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{{one other use|the lonelygirl15 and LG15: The Resistance character|other uses|Sara}}
| name        = Sarah  
| name        = Sarah  
| image      = Sarahimageforfc.jpg
| image      = LG15res-Sarah official.jpg
| age        = 18
| age        = {{age|19890405}}
| birthday    = ("Aries")
| birthday    = April 5th, 1989
| youtube    =  
| placeoforigin = [[Image:En USA.gif]] United States
| revver      =  
| relationships = [[Daniel|Daniel Barlow]] <small>(Boyfriend)</small><br>[[Carl|Carl Adams]] <small>(Boyfriend)</small>
| lg15        = 10008
| youtube    = theskyisempty99
| myspace    = skyisempty99
| myspace    = skyisempty99
| actor      = Alexandra Dreyfus
| imeem      = QM1JZQQ
| twitter    = theskyisempty99
| forum-posts = SkyIsEmpty
| actor      = [[Alexandra Dreyfus]]
| first      = [[Crazy Emo Chick]]
| first      = [[Crazy Emo Chick]]
| last        = [[HOLY SH%T!!!]]
| last        = [[Catching Up, Closing Out]]
| color       = #976
| series      = LG15
| blogs       = [[:Category:Sarah's blogs|List of Sarah's blogs]]
'''Sarah''' is the sister of [[Taylor]]. Taylor first mentions and talks about her in the video [[Practice Sucked :(]]. She was also referenced several times on Taylor's [[MySpace]]. They both live in [[Zavalla]], Texas.
'''Sarah Genatiempo''' is a young woman who was a member of [[TAAG]] for most of 2007 and 2008, and later was a part of the new resistance movement in late 2008 called the [[Hymn of None]]. She was a main character in ''[[lonelygirl15]]'' and ''[[LG15: The Resistance]]'', and also the sister of [[Taylor]], who first mentions Sarah in her video blog [[Practice Sucked :(]]. Both Sarah and Taylor are from the town of [[Zavalla]], Texas.
In 2008, it is revealed that she was working a mole for the [[The Order|Order of Denderah]]. The length, span and nature of her loyalties to the Order have yet to be fully clarified. Sarah initially led the group to believe that she had been forced by [[Mr. Genatiempo|her father]], who works for the Order as a cemetery watchman, to help them shortly after [[Bree]]'s death. This is proven false after [[Maggie]] discovers that she had been working for the Order of her own free will for much longer than that. The last time she is seen on camera, Sarah indicates that she has been chosen to ascend to the rank of an [[Elder]].
[[Bree]], [[Daniel]], and [[Jonas]] met Sarah at a park in [[Crazy Emo Chick]], which marked Sarah's first appearance on video. Sarah's behavior in this encounter was clearly more mischevious than Taylor had earlier implied.
As far as anyone can tell from the video, the original plan was for Bree, Daniel, and Jonas to meet Taylor a local parkThe plan soon changed for unknown reasons, however, as Sarah showed up instead, scaring the [[BDJ|Trio]] by faking she had a gun on Daniel's back.  Before anyone was the wiser, she demanded the camera be shut off.
===High School Drama===
Sarah begins blogging on her MySpace account around the time her sister starts posted video blogs on YouTube. Sarah expresses her dismay regarding Taylor's ability to get whatever she wants from her parents, and often goes out of her way to say something mean about her. She talks in length about a boy she likes named Jay, who stopped returning her callsShe also becomes upset when she loses [[Colossus]], her pet ferret, though she soon locates him in Taylor's closet.
During the "blackout," Sarah apparently explained herself, and revealed that the "gun" on Daniel was in reality a stick of lipstick. Sarah also had another chance to surprise Daniel and subsequently "pantsed" him. Needless to say, Daniel's first impression of Taylor's sister wasn't friendly.
[[Image:Sarah Myspace Pic.jpg|thumb|left|Sarah's original MySpace profile picture.]]
Out of boredom, she decides to go to a local fair with her family, she runs into Jay at the pig stalls, and they hook up right there. She goes on to reveal that Jay has stopped acknowledging her existence, and that her friends don't believe her claims that she hooked up with him. Sarah becomes even more dismayed when Jay turns his affections to Vanessa, whom Sarah doesn't consider the brightest bulb, and becomes more upset when Jay asks Vanessa to Prom.
While Sarah's been willing to help the [[BDJ|Trio]], she hasn't too concerned knowing the full story, having said (on [http://www.lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=362812&highlight=#362812|on the in-character chat]), "to be perfectly honest I sort of zoned after "''and then they made me perform a fake ceremony to fool Daniel.''" Nevertheless, she was disappointed to see Daniel and Jonas leave Texas.
[[Bree]], [[Daniel]], and [[Jonas]] met Sarah at a park in [[Crazy Emo Chick]], which marked Sarah's first appearance on video. Sarah's behavior in this encounter was clearly more mischievous than Taylor had earlier implied. As far as anyone can tell from the video, the original plan was for Bree, Daniel, and Jonas to meet Taylor a local park.  The plan soon changed, however, as Sarah showed up instead, scaring the trio by saying she had a gun on Daniel's back, and demanding the camera be shut off. During the "blackout," Sarah apparently explained herself, and revealed that the "gun" on Daniel was in reality a tube of lipstick.  Sarah also had another chance to surprise Daniel and subsequently "pantsed" himNeedless to say, Daniel's first impression of Taylor's sister wasn't friendly.
As graduation came closer, Sarah decided to go to a party with her friends.  She blogged [http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=181223773&blogID=266875526&MyToken=0ee00b4b-bbff-4712-b86a-f1911362e63d] about it on her Myspace and later posted pictures [http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=181223773&blogID=267163142&MyToken=ba91b086-b67c-4ffa-b274-67cd4e762a2f], which Taylor considered offensive. She was so offended that she titled her next video blog, [[My Sister = Slut]].
