Jess's Hymn of One Audition

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Paulmark18 8
Jess's Hymn of One Audition

Jess HoO Audition.jpg
I will always love you.

Blogger Paulmark18
Date Posted June 5th, 2007
Description On May 31 our friend Jess attended the Hymn of One recruitment seminar. After the event, she begged and begged and managed to get them to teach her the actual 'Hymn of One' song. Following this, Jess reports as part of her audition process they then had her sing it to make sure her inner song was able to commune properly with the universe or whatever their crazy cult lingo was. Here's her footage of what happened next.
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 danielbeast paul andrea jess hymn of one audition sing love chrestomathy

Voice Unknown
Jess Unknown
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Jess's Hymn of One Audition is the eighth video in the Paul and Andrea video series.


Male Voice: You gotta pick a color, see?

Jess: Red.

Male Voice: Okay...

Jess: Ahh, red. Like that one of...

Male Voice: You picked a blue one out and it messed us up and then you set it down. Let's go with the red. I think the red really looks good with what you're wearing and everything.

Jess: I'd like to dedicate this to all the strangers in the audience. And I've had eleven years singing experience, so enjoy. (Clears throat.)

(Sings I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston. She then becomes very upset and drops the microphone and walks off the set in tears.)


  • This is the first Paulmark18 episode to feature neither Paul nor Andrea.