Feminist themes

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A blooming flower from LaRezisto's video Join Me!

There are many strong female characters in the lg15 series. Due to the interpretive nature of feminism, there may be disagreement about whether or not a video communicates feminist values. Also, there might be disagreement about how the videos communicate those values.

I'm Going to the Party! - Bree disobeys her parents to chase her own interpretation of happiness.

My First Kiss - Bree questions gender roles and common dating scripts.

How My Parents Met - Bree's father is attracted to Bree's mother's strong personality and independent thinking.

I Listened To Daniel - Bree decides to tell her parents she wants to lose her religion.

Daniel’s A Liar - Bree defines the significance of a kiss that happened between her and Daniel.

The Human Ransom - Bree and Tachyon work together to rescue Daniel, a simple twist on typical thriller scripts.

Crazy Emo Chick - Sarah's confrontational way of introducing herself is a poke at gender roles.

Everybody Does It ;) - Sarah explains her playful and yet domineering attitude towards her relationship with Daniel.

Deep Throat - Daniel's informant turns out to be female, challenging typical gender roles of thriller fiction.

I Like Being Me - Emma's decides to take the serum, regardless of what Jonas says.

Join Me! - There is a significant amount of feminist symbolism in this video, including the hand gestures that Claire makes and the blooming flower halfway through the video.