While Sarah's been willing to help, she was never very concerned with knowing the full story, having said (on [http://www.lg15.com/lonelygirl15/forum/viewtopic.php?p=362812&highlight=#362812 the in-character chat]), "to be perfectly honest I sort of zoned after "''and then they made me perform a fake ceremony to fool Daniel.''"  Nevertheless, she was disappointed to see Daniel and Jonas leave Texas. While she never mentions Daniel by name, she laments about his ignorance of her in her blog. She also reveals that she has decided not to attend the prom, which disappointed her mother, though Sarah couldn't have cared less.
After Taylor apologized for being insulting, Sarah had a talk with their mother, which according to Taylor [http://www.lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=367189&highlight=#367189] sounded like, ''she was trying to convince mom to let her go somewhere.''  The following morning, Sarah left, only to reappear days later alongside Daniel and Jonas [[CAMP PLAY|in California]].
As graduation came closer, Sarah decided to go to a party with her friends. There, she saw Jay, and decided to make him jealous by making out with the bartender. She [http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=181223773&blogID=266875526&MyToken=0ee00b4b-bbff-4712-b86a-f1911362e63d blogged] about it on her MySpace and later posted [http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=181223773&blogID=267163142&MyToken=ba91b086-b67c-4ffa-b274-67cd4e762a2f pictures], which Taylor considered offensive. She was so offended that she titled her next video blog, [[My Sister = Slut]]. After Taylor apologized for being insulting, Sarah had a talk with their mother, which [http://www.lg15.com/lonelygirl15/forum/viewtopic.php?p=367189&highlight=#367189 according to Taylor] sounded like, ''she was trying to convince mom to let her go somewhere.''  The following morning, Sarah left, only to reappear days later alongside Daniel and Jonas [[CAMP PLAY|in California]].
Sarah is overtly and aggressively pursuing Daniel in a romantic and/or sexual context. Although Daniel was initially hostile toward her after their first meeting, more recent videos suggest that he has warmed up to Sarah and may even be responding to her overtures toward him.
===A Summer With Daniel===
Sarah overtly and aggressively begins to pursue Daniel in a romantic and/or sexual context. In her [[Entertaining Myself|first blog]], she plays with [[Purple Monkey]] and pretends he is Daniel, kissing him and pressing him against her breasts. After Bree is [[Getting Her Back|rescued]], it is painfully clear that she has [[I hAtE tHeSe PeOpLe|suffered psychological damage]] from her stay with the [[Hymn of One]]. As a result of this, Daniel seems to [[Bedside Manner|focus his attention]] on Sarah as a means to distance himself from the reality of what's happening with Bree. Sarah doesn't take what's going on with Bree seriously, and treats her as if she's Colossus. Daniel tries to [[Taking Advantage of Her|defend his actions]] (many of which seem to have hindered Bree's recovery), and tries to make it look like Jonas is taking advantage of her delicate state of mind. The next day, [[HOLY SH%T!!!|Sarah videotapes]] Jonas and Bree kissing, solidifying the rift between Daniel and Jonas.  
[[Image:0225-SarahVacuumingTheCabin.jpg|thumb|right|Sarah tells Daniel to back off.]]
Sarah enjoys the persona of a pessimist of sorts, having been quoted by Taylor as saying, ''The world is suffering, Taylor. Deal with it.''
After Bree [[The Morning After|escapes]], the trio [[Mr. Park Ranger|go search]] for her. However, Daniel and Sarah seem more preoccupied with flirting, ticking off Jonas, who accuses Daniel and Sarah of not caring at all about Bree (they don't help their case by continuing to flirt instead of search). Sarah is a bit annoyed by Jonas's behavior as well, and deems it a [[Everybody Does It ;)|side effect]] of losing his virginity to Bree. Sarah makes a video explaining that sex is no big deal, and that Jonas is blowing the entire situation out of proportion. Jonas, infuriated, sends an angry email to Taylor complaining about her sister's behavior. Taylor is [[Like A Virgin|annoyed]] that she's been dragged into this, and posts a video analyzing Jonas's behavior towards Sarah and in general. Bree posts [[Going Home|a video]] announcing her decision to go back to the Hymn of One, so TAAG focus their efforts on a scientist by the name of [[Isaac Gilman]], who worked with [[Drew Avery|Bree's father]]. Sarah [[The Mad Scientist|has some fun]] insinuating that Gilman is mad, which only succeeds in further angering Jonas. Sarah apologizes after realizing that she is really succeeding in hurting Jonas, and admits that she doesn't do "Huggy and Mushy" well. The team began to [[Sweating Bullets|cooperate]] and [[The Mistress|located]] the mistress of Dr. Gilman, who informed them that he was killed on the same day as Drew Avery.
Taylor said Sarah wasn't always so angry and morbid. In fact in her freshman year of high school, she was a cheerleader. According to Taylor, her pessimism apparently began soon after her parents split up. As Taylor claims, "it's totally an act."
Jonas [[In (Search of) sanity...|goes to Texas]] to work with Taylor, leaving Daniel and Sarah on their own. They [[Rockin' the Boat|take advantage]] of the alone time, and the day ends with them hooking up. Afterwards, Sarah becomes [[Dude Back Off|annoyed]] when Daniel begins taking things too seriously and becomes [http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=181223773&blogID=283146234 clingy]. This small rift between the two starts to grow when Sarah drops Issac Gilman's files [[All Wet|in the water]].  While Sarah claims it was an accident, Daniel soon believes her actions to be deliberate. With the help of [[Spencer]], Isaac Gilman's son, the teens began focusing on the rescue of Bree and of making her [[Trait Negative]] with the help of Gilman's [[The Serum|serum]]. During the [[Mission Beta|training]] Spencer puts them through, he questions Daniel about his relationship with Sarah, to which Daniel replies that he is no longer interested. Sarah is the only one [[Mission Possible|who isn't trained]], as she is already prepared to do her part: distract the security guard.
