You Were Right

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Episode JAC9
You Were Right

Jack... meet Paladin

Blogger Jack
Date Posted January 18th, 2008
Length 0:53
Description He's back and I don't know what to do. I need help...
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 bree daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko
Jack Unknown
Paladin Unknown
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You Were Right is Jack's ninth video.


Jack (under covers): I just did something stupid. I can't talk about it, but... Look, I have to do this fast. Someone who was injured in my brother's robbery came forward. He's going to go to jail for a long time. I have to get him out, even if it means breaking the law. You guys on whatweird were right. The guy who's been following me, he came back. I think he's a Paladin. That's what you guys said he was called, right? Which means, he wants to kill me.

(camera angle changes to look outside the window; a man in shades and trenchcoat is seen pacing, with a baton-like object in his hand)

Jack (off-camera): There he is. He's been there since it got dark. I gotta get out of here.

(camera shifts back to Jack)

Jack (under covers): I don't know what I'm going to do but, I'll try and check in once I figure everything out. Bye.


  • This is the first video Jack has posted that has video tags that have anything to do with lg15, and the respective characters
  • This is the first video Jack has posted that has shown anywhere outside of his bedroom