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Episode 79/1x079
5:00 PM

Sarah was a bitch from the beginning.

Blogger Daniel
Date Posted December 12th, 2008
URL youtube.com
Forum forum discussion
Length 2:36
Description There is no cure. Only deceit.
YouTube Tags lg15 resistance lonelygirl15 day of atonement 12x12 12 in twelve amateur casteneda hymn one none cult blood
Music "Whatever" by Casteneda
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Bree Jessica Lee Rose
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Reed Brett Ryback
Maggie Marnette Patterson
Jonas Jackson Davis
Beaumont Reed Windle
Mitch Mitchell Wright
Contact Axel Bierstedt
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "4:00 PM"
Next "6:00 PM"
Previous by Daniel "1:00 PM"

5:00 PM is the seventy-ninth blog in the LG15: The Resistance blog series. It is part eleven of the Day of Atonement.


Daniel: I swore I wasn't gonna do this. I stopped coming to the site, I made a point to keep my distance, but-- You know what? Let me start from the beginning. For those of you who don't know who I am, I'm Daniel. I was here from the beginning. (Cut to a clip of Bree.) Bree? lonelygirl15? She was my best friend. And I watched her die. After that, I stuck around; I got more involved. And then I left. And when I left, I did some things; abandoned Sarah. I left her to the Order. I left because that's not what I supposed to be doing; it's not what anybody should be doing.

Sarah... she's not an honest person. She's never been honest, from day one. In the end, sh- I mean, she showed her true colors. There's nothing more I can say about that. She is who she is, and I knew it. I knew there was more to her betrayals and her lies.

I got an email from the Hymn of None, a-a couple hours ago. It said that I should watch the videos; that I would see it all so clearly.

It all makes sense when you go back to the beginning. (Cut to clips of Sarah.) Who's the one that discovers LBL? Sarah. Who's the one that magically shows up and saves Jonas? Sarah. So I get suspicious, right?

(Cut back to Daniel.)

So I do some digging. (Cut to views of webcams.) And there's webcams all over Chicago, including this one. (Cut to a video of Sarah during the filming of Mace in Yo Face!. Sarah ducks behind the SUV and yells instructions at the LBL employees.) There! See? Why doesn't he grab her? (Cut back to Daniel.) Because she planned it. (Cut to Sarah from 1-800-I-CAN-REED.) The the community helps make a translation key for the Samsaran Doctrine. And what does she immediately find? The cure!

(Cut to clips of Sarah flirting with Reed.) And then there's Reed. Sarah knows how to manipulate men. And as much as I hate to say it, Reed is nothing more than Daniel 2.0. No offense meant to Reed; I mean, hey, she did it to me, too. But let me ask you this. (Cut to clips of Maggie.) Why is she so distrustful of Maggie? I'll tell you why. Because Sarah was worried that Maggie would figure out that it was her in that SUV on that day! That day she murdered Beaumont.

Who had to make sure they went to Boston? And wasn't it convenient that she had to go in the bathroom alone? Mitch found that footage. He saw the guy following Sarah and thought she was in danger the whole time. But it's simpler than that. That guy was another of her hired stooges helping her execute her so-called master plan.

So look, Jonas, Reed, Maggie, everybody, I- I thought I could help. There's just not enough time. That's a big surprise, right? Daniel late to the party one more time. I don't know what I can do. I'm sorry.


  • This is the first time that Daniel made an appearance in the series