The Serum is successfully made, and TAAG prepare to go rescue Bree. On the morning of Taylor and Sarah both protested, saying that they did not want to go, though they went anyway. While trying to get to Bree by 11 am [[Lonelygirl15 Season Finale 3 of 12 - 10 am|TAAG ran into]] a Watcher who chased them, rammed into their car and forced them to crash and run for their lives. Sarah became [[Lonelygirl15 Season Finale 4 of 12 - 11 am|separated]] from the rest of the group, but [[Nikki Bower]] came to the [[Lonelygirl15 Season Finale 5 of 12 - 12 pm|rescue]] just in time.  After their rescue, Daniel went and [[Lonelygirl15 Season Finale 6 of 12 - 1 pm|received information]] that the Ceremony was in the middle of nowhere. They also realized that their serum was broken in the crash and Sarah left to find the other vial. Sarah took a long time, and everyone besides Taylor began doubting whether she would return. Finally, Sarah made it back to them with the serum in hand and with the remaining five members of TAAG together, they pressed forward, finally finding Bree, but only in time to see her [[Lonelygirl15 Season Finale 10 of 12 – 5 pm|die]]. When Sarah witnessed Daniel's grief caused by Bree's death, she shouted to Bree that [[Lonelygirl15 Season Finale 11 of 12 – 6 pm|''"Daniel was always yours . . ."'']], and that she couldn't "compete with a ghost."
Sarah loves to [[innebriated|drink]].
===Regaining Her Footing===
==List of Videos==
Soon after [[Lonelygirl15 Season Finale 10 of 12 – 5 pm|Bree's death]], Sarah & Taylor returned to Zavalla, Texas where Sarah returned to her old promiscuous ways, as noted by Taylor in [[Sluttiness Prevails]].  Sarah seemed to no longer care who she dated, though Taylor argued that she still harbored feelings for Daniel. She had also returned to showing her distaste of video blogging.
''Sarah has no Youtube account though she uses Taylor's [http://www.youtube.com/soccerstar4ever] account to post videos''
*[[Entertaining Myself]]
*[[HOLY SH%T!!!]]
Although at first, Sarah [[Revealing My Secret|lied]] saying she had lost the serum which Daniel and Jonas requested for [[Emma]], Sarah returned to help TAAG when she saw that the they [[Shadow of Death|truly]] needed her help. She began to develop a [[Go For It :)|relationship]] with Emma and helped her when she wanted to make her own [[Decision Time|decisions]] about becoming trait negative.
* According to Taylor, Sarah has a pet ferret who, according to a blog on her MySpace, is named [[Colossus]], after a book. The book in question is most likely a collection of poetry by Sylvia Plath.
* Her age is unknown, but from her MySpace blogs, she appears to be a high school student. Taylor mentions in the video [[I Know What Boys Like]] that in freshman year Sarah was a cheerleader, and in her blog, she says talks about the prom and graduation, implying that she just completed her senior year.
[[Image:2007-10-03 172112.jpg|thumb|left|Sarah making her classic "annoyed face"]]Helping Emma escape back to her parents, Sarah moved into a [[The rented house|rented house]] with Daniel and Jonas, making it obvious that she was bothered by Daniel's new girlfriend, [[Mallory]]'s constant [[Living with Girls|presence]] in their new home. That may also be the reason why she took the opportunity to leave the house by [[Stakeout... With A Girl|going on a stakeout with Jonas]]. Although she [[How Could You? (season 2)|made very clear]] she considered it stupid to go to LaRezisto with Emma, there was nothing she could do from home, so she helped Daniel with his [[Student Film]] instead, [[My School Project|playing the role of Rebecca]]. She also [[No More Lies|vowed to be more honest]] in the future, but when she [[Secrets Revealed|tried to tell Mallory the truth about Daniel]] (probably willfully accepting the possibility she might break up with him afterwards), she learned that Daniel had already come forward to her, making for an awkward moment, and leading to even more hostility towards Mallory. When her suspicions about LaRezisto were confirmed, and Emma was gone, [[That Arrogant Jerk!|she was reasonably angry]], and even went as far as questioning Jonas's honesty as a whole.
* In [[No Trespassing]], Sarah tells Daniel that she has the ability to make a knot out of a cherry stem using just her tongueLater, in [[I Know What Boys Like]], she actually performs the trick. This can have sexual connotations.
Having been left at home once more, Sarah, out of necessity, spent some more time with Mallory, helping her with [[Please Help|the contest to re-cut Daniel's film]] and [[Carving Pumpkins|carving pumpkins]] with her. After the guys returned, however, she and her opinion were, once again, [[Tailgating|disrespected]]After [[Behind The Bushes|Daniel screamed at her]] and he, Jonas, and Sonia didn't even ask her to come along to save the [[Ceremony baby]], Sarah [[Battle of the Sexes|openly voiced her opinion that the guys were sexist]]. This, however, only brought her mockery from Jonas and Daniel, which she [[They Beat Her!!!|called unfair]].
* Many of Sarah's gestures in [[I Know What Boys Like]] carry sexual connotations; initial opening of her shirt, showing her leg flexibility, rolling her tongue, and tying a cherry stem knot with her tongue. this trend of sexual openness is carried through very often during the following episodes
Showing her own deceptive side, and, once again, seeding [[Slow Down and Stare|trouble in paradise]], Sarah later [[A Woman's Touch|talked Mallory into]] having direct contact (as close as butt-touching and kissing) with [[Chris]], in order to get information about Emma out of him. This failed, however, as the seemingly important information they got only led them to [[What's Going on?|a joint venture presentation]], where they barely escaped Lucy and some [[Wyman Foundation|Wyman]] security personnel.
* In her blog she talks frequently about her [[relationships#Sarah_and_Jay|relationship]] with a boy named Jay. This is believed to be a reference to LGPedia admin [[User:JayHenry|JayHenry]], also known as JayHank.
