Lonelygirl15 The Story So Far.../Season 3

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Emma's Healing

Daniel posts a video assuring everyone that Emma is alive, but very weak as a result of losing so much blood during the ceremony. The next day Jonas tells us that Emma has been doing little more than crying and sleeping, and that Gina is nearly silent to everyone. He also told his parents that, while Emma appreciated their attempt at contact, the TAAG would now be Emma's family.

Life in Hiding

In hiding, tensions ran high due to close quarters and the boys being outnumbered four to two. Jonas and Jennie fight constantly about Emma being able to make her own choices. While Sarah watched Gina build a bench, Jennie and Emma play Boggle, creating a secret message for Emma's parents. After receiving the message, Emma's parents logged into the chat to talk to her, begging her to come home. Emma was still uncertain about the choice she wanted to make, Jennie was extremely certain that Emma should at least make her decisions by herself, making a video in which she admitted to liking Jonas, but stuck to her story that the arguments were solely for Emma's sake. The next night, Emma leaves a tearful goodbye, as she had leaves to reunite with her parents. Things fall apart when Jonas discovers Emma had left, lashing out at Daniel and Jennie, who he thought had some part in it, however, Gina admits to having given Emma the money to leave. Afterward, Jonas posts a sincere apology to the gang, regretting his reaction to Emma's departure and telling her that he understood and was proud of her.

Sarah becomes jealous when Jennie volunteers to go to the store with Daniel, and they erupt into a fight about at in the local store. Although the fight ends within moments, Jennie was reasserts that she is not interested in Daniel. Daniel grows closer to Gina, helping her with her first blog, but angering her because of his inquisitiveness about her drawings. The next evening, while Daniel stays sober and Sarah and Gina play beer pong, Jennie and Jonas talk and apologize to each other about their respective videos, kissing at the conclusion of the video.

The Hunt for Bree's Mom

In her drunken state, Sarah decides to challenge forum members with the ripped-up remains of Gina's drawings. The following morning, Daniel blows up, accusing her of violating Gina's privacy. During the argument, Jonas recognizes the drawing as Bree's mom. When Daniel questions Gina about the drawing, she replies that she can only see a face and that all of her memories are very fuzzy. Shortly thereafter, Jonas decides to relocate the group, after noticing William Porter's Shadow following them in footage from his camera.

Gina posts her second video, in which she questions how she can see Bree's mom's face if she never knew her. On the same day, William Porter's Shadow posts a video, promising the TAAG that there will be consequences for his master's death. The next day, as Daniel and Sarah are busy looking over the Shadow's video, Jonas discovers that Gina has disappeared. They finally find Gina at Bree's old house. Gina states that she can remember coming to that house to play when she was a child, and Daniel and Jonas drag her to the car. Heading for home, they spot Lucy and the Shadow following them in a black SUV.

A few days later, Jonas informs viewers that he and Daniel had gotten in a fight over whether to control Gina, and is skeptical on whether or not they could remain together. Gina announces that the team will hold a video chat to decide what to do, which erupts in arguments. The following day, Sarah discovers that the Shadow is still following them and announces that she and Daniel will not join Gina in her quest to find Bree's mom. The Shadow soon thereafter appears in the house, apparently attempting to abduct Jennie. He chases her to the front lawn and is hit and killed by a car.

Following the incident, Sarah and Daniel realize that Gina will need their help and decide to aide her in the search for Bree's mom. In an attempt to help, Sarah tries to track down Carl, and, in the process, reveals that they had slept together at the Lullaby Project. Carl then shows up at the rented house, offering to trade any information he knows for a date with Sarah, which she less-than-reluctantly agrees to.

It is soon discovered that Bree's mom, now identified as Elizabeth Avery, is the Chairman of the Board of Verdus Pharmaceuticals, and the TAAG decide to stake out the upcoming board meeting. The stake out goes less than ideally, and Gina is kidnapped.

Family History

Gina is returned within hours to the rented house, seemingly drugged, and carrying a disc covered in numbers. Jonas appeals to the community to crack the code so that they can look at the files on the disc. The code is quickly cracked and a video depicting a young Gina and young Bree playing is discovered. A message from Elizabeth was also on the disc, requesting a meeting with Gina. Asking the fans for an opinion, Gina decides to meet Elizabeth with a camera in her purse.

At the meeting, Elizabeth conforms that Gina is now trait negative and no longer of any use to the Order. She also reveals that she knew about the plan to kill her husband, and was against the Order. A Thug picks up Gina's purse, soon dropping it. When Gina recovers it, Elizabeth is discovered to have run off. Daniel then swears his devotion to finding and stopping anyone that may have conspired in Bree's murder.

The following week, the TAAG are at home, relaxing, when a dog bark ringtone is heard coming from the house. Gina discovers the phone in Sarah's room, and they discover a new, cryptic voicemail left by Elizabeth. The message was discovered to be "Friday. Neighborhood park. No cameras," and Daniel realizes that the park is likely the one near Bree's house. At the meeting, Jonas confronts Elizabeth about Bree's death. She reveals that Bree's Elder is still actively seeking trait positive girls and that she overheard a name when he was discussed: "Mary Annette".

Mary Annette: The Key to the Puzzle

After poring over possible leads regarding the name, Daniel reveals that the "Mary Annette" they are searching for is actually a marionette. In doing so, he also reveals the long-elusive text of the P. Monkey email, in which Bree recounts being offered a marionette as a poor replacement for Purple Monkey. The email points to a nearby shop, Alcombe Antiques, as the source of the puppet, and the team sets off to the shop.

Sarah distracts the store owner as Jonas and Daniel sneak into the back room. They hunt through papers until finally finding a letter requesting a marionette, dated the same week as the P. Monkey email. The letter bares a strange-looking coat of arms, but before the TAAG have time to question it, they discover Lucy leaving the shop, carrying a package, and run to remain hidden. Jonas posts and appeal to viewers who may have seen the coat of arms before, which is soon replied to by Steve from the KateModern series, claiming that he has seen a member at the The Hymn of One London Centre wearing the coat of arms on his clothing.