."

Background colour turns to forest green, text remains white. "But you already knew that, didn't you?"
"You must trust in time-honored practices."

Background colour turns to brown, text remains white. "You know that, too."

Background colour returns to violet, text remains white. "Lies only complicate the picture."

Background colour turns to navy, text remains white. "They make us forget what is true and necessary."
"When we wipe away the filth of lies with honesty, life is cleaner, smoother, more comfortable."

Background colour returns to forest green, text remains white. "We want you to be comfortable."

Background colour turns to black, text remains white. "We appreciate questions."

Background colour turns to grey, text turns to white. "But only if they are helpful."

Background colour turns to red, text returns to white. "No one needs all the answers."
"Not now, anyway."

Background colour returns to violet, text remains white. "Ms. Kelly knows you."
"She wants you to be careful."

Background colour returns to rust, text remains white. "She wants you to trust in that which is right."

Background colour returns to forest green, text remains white. "We do not pretend to see all, but we know more than you think."
"Important memo-
"Re: a fun cobweb leer"

Background colour returnst to red, text remains white. "Homeschoolers Aggregate Online"

(Revolving planet, caption: HSA Memo: A Tangled Web)

Background colour returns to red, text returns to white. "Remember your lessons about truth, now."
"Lies never come out clean."