Sarah had another chance to show her deception/acting/damsel in distress skills when she was, once again, used to [[Is This The End?|distract a guard]] at [[Pleasant Manor]] (impressing both Daniel and Jonas, who didn't think she could pull it off), and it was her who found a way inside. While they did [[What Happened?|leave the manor unharmed]], the experience inside the manor, coupled with Daniel's seemingly indestructible relationship with Mallory, seemed to have broken her will to continue, to the point where she was openly asking herself [[Sarah and the City|"What the hell am I doing here?"]]. She soon found the answer was continuing to [[The Ladies Room|investigate]] and fight the Order, although she expressed her feelings that the [[Lullaby Project]], a collaboration of the [[Hymn of One|HoO]], the [[Wyman Foundation]], and [[Verdus Pharmaceuticals]], may be a good thing. She went with Daniel and Jonas on a [[Abducted?!|stakeout]], following a truck from the Lullaby Project, the Order's newest guise. After following the truck to a nearby truck stop, Sarah and Jonas disappeared, leading Daniel to believe they had been abducted. Days later, the two had not turned up and Daniel posted another [[They're Gone|video]] in which [[Taylor]] appeared and had also not seen her sister, increasing Daniel's worry. The next day, though, Jonas managed to find an internet connection with WiFi and post a [[Groping in the Dark|video]], showing Daniel that they had been stuck in the truck for four days. Sarah bugged Jonas boredly during this time, and then started to break down, yelling that she needed to get out. The next day, [[Carl]], [[Chris]], and [[Claudia]] [[Rescued?!|rescued]] them from the truck, which Sarah was, at first, reluctant to accept.
*Sarah's wardrobe consists mainly black clothing... she usually wears at least 2 articles of black clothing
===Helping at the Lullaby Project===
[[Image:0366jennieandsarah.JPG|thumb|right|Sarah and her new friend Jennie at the "Global Lullaby Village"]]
The two were taken to a Lullaby Project Prenatal Care Center in the middle of the desert, where they were toured around the encampment and given food and shelter. After spending a few days with these people, Jonas and Sarah decided to bike back home. When Jonas became irritated with Sarah, he [[DANGEROUS DESERT|left]] her stranded in the middle of the desert, and when he came back for her, she was gone, leaving her bike behind. Later that day, Taylor posted a message saying that she would be coming back to L.A. via the bus.
*She has an affinity for doughnuts. "I like doughnuts" is a phrase she uses often. In her blog she also mentions she is sad because there is no doughnut store by the new cabin after they rescue Bree .
Several days later, however, Sarah made a [[Missing Girl Found|video]] explaining that the Lullaby Project employees picked her up in a truck after Jonas left her and she had decided to stay at the Prenatal Care Center where she was helping out with a new friend named [[Jennie]]. Sarah once again reiterated that the Lullaby Project seemed to be genuinely there to help people, and that she hadn't ..''"felt that good about doing something in...ever."'' Days later, Jennie was [[Jennie Bares All|introduced]] on camera where she and Sarah explained a little about the "Global Lullaby Village", which is what [[Claudia]] calls the Lullaby Project encampment which is constantly relocating.
Sarah later [[Free Love|recounted]] an experience she had in the Song Circle at the Lullaby Project where she heard something that she thought to be her "eternal song".  She remained skeptical about the religion but believed that the song she heard was real. Since then, [[Jennie]] began posting [[Procreating on Peyote|videos]] some which further fueled worry about Sarah. Nearly two weeks went by before Sarah posted another video, [[Share My Sleeping Bag|explaining]] that she really felt her eternal song and that she felt closer to those within the HoO than she did with her biological family. After Jennie realized the [[Help Me Save Them!|questionable methods]] used by the Lullaby Project, she decided to ask Jonas, Daniel, and Emma for help in saving Sarah, and after a very disturbing [[Party of One|chat]] with Sarah, the gang headed to Mexico where they witnessed a brainwashed-looking Sarah being "welcomed" to the family by [[Carl]], they then took Sarah back [[Party Crashers|by force]]
as she protested telling them she belonged there.
[[Category:Seen characters]]
===Back in California===
[[Image:0391-SleepySarah.jpg|thumb|left|Sarah loses sleep.]]
While Sarah was initially [[Bus-ted|angry]] about having been taken from the Lullaby Project (losing some [[Can't Sleep... with Me|sleep]] over it as well), she quickly returned to normal, and soon began a number of illegal projects with Daniel, including [[Looking For A Date|breaking into Verdus Pharmaceuticals's offices]], helping the community break into [[Ted McKinley]]'s match.com account, and [[Am I A Criminal?|breaking into Ted McKinley's apartment]]. After the boys had handed over [[Ted McKinley Memo|the memo]] stolen in that mission [[San Francisco Live Event|to the community]] and bugged Lucy's car, it was she who [[Bloodlines: Part 1|saved Daniel and Jonas from an armed Watcher]] by knocking him out. She then went with the others to [[William Porter]]'s house block, [[Bloodlines: Part 2|trying to save Emma a second time]], after Lucy had escaped with her the first time.
After Daniel and Jonas rescued both Emma and [[Gina]], the six of them went to a rented cabin near [[Big Bear Lake]].  Since then, Sarah [[Playing With Wood|seemingly resumed her relationship]] with Daniel. Although, tension began to run high as a result of Sarah assuming that Jennie was [[Cat Fight!|interested in Daniel]],  they were able to put it behind them and Sarah was said to have been playing beer pong with Gina while Jennie and Jonas got [[Hot Tubbing|close.]]  Sarah later gave forum members the challenge of figuring out what Gina had drawn.  As a result, Sarah [[Hangover Hell|suffered]] another outburst from Daniel, who told her that she had violated Gina's privacy.
