Community Appreciation Week

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After the finale of Season 2 of Lonelygirl15 in January 2008, hosted a "Community Appreciation Week" (February 4-8, 2008) to showcase some of the best videos created by the lg15 community.

The Winners

Best Advice to a Character Video

Best Comedy Video (3 winners)

Best Video from an Independent Series (2 winners)

Best Music Video (2 winners)

Best Spin Off Videos (3 winners)

The Rules

The rules and categories were announced on InsideLG15, CAW Announcement (InsideLG15, Jan. 28, 2008)]:

"Season 3 of lonelygirl15 will debut on Monday, February 11. What’s a lonelyaddict supposed to do for two weeks?! As addicts ourselves, we couldn’t leave you for that long without your weekly fix....

During the week of February 4-8, we are celebrating your creations during Community Appreciation Week. Each day, the main player will feature one of the following categories:

Best Advice to a Character Video Best Comedy Video Best Video from an Independent Series Best Music Video Best Video from a a Spin-off Series

The LG15 Team will choose 1-3 of the best videos within each category. We want your input! Beginning tomorrow, we will feature one category each day and ask for your nominations. Start thinking about it tonight and return tomorrow to post your votes.

You can use the comment boards, forum, and chat room to campaign the community.

To be eligible, a video must be posted as a response video on by Saturday, February 2."