Mmm Beer!

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Episode 461/3x051
Mmm Beer!

461 Daniels-gr-face.jpg
They don't call me "crazy eyes" for nothing!

Blogger Daniel
Date Posted April 16th, 2008
Forum [17089 forum discussion]
Length 1:52
Description Some guy in London has seen the coat-of-arms! Someone's going to England.
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 bree danielbeast jonastko hymn of one sarah
Music "Won't Do" by J. Dilla
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Jonas Jackson Davis
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Adios Amigos"
Next "Beach Party"
Previous by Daniel "Shop of Horrors!!!"

Mmm Beer! is the four-hundred sixty-first video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the fifty-first video of season three.


(Daniel and Jonas clink beer bottles)

Jonas: Okay. We have some good news. (Daniel laughs) No! That's--Mm, that's not the word. (giggles) We have some incredible news.

Daniel: That's right. We do! And we're celebrating! Yarg!

Jonas: Yeah. Some guy, called Steve, from London, (sniff) has seen the coat of arms. Yarg!

(Daniel and Jonas laugh and clink bottles.)

Daniel: Ah. And don't worry; I'm only going to have the one for old time's sake. (clinks bottle with camera) Cool?

Jonas: (Laughs.) Okay. Not me. More beer! Hey! (Snaps his fingers.) Hey!

Daniel: Aw. You missed him, man. You missed him.

Jonas: Aw. Anyway, doesn't matter. So this Steve guy, he saw an older man wearing it at the Hymn of One headquarters in... London.

Daniel: Mmhmm.

Jonas: Yeah. And, not only that, he saw the same guy coming out of the, uh, Museum of Childhood once. Come on.

Daniel: So creepy. And English.

Jonas: (Laughs.) Yeah.

Daniel: Right? It is.

Jonas: Yeah. Tell me about it. And he had a conversation with him afterwards about... antique puppets.

Daniel: So Steve posted a video on his Bebo page. Turns out he went back to the museum. I don't know; I just feel like he ought to know about this stuff. I mean, this guy was in the Hymn of One, wasn't he?

Jonas: (Laughs.) Yeah, before he had a life. But, no. He seems like a nice guy. For a Brit. (Jonas and Daniel laugh.) Cheers!

Daniel: Cheers. Ah. He couldn't film inside, but a Lord Carruthers had signed in to see a marionette doll shaped like a skeleton. Turns out, it belongs to Aleister Crowley. So one of us is going to London.

Jonas: Yeah.

Together: I'll go.

Jonas: What?

Daniel: What?

Jonas: Well, why you?

Daniel: Why me? Bree was my best friend. Why you?

Jonas: 'Cause we were totally into each other, man.

Daniel: So what, man? Who cares if you two hooked up?

Jonas: Look- What makes you think you can go to London alone?

Daniel: Well, what's that suppose to mean?

Jonas: Look, I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry, that-that came out wrong. You know, forget about- You know, we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out! Let's just have some fun for a few days, okay?

Daniel: All right, man, I'll drink to that.

(Daniel sets the camera down on the table and picks up his beer bottle.)

Jonas: Whoa-ho-ho! Go! Go! Go! Go! (Laughs.)

(Daniel slams his empty beer bottle on the table and leans down to the camera.)

Daniel: Yarg!

Jonas: (Laughs.) Nice!


  • This is Daniel's first on-screen beer since Running For Life, over one year ago.
  • Daniel and Jonas do not tell us what Gina, Sarah, or Jennie will be doing while the boys are out of the country.