The whole gang had to once again [[Born to Run|relocate]] when they spotted the [[Shadow]] of William Porter following them. Back at the rented house, Sarah shared her room with Gina who [[Drawing in Bed|stole]] her sketch paper. After much arguing over Gina's wish to find Bree's adoptive mother, Sarah and Daniel decided to stay behind while Jennie and Jonas decided to take Gina to try to find Bree's mom. The next day, Sarah went to the store, and while there, she was [[Prey|approached]] by a store clerk who told her a "muscled-out psycho" had been asking about her friends and her. When Sarah got back to the rented house, [[What Have I Done?|Daniel yelled at her]], saying all she did was put the team at risk.
While [[In the Bedroom|Jonas tried to wake up Jennie]], TAAG learned that the Shadow found their home and tried to attack Jennie, but the Shadow chased Jennie out of the rented house and was killed. The [[At the Beach|next day]], the group blew off steam at the beach.
===Getting Cozy With Carl===
[[Image:0450-SarahCarl.jpg|thumb|right|Sarah and Carl go out to lunch.]]
[[Spanish Princess|Recently]], Sarah revealed that she had slept with Carl while in Mexico, and he wrote her a cheesy love note in Spanish in the book he gave her.  It called her his "[[Sacred Spirit]]." Not long after she revealed this, Carl [[Mexican Mating Machine|showed up]] and announced that he had left the Hymn of One to be with Sarah. He [[Hostage Crisis|offers to provide TAAG information]] if Sarah goes out with him. Sarah contemplates the offer and, to the other's disapproval, [[Stock Options|accepts]]. Because of this, everyone becomes hostile towards Sarah, [[Kick His A$S!!|especially Daniel]]. Feeling guilty after Carl's aid leads to Gina's [[Bree's Mom|abduction]], Sarah attempts to [[Fries And A Shakedown|get information]] from Carl about Bree's mom, but fails to be convincing as Carl immediately sees what she is doing.
Sarah [[Cruisin' With The Ladies|accompanies]] the others to [[Catalina Island]], where she uses her "conversation skills" to [[Shop of Horrors!!!|distract]] the owner of [[Alcombe Antiques]] while Jonas and Daniel investigate inside. Her visit is cut short, however, as Carl [[Adios Amigos|invites her]] on a ''real'' vacation. Sarah, feeling that she is not wanted, accepts, and departs from the group.
Almost two weeks later, after TAAG [[Outta Here|discovers]] that there is a hit out on them, they [[Corn Nuts|return]] to [[the rented house]] to discover Sarah and Carl drinking Margaritas in festive outfits. Unlike on previous occasions, The others don't act too hostile towards Carl and Sarah, and seemed to have gotten used to the idea that they are together. Sarah and the others [[Casting Couch|decide]] that the best way to stop [[Edward Salinas]], a politician who is [[Computer Penetration|trying to kill them]] so he can ascend to the level of an Elder in the Hymn of One, is to [[Satan's HQ|infiltrate]] his campaign. During the "audition" process, Sarah makes several suggestive remarks, and the group ultimately decides that Jennie is the best candidate.
After [[Backseat Shocker|discovering]] that Emma has been targeted for the Ceremony, Sarah and the others set off to [[Stiff|find her]]. On the way, Daniel reveals that Sarah has stopped taking Carl's calls, but neither of them elaborate. After Emma is [[Operation Emma|safely rescued]], she [[Backyard Bikini Patrol|hangs out with Sarah and Gina]] in the backyard, noting her surprise that Gina and Sarah are "getting along" after the "Daniel drama". Sarah says that they have put that behind them, and that she was happy with Carl "for now". However, her attitude changes when Carl is [[Tick Tick Boom|captured]] by Salinas. She admits that being around Daniel had confused her, but she believes that she is in love with Carl. She [[Doing It Myself|lashes out]] at Daniel after he points out that Salinas is only using Carl as bait, comparing the situation to that of the effort to rescue Bree.
===Picking Up the Pieces===
After Emma [[Doing It Myself|saves Carl]], Sarah apparently talks to him every day. Gina [[Sticks & Stones|recognizes]] that was Sarah's way of coping, denial. In [[Cabin Fever|her next blog]], Sarah suggests a [[Prom: It's To Die For|LG15 Prom]]. After discussion with Daniel and Jonas, Sarah decides on an '80s theme. Daniel asks her to the prom, but she announces she had already asked Carl.
When [[Prom: It's To Die For - Part 2|Sarah arrives at the prom]], she admits how terrible Carl's outfit is. He dances with and without Sarah awkwardly, and Sarah is embarrassed in front of everyone. [[Prom: It's To Die For - Part 1|After that]], Sarah gets away from Carl briefly, pouring alcohol into the punch. She isn't very interested in the text from [[Ross Thompson|Thompson]], or the update on Salinas' website. After that, Sarah talks to Daniel, who filmed her and put his hands on her waist and neck. Daniel then says he's stealing Carl's date, until Emma jumps behind him and scares him. Later, Sarah accidentally spills her drink on Carl, while he tries to send an email. When he leaves to clean up in the bathroom, Sarah starts to second-guess her choice of Carl out loud. She asks Daniel to get some punch with her. The two dance until Jonas calls them to a meeting, where they discover Carl betrayed them once again. Once Carl is tied up, Sarah takes Daniel to a room, and the two start to make out. In the background as they kiss, [[Lucy|Lucy]] and [[Carl|Carl]] run out of the cabin.
[[Image:0498-SarahburningCarlstuff.jpg|thumb|left|Sarah begins to move on.]]
