It's A Cult

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Episode 0203/1x203
It's A Cult

Can we get something to eat after this, cause I'm starving.

Blogger Jonas
Date Posted June 1st, 2007
Forum [10837 forum discussion]
Length 4:26
Description Daniel, Sarah and I, went to the location in The Hymn of One message. From there, we found the location for the seminar.
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 bree daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko sarah hymn of one
Jonas Jackson Davis
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Carl Craig Coyne
Sonia Raegan Payne
Chris ?
Barb ?
Participant1 VoyBoy
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Entertaining Myself"
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Previous by Jonas "Opening the Box"

It's A Cult is the two-hundred third video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It's a Cult is the two hundred and third video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(A man who appears to be a Watcher stands in a park, in the distance. During Jonas's next line, several people walk up to the man and are given a flyer.)

Jonas: OK, so here's the deal. Last week, you know, Bree made these videos looking for new recruits. Then all of a sudden, this survey shows up on the Hymn of One website, people fill it out, and then the chosen few get these invitations to show up to "audition" to be a part of this freak group. And now we're in this park, with this guy in a black suit, handing out invitations. Weird.

(Cut to shot of an invitation that says "Welcome Brothers and Sisters to The Hymn of One New Recruit Seminar -- Are You Ready to Sing Your Eternal Song?) Alright, so this is what the invitation looks like. It was given to us by someone here at the park and, uh, it gives the address of where the seminar is gonna be. So, guess what, we're on our way there right now.

(Cut to Jonas, Daniel, and Sarah hiding behind a tree. In front of them is a parking lot of a hotel.)

Daniel: It's a very exciting day. We're waiting for the Hymn of One's new recruits to enter the hotel for their big seminar. Hey, and we kinda hope Bree might show, since she's in all of the new recruits videos.

Jonas: Yeah, I'm sure she'll be here to tell all the newbies how great her life is now she's with the H of O.

Sarah: Can we get something to eat after this? 'Cause I'm starving.

Jonas: (whispering) Maybe, maybe. (indicates toward the parking lot) That's Carl and Sonia, right?

(Cut to Carl and Sonia, dressed in white, walking toward the hotel. They are followed by another couple, also in white.)

Jonas: Look!

Daniel: Yeah.

Sarah: They're weird lookin'.

Daniel: Hey, and their "merry friends." Do you know who that is?

Sarah: No.

Jonas: No idea.

(Cut to Sarah and Daniel frantically running back from the hotel to the tree.)

Jonas: C'mere, c'mere! What'd you guys find, what'd you find? (Sarah breathes heavily, and looks pointedly toward the camera) What'd you find??

Daniel: We were so close, we didn't get spotted by the Hymn of One crew. They might have seen Sarah.

Sarah: They didn't see me.

Jonas: Are you sure?

Sarah: They didn't see me.

Jonas: Are you sure?

Sarah: I'm positive, they didn't see me!

Jonas: So they're definitely here?

Daniel and Sarah: Yeah.

Jonas: This is great.

(Cut to some time later)

Sarah: This is getting ridiculous, I mean, how long does it take to sing a song?

Jonas: Dude, do you think, do you think that maybe, like, they exit out of a different place that has another door?

Daniel: I hope not.

Jonas: Are you sure you didn't get seen, Sarah?

Sarah: Are you sure--

Jonas: Are you sure you didn't get seen?

Sarah: No!



  • This video marks the first appearance of actual Lonelygirl15 fans in a video.
  • Lonelygirl15 fan Voyboy appears in this video, as the seminar participant who claims to have filmed inside the seminar. It is unknown whether he was given orange slurpees in return for this work. He was able to meet Yousef, Jackson, and Alexandra.