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Dr. Thomas Immant first appeared on the scene as a shadowy figure but more recently has made an effort to become the more "user-friendly" public face of the Order.

Immant is a YouTube user that posted two videos before the ceremony that appear to be addressed to Bree. In the videos, he praises the addressee for her commitment to the "Order".

There have been a number of coincidences between his videos and the Breeniverse.


Current logo at the end of Dr. Immant's vids.

Traditionalists vs. Reformists

Dr. Immant's videos have provided a glimpse into the inner workings of the Order. In addition to offering some background on it's foundation in astrology the videos reveal a political rift within the Order between the two political affiliations within the Order, the Reformists and the Traditionalists. The Order's purpose, traditions and ceremonies, religious structure, astrological influences and yes it's values are common ground for both. They differ really in terms of the philosophy in which the Order should run it's operations.

The Traditionalist clings on to the methods of fear, intimidation, assassination and the needless loss of life. They are stuck in a "if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality." In the old days this was necessary to insure the Order stayed in the shadows. If the general public knew their world was being shaped, surely they would resist. It's different in the modern era. The Order is not only known but has a proven track record and the people don't ask the questions they know they don't want the answers to. They are content to let the Order do what they do because deep down they know it must be done. The Reformist sees this as an opportunity. Now is the time to operate through political power, social status and economic influence.

The Reformists are few in number. What progress they have made is largely due to the fact that a few of the more prominent members are with them. Most Traditionalists don't even regard them as a threat. The radical Traditionalists are what the KGB were to the Old Soviet Republic. They no doubt have seen that the old hardliners there were unable to change and were eventually left behind.

Change is slow within the Order. There are no bloody coups to stage. The Reformists must be content to spread their message and grow in number until the current leadership dies off. These prominent members of the Reformists can then ascend into some of those leadership positions. This is predestined. The stars have always governed everything the Order does and this is no different. As the elders die off it will be the stars who determine who will ascend to their positions. Perhaps the next to ascend will be a Reformist or perhaps that day will never come. Either way, to go against that would be to go against one of the Order's most fundamental beliefs and thus there are harsh penalties against those who would interfere with those who have been predestined to ascend to positions of power within the Order. These members are protected just as any other high ranking official of the Order. This is why the Tradionalists and Reformists can't kill each other off.

Diagnosing Dr. Immant

In the video See you at the ceremony... he seems to be claiming he will be at Bree's ceremony but will not be seen, and is shown wearing similar attire to the people in the video The Ceremony, before it came out. Also, in The Ceremony, Daniel films a bald man who perhaps bears some resemblance to Immant, but Immant claims in his "We do not wish to make enemies, only friends." video that while he was at the ceremony, he does not believe that he was spotted there by anyone. Since the Order of Denderah seems to be aware of Daniel's presence at the ceremony, they probably know about the video he took and who does and does not appear in it.

Later, in Bree's video "On the Run," we glimpse a bald man, who was probably the guy at the ceremony. We see his face this time, and he looks nothing like Immant. However Dr. Immant had previously stated in his video We do not wish to make enemies, only friends.,that it was tradition for men to shave their heads after ascending to a certain level in the Order.

In Immant's earlier videos, he used a protected mark of the religious organization OTO. His response to fan requests to remove the symbol has been reported as gracious and accomodating.

Analysis of the Member Directory would suggest that suspected characters who did not immediately register their names are not officially affiliated with the LG15 project. Notably late to register are nikkibowerreport, member #337, and Dr. Immant, member #129. New characters may, however, be registered much later as their names are currently unknown and therefore not in danger of being stolen.

A unique feature of LG15 is that while characters may not be part of the original storyline, the Creators have stated that Fan fiction storylines can influence and cross that of the main storyline. This is alledged by the Creators to have already happened with OpAphid. It is possible that while Dr. Immant may not have started as canon he very well could become so. His being located in Los Angeles already could play into his favor to become the next crossover storyline.