Sarah ran from prom into the woods, until her legs gave out. Finally, when she found a road, she passed out. When she woke up, someone was taking her to the hospital. She got out of the car, and walked a few miles to a Denny's and called Daniel on a payphone. Him and Jonas came and picked her up. Later, on her [[A Woman Scorned|next blog]], she compliments Gina and says 'she knew her better than anyone else did'. She expresses her anger at Carl for not only killing one of her [[Gina|friends]], but also for using her to do it. She tears Carl's note out of [[Finding the One|Finding the One]]. The footage then cuts to Sarah at the grill, where she seems even more upset. She talks about how she could return to Texas, while throwing Carl's belonging into the grill, then lighting it all on fire. Daniel and her had gotten even closer since prom, even though Sarah doesn't know where the relationship is going. Over the weekend, Daniel tells Sarah how it's not her fault that Gina died, but she doesn't believe him.
Sarah posted [[Boy Tied Up|a new blog]] almost a week after the previous. She explains how she doesn't feel bad about Salinas's [[Hangman's Noose|suicide]], and that he got what he deserved. She thinks it's clear the Order killed him, showing the Order how dangerous TAAG can be. Telling how they captured Carl, she goes on to say that he hasn't said a word since he was captured. She thinks they should starve him, reflecting again on how he used her. Daniel wouldn't let Sarah in the room alone with Carl, afraid she would attack him. During their only encounter on camera, Sarah lunges for him but Daniel restrains her. After Carl is handed over to the police, TAAG sends Sarah to plea to Carl one last time to get him to talk, only to discover that he had committed suicide in his cell.
The following week, Sarah and Daniel are seen kissing and touching affectionately on camera, confirming that they are once again pursuing a relationship. Daniel [[Nasty Bite|expresses his pleasure]] with the developing relationship, and goes as far as stating that they've talked about the future. Sarah also [[Playing With Fire|confirms that]] they are back together. After Gina's hidden drawings are discovered, Sarah and the others piece together that Gina was held in a facility in [[La Crete]] - and that the Order's Science Headquarters was located there. Afterwards, Jonas left to find answers on his own, and Jennie became the third wheel to Daniel and Sarah, who had to keep their PDA low so as to not upset her. After Jonas is sent a DVD with footage of someone watching the house, Sarah and the others are forced to move out of the rented house. After Daniel spends a day researching, he joins Sarah for a day at the beach and tells her that Jonas has gone back to his parents house. Sarah acts fidgety after hearing the news, and the subject is dropped.
===Secrets Revealed===
A few days later Jonas is captured by Lucy, and Sarah reluctantly joins Daniel and Jennie in rescuing him. No sooner have they recovered then they are contacted by Taylor, who has discovered papers in her attic that suggest that their father is a member of the Hymn of One. Sarah is initially apprehensive about going home, and speculates that Taylor might have misinterpreted the situation or that she was lying for attention. After getting comforted by Daniel, she gets him to promise that he'll stick by her "No Matter What". After arriving in Texas, Taylor and Sarah lead the others to their father's apartment. At the apartment, they find footage of a hooded figure telling the recipient that with Salinas gone, they are next in line for the Ceremony, and they only need to hand over Jonas to Ascend to Elder. Sarah acts fidgety and Taylor yells at her for not making the connection between "the tombs" mentioned in the message and their father's career as an undertaker. In further viewing the DVDs, it is revealed that the two sisters, especially Taylor, was used as a means to lure Bree to Zavalla to find Jules so that the Order could capture her.
[[Image:0529-DanielSarahFight.JPG|thumb|right|Daniel gets angry with Sarah for what she's done.]]
However, there proved to be more to the story. After a search of the tombs, Taylor went out for a walk by herself and vanished. The group became frantic and visited all of her acquaintances to no avail. When Daniel got home, he looked in Sarah's suitcase for a T-Shirt and found a picture of Taylor tied up with a note from her father. The note revealed that Sarah had been working for her father as a mole since the weeks following Bree's death, and that Taylor was captured as punishment for not doing her job properly. When confronted by Daniel, Sarah revealed that her sister and mother's lives had been threatened, and that she had been the one sending the group messages and clues. She also admitted to faking being brainwashed by the Hymn of One in order to distance herself from the group. Daniel doesn't believe her, and tells her that he's going to tell Jonas and Jennie. As he leaves, Sarah smashes a vase over his head and runs off.
Sarah sends her messenger [[Jerry]] to the group a couple of days later after Jonas is captured during Taylor's rescue, and he explains that Sarah's father plans on killing Jonas during the eclipse. Soon after, Sarah sends a picture of Jonas on a boat to TAAG, allowing them to find the location of the Ceremony. The morning of the ascension, Sarah sends the group coordinates and blueprints of the boat, and Daniel and Jennie successfully board and free Jonas. In the chaos, Daniel gets stuck in a network of pipes, and after freeing himself, witnesses Sarah's dad verbally attacking her for what she has done. He drags her off, and she is tied up with a newly re-captured Jonas and the Ceremony girl, [[Nadia|Nadia Dalton]]. After Nadia is taken to get her blood drained, Jonas is able to break them both free. He interrupts the ceremony but is unable to save Nadia, and Sarah finally stands up to her father and tells him to go to hell as she flees the ship.
After returning to shore, Sarah films the aftermath and tries to talk to Daniel, who ignores her and walks away. After Jennie and Spencer take an injured Spencer to the hospital, Daniel and Jonas both go their separate ways and walk away, leaving Sarah alone on the beach.
==LG15: The Resistance==
===Fun Things To Do in Hiding===
After the events on the [[S.S. Hathor's Song]], and Daniel's rejection, Sarah went into hiding in order to protect herself from her vengeful father. She remains inactive online for a couple of weeks, but ultimately caves and posts a MySpace blog asking if anyone is out there (referring to the lack of activity from either TAAG or The Order). She later [[Fun Things To Do in Hiding - Volume One|posts a video]] on a new YouTube account and tells us that she's been spending the last few weeks watching TV, painting her toes, and playing with her stuffed monkey. Not long after posting her third video diary, she updates her MySpace blog where she acknowledges that developments have occurred while she's been in hiding, and expresses her desire to help fight the Order. She makes it clear that she doesn't feel the need for redemption, as her actions on the S.S. Hathor's Song was redeeming enough, and says that she's doing this because she wants to. She cites the treatment she has received on the boards, and that many people don't trust her. She says that if "You guys want to call me out, so be it. Just don't be surprised when I call back."
