Maya Kramer

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Maya Kramer


Character: Marla
Background information
Age 39
Birthday February 1st, 1985
MySpace thefistofgod
Bebo thefistofgod
YouTube thefistofgod
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Maya Kramer filmography

Maya Kramer is the actress who plays Marla in the Maddison Atkins ARG. She hails from Montreal, Canada where she is completing a degree in broadcast journalism at Concordia University. Her interest in ARGs was developed after stumbling across Lonelygirl15 and Operation Aphid in late 2006. Wanting to become more involved and educated about the world of ARGs, she easily immersed herself in the world of Maddison Atkins during its first appearance in April of 2007. After participating in Maddison Atkins Chapter 1, Maya had the opportunity to become more involved as a member of the team during Chapter 2. With a few months and some free time to spare, Maya has moved to Nacogdoches for many reasons - among them the opportunity to contribute as much as she can to the projects of Jeromy Barber's 12thstreethouse. She has confidence in the potential success of ARGs as a new medium for story-telling and interaction.

Maya is a hobbyist graphic artist and webdesigner. She is also dedicated to ancient Hawaiian studies and travels to the islands to study twice a year. In addition to journalism, Maya has an educational background in both Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Maya also portrays Miep Gies in LonelyJew15.

Maya was present along with Traveler1 for the Lonelygirl 15 Season 1 Finale live event, although did not appear in any videos due to some communication errors. She did keep the irc room updated on what she found, and witnessed danielbeast at the Santa Monica Statue by the pier.

External links

Maddison Atkins Cast & Crew
Main Cast Faye Austin · April Rickman · Maya Kramer · Brad Maule · Jason Zednick
Crew Jeromy Barber · Vicki Tippit · Jen Redner · Jess Purviance · Caitlin Conway · Miranda Witherspoon · Glenn Rubenstein
Other Actors Adam Lamar · Jason McRoberts · Andrew Nicholson · Brian "B-Mac" Christopher · Steven Molanders · Cameos