LG15: The Misfits - Pilot

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Episode 1
LG15: The Misfits - Pilot

They didn't even try to hide it

Blogger Taylor
Date Posted January 12th, 2009
URL youtube.com
Description ...
YouTube Tags lg15 lg15tsiy lonelygirl15 the-misfits misfits
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Jenni Powell and Logan Rapp
Producer(s) Jenni Powell
Director(s) Jenni Powell
Vidplay Logan Rapp
Story Logan Rapp
Taylor Becki Kregoski
Spencer Maxwell Glick
Linc Logan Rapp
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Previous by Taylor "5:00 PM"

LG15: The Misfits - Pilot is the first and last video in the LG15: The Misfits video series.


(Shot of a soccer ball on a field. Taylor walks up to it. Cut to montage of Taylor playing with the ball. Cut to Taylor looking down at the camera, the sky in the background.)

Taylor: I can't remember the last time I was on a soccer field. Spending so much time on something you think really matters, and then, reality happens. Mom and I have been hiding ever since dad and Sarah... You know, I don't think I can really talk about that yet.

(Cut to Taylor standing up holding the soccer ball.)

Taylor: Mom doesn't know I'm posting this. For some reason, I don't think she'd approve.

(Cut back to Taylor looking down at the camera.)

Taylor: Filming anything from our tiny house is probably a bad idea, plus... it gives me an excuse to be out here. You know, it reminds me of home... which I will never see again. We have an emergency line in case someone we trust needs to get ahold of us. Daniel called me. He showed me what happened to Jonas and who was behind it.

(Cut to Taylor standing up holding the soccer ball.)

Taylor: Then he told me to stay where I was because it was "too dangerous" for me.

(Cut back to Taylor looking down at the camera.)

Taylor: Daniel, I'm not a child anymore. I can do plenty of damage to the Order on my own. I can't stay here anymore... I mean, it's Jonas, he's... he needs all the help he can get.

(Cut to Taylor kicking the soccer ball down a hill. Cut to Taylor in a different outfit walking down a sidewalk next to a gate.)

Taylor: So I've been looking for anyone the Order might be after besides, well, us. And I found someone. Verdus Labs has a list of people their security's supposed to capture if they see them. They didn't even try to hide it. The one I found -- he used to work for the Order, up until around the time Bree went on the run. Get this -- he had a hit put out on him. Almost the same way Michelle Clore had a hit put out on some of us. They say he killed an Elder. And as soon as my ride gets here, I can try and find him. You know, he's always late. Ah, there he is!

(Spencer pulls up in a car.)

Taylor: You are so late!

Spencer: I know, I know! Just get in.

(Taylor approaches Spencer's car.)

Taylor: I mean, I haven't seen you in forever, and you're just late, like you don't even care.

Spencer: I care! Wh-- I made it! C'mon.

(Cut to Spencer filming Taylor running near bushes. They are across from a hotel.)

Spencer: Hey hey hey! Wait up, wait up, wait up. Where are you going? Wh--?

Taylor: We're hiding!

Spencer: Wh-- Behind this?!

Taylor: Do you see anything else?

Spencer: Are we really sure we wanna meet this guy? I mean, it's not the safest thing.

Taylor: What, are you scared?

Spencer: No.

Taylor: (in shock) You're scared!

Spencer: I'm here, aren't I?

(Spencer turns the camera on himself.)

Spencer: I'm totally not scared.

(Spencer turns the camera back to Taylor.)

Taylor: Seriously, thanks for coming.

Spencer: Of course.

Taylor: Oh, that's him!

Spencer: That's him?!

(Cut back to the two driving in Spencer's car.)

Taylor: So... how's life?

Spencer: Uhh... good! Yeah.

(Spencer giggles.)

Spencer: Uhh... just workin'... I got a girlfriend.

Taylor: (in disbelief) Really?! I mean, I believe it, yeah, that's great. It wasn't like a disbelieving "really."

Spencer: She's probably wondering where the heck I am right now, but... eh, whatever.

Taylor: You just left without telling?

Spencer: Yeah, you called, I just-- I had to go! Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: Whoa, he's turning.

Spencer: Whoa, okay.

(Cut to Taylor and Spencer outside of the gate at Linc's place. Camera pans to Spencer's car in Linc's garage.)

Spencer: Alright, I parked here.

Taylor: Did I miss something? Is it legal to drink and drive now?

(The two get to the gate. Spencer hesitates.)

Taylor: Just open it.

(Spencer and Taylor go into Linc's backyard. There is a pool.)

Spencer: Taylor, I don't know if we should really be doing this.

Taylor: We broke onto a cruise ship, this is just a backyard.

Spencer: Yeah, need I remind you I got shot on that cruise ship?

Taylor: That was then, this is now. What's the worst that's gonna happen?

(Camera pans away but Spencer is heard screaming. Linc is then shown. It is apparent he attacked Spencer.)

Linc: Ohhh. That wasn't who I thought that was.

Taylor: Spencer?

Linc: Uhh, he's fine, there's ice in the freezer.

(Linc helps Spencer up.)

Linc: C'mon. Real slow. One day, you punch a priest thinking he's a Shadow and it's straight to hell for you. You alright, buddy?

(Cut to Taylor, Spencer and Linc sitting in a living room. Linc is drinking beer.)

Linc: How's the--?

Spencer: Ah, it's fine.

Linc: Alright, so I know who you two are -- what do you want?

Taylor: We need your help.

Linc: You wanna bust Jonas out?

Taylor: Yeah.

Linc: Absolutely not.

Taylor: (in shock) What?!

Linc: He's gone. Okay? Not gonna see him again, and you're going to get killed trying.

Taylor: We have to at least try.

Linc: (sighing) Where's Daniel? ...Reed?

Taylor: They're helping too.

Linc: But they're not here. Why just you? They told you to stay home.

(Linc gets out of his chair and looks out the blinds.)

Linc: You didn't check to see if you were followed, did you?

Taylor: Of course we did.

Linc: And?

Spencer: Linc! We drove around for like an hour before we found you.

Linc: Ah, then someone's screwing you. We gotta go now. Out the back.

Taylor: What?!

Linc: (screaming) Son of a bitch!

Taylor: Are you gonna help us, then?

Linc: I don't have a choice!

(Spencer gets up and turns off the camera.)


  • This is the first time Linc has appeared onscreen with other canon LG15 characters.