[[Image:RES-PRO-008-DanielCallMe.jpg|thumb|left|Sarah pleads with Daniel to contact her in any way.]]
Soon after, The mysterious [[Hymn of None]] posts footage of Jonas receiving a phone call from Sarah, resulting in him yelling at her to stop calling him. After seeing the footage, Jonas insists that he is done with trying to fight the Order, but Sarah takes up the Hymn of None's cause and becomes the self-proclaimed "[[Cheer Me Up!|head cheerleader of team resistance]]". She convinces community members to harass Jonas into rejoining the fight by incessantly messaging him. Over the next week, as Jonas flees the FBI, Sarah researches LifesBlood Labs and discovers that they were stealing from the Order. Following this discovery, Jonas is kidnapped by LifesBlood Labs, only to be rescued days later by Sarah, who tracks down the vehicle and attacks the agents with Mace. However, her intentions were questioned by Jonas and members of the community alike, as Sarah had secretly followed him to Chicago. However, Sarah explains that she wants to get back at the Order for stealing her life and using her as a pawn by helping Jonas.
True to her word, Sarah accompanies Jonas to the Willow Woods Auction and helps him steal the Samsaran Doctrine, as well as fight off the security guards. However, once they get back to safety, they are unable to make heads or tails of the writings, and pawn off deciphering it onto the community while they go out. While the night initially starts off as a way to decide whether or not they could trust [[Reed]], it quickly turned into a night of heavy drinking that resulting in both Jonas and Sarah posting drunken rants online. The Hymn of None scolds them for their carelessness, and tells them to start acting more mature now that they are leaders of a resistance. They take the warning to heart, and spend the entire next day translating the book. One of the passages revealed the possibility that there could be a cure for the trait positive gene, and Jonas and Sarah immediately set out to find out more, picking up Reed on the way.
As they leave their motel room in Chicago, Reed seems to hit on Sarah, and she makes fun of his lack of skills at hitting on girls successfully. She continues to tease him the entire way to the next motel, and takes one of the two beds in the room, forcing Reed to sleep on the floor. The following day, their rental car was broken into, and they were forced to stay put in town while it was being fixed. Upon the car's repair, the Hymn of None discovered that the location of the cure was in an auction in Boston. As they left the hotel to head east, the FBI Agents show up in the parking lot, and Sarah yells at Jonas for using his credit card to pay for the room. After Reed successfully distracts the Agents, allowing the trio to escape, the head for Reed's ex-girlfriend, [[Estelle]]'s, apartment. As they make their two-week drive to Pittsburgh, Sarah and Reed continue to alternatively bond and fight, which stresses out Jonas because it is clear that the situation will end badly.
===The Driving Force===
Upon arriving in Pittsburgh, Sarah clashes with Estelle almost immediately, as the later obviously still has feelings for Reed. As Halloween night progresses, she becomes increasingly irritable, from tossing candy at trick-or-treaters and slamming the door in their faces to getting into an all-out cat-fight with Estelle. After [[Maggie]], "leader" of the Hymn of None, shows up on their doorstep, Sarah begins to distance herself even further from the rest of the group as they begin pairing up, and seemingly abandon their original plan of going to Boston. After Sarah finds Jonas and Maggie missing one morning, she goes to inform Reed, and finds him in bed with Estelle. Infuriated, she gets into another heated fight with Estelle, and blurts out that she couldn't care less about Reed. Estelle becomes uncomfortable and Reed is visibly hurt, and while Sarah attempts to apologize, Jonas and Maggie return from seeing a movie, and Sarah yells at them for being so careless and ignoring all the warnings that were given to them by Maggie herself. After running off by herself, Sarah confesses that she dislikes being the one keeping everyone on task, and wishes that things could go back to the way they were before.
[[Image:RES44-ReedSarahSlap.jpg|thumb|right|Sarah and Reed argue, resulting in Sarah smacking him and leaving.]]
After Maggie posts a video where she admits that the Hymn of None is nothing more than the four of them and the online community that were following Jonas and Sarah's story before, Sarah posts a notice blaming Maggie outright for the situation that they are in, and for the lack of motivation to go to Boston at all on the part of Jonas and Reed. Nonetheless, they arrive in Boston, but Sarah is enraged when she finds out that Jonas has decided not to go to the auction. After yelling at Jonas and Maggie for a bit, Reed pulls her aside and tells her to calm down and asks her why she is acting like a "total bitch". Sarah smacks him across the face, and tells him to go sleep with his "little slut" again before going off on her own. After realizing the danger they've placed her in, Jonas, Maggie, and Reed make a video apologizing and reveal that the FBI has found their location and they are unable to go and meet up with her. Sarah posts a response telling them that she doesn't care whether or not they show up to help her or not, as she has the support of the internet community, some of whom would show up to meet her on the day of the auction.
On the day of the auction, Sarah runs into a [[contact]] who tells her that she needs to "come alone". Seemingly ignoring him, she meets up with members of the Community and they begin to follow the directions given to them in a voice message left for those attending the auction. After they make it to a certain point, however, the contact from earlier takes Sarah's computer and tells her that she was supposed to come alone before handing her a note and leaving. Sarah parts with the community at this point and travels to Boston's South Station per the note's instructions and finds a note on [[LifesBlood Labs]] stationary saying that they have the cure in Los Angeles. Sarah returns to the hotel to meet up with the others, who successfully ditched the FBI Agents, and they fly out to Los Angeles a couple of days later. There, Sarah and Jonas go off on their own and attempt to break into the [[LifesBlood Labs HQ]], only to get arrested and thrown in jail. They are bailed out by Reed, who goes to the jail and bails them out before yelling at them and leaving. However, Reed is captured by LifesBlood Labs while trying to return to Chicago, and Maggie calls Jonas and Sarah down to the address of the [[old LifesBlood Labs]] research building. After locating the encrypted footage archives from underneath the security desk, Sarah and the others begin to keep tabs on LifesBlood Labs and its president [[Leonard Alderman]]. After a few days, Jonas and Sarah break into the building and successfully rescue Reed.
The following week, the Hymn of None prepare to make a bold move against both the Hymn of One and LifesBlood Labs, and Sarah makes a video expressing her gratitude towards the community, just wanting to say "Thank you". The following morning, Sarah drives the getaway car after Jonas and Reed break into the Hymn of One Los Angeles Center, stealing their catalog of all the trait positive girls. A couple of hours later, they arrive at the home of Dr. Leonard J. Alderman and attempt to bait him into coming outside. After he locks the door, they break in and Alderman ambushes them, and holds a knife up to Sarah's throat. Jonas is able to overpower him, but Alderman is still able to slash Sarah's chest with the knife.
===Ulterior Motives===
They bring Alderman back to their hideout, and while Maggie is interrogating them,  Jonas cleans and bandages Sarah's wound. Sarah tells Jonas that he saved her life, and kisses him. Reed walks in on them and freaks out, and leaves the apartment to get some air. After Maggie back to her room, Jonas and Sarah grab Alderman, put him in the trunk of their car, and go to an abandoned building downtown in order to set up a trade with the Hymn of One and LifesBlood Labs to get the cure. Back at the hideout, Reed returns and Maggie remains her in room cracking the files she retrieved from the Old LifesBlood Labs and tracking the car that she was taken away by the Hymn of one in with the community. Footage from security cameras show a disoriented Maggie fleeing the scene after Beaumont distracts the Order agents by attempting to escape. He is shot by someone off-camera who is revealed to be Sarah, and Maggie realizes that Sarah wasn't forced to be a mole inside TAAG by her father like was originally believed. Rather, she had been working for the Order of her own free will the entire time, and was so antagonistic towards Maggie because she was afraid she might remember what happened. Fearing for Jonas's safety, Maggie sends Reed away then goes to the abandoned building to try and save him.
At the exchange, Sarah watches from the sidelines while Jonas attempts to negotiate the transfer, but it falls apart after the FBI Agents show up and take out when member from each of the negotiating parties. Jonas tosses Sarah the box containing the cure, and Sarah flees to the stairs. On her way down, she spots Maggie down below and puts the camera down at the bottom of the next stair landing, and hides in the adjacent doorway. After Maggie spots the camera and stops in confusion, Sarah steps out and knocks Maggie unconscious with the metal box and drags her into the room. [[Image:RES78-SarahwithGun.jpg|thumb|left|Sarah reveals her true allegiance.]] She arrives back at the car and discovers that Alderman has escaped, and recieves a call from someone in the Order. She yells at them for not doing a better job of keeping the FBI away, as she had almost been shot getting out of there. As she hangs up, she resumes her innocent act as Jonas returns, and they get in the car to drive back to the hideout. On the way back, Sarah begins to laugh to herself, and starts to wonder aloud how far someone would go to achieve eternal life. She then goes on to mock Jonas's weakness for trait positive girls, and says that he is "so unbelievably stupid". She pulls out a gun and tells him to pull over the car, and reveals that she is "totally, and completely, and utterly evil". She goes on to reveal that she had been tasked with bringing him in ("And brownie points if I deliver your wispy little girlfriend.") and that she had been faking her feelings for him just like she had done with Reed. As two Shadows arrive and drag Jonas away, Sarah addresses the community in an echo of what she said the previous day - "Like I said before, thank you. None of this would have been possible without all your help and support. You know, it's funny, 'cause I really thought you'd be smarter than that, but... Well, I was pleasantly surprised. Kisses."
Daniel, who had been informed by Maggie of what had happened prior to her capture, makes a video saying that he knew Sarah was evil, and deconstructs her actions since he had left the group in August. According to security footage, Jonas's capture by "LifesBlood Lab Agents" had been staged by Sarah, who didn't actually use real mace in the fight, and the trip to Boston was staged by Sarah, as the contact was an accomplice of hers. Sarah responds by telling Daniel that he's really pathetic for making an "I told you so" video, and wakes up Maggie, who is tied to a pipe inside of an Order hospital. She taunts Maggie by revealing that Dr. Alderman had figured out that she was a pure trait positive for them, meaning that she was the perfect candidate to "mate" with Jonas, who she revealed was the first trait positive male in a Milena, so that they would create an endless supply of trait positive children for the Order to use. After leaving to meet up with Lucy and beating Jonas repeatedly with a lead pipe, Sarah warns anyone out there that anyone who tried to save Jonas and Maggie would be killed. Finally, she revealed thats she needed to leave soon, as she had an ascension to go to, suggesting that she was being rewarded by the Order with eternal life, and ascending to the rank of an [[Elder]].
Sarah's attitude has changed a lot during her presence in the series; originally a dark emo/gothic type of character with an extremely slutty side (which, according to Taylor, was "totally an act"), she has lately been seen to be a lot more optimistic, reflecting in a more colorful set of clothes.
* During the time Sarah was a part of lonelygirl15, she sometimes used her sister Taylor's account soccerstar4ever to post videos. As of August 26, 2008, however, she has acquired her own account, theskyisempty99.
* According to Taylor, Sarah has a pet ferret who, according to a blog on her MySpace, is named [[Colossus]], after a book. The book in question is most likely a collection of poetry by Sylvia Plath.
* Many of Sarah's gestures carry sexual connotations; initial opening of her shirt, showing her leg flexibility, rolling her tongue, and tying a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue. This trend of sexual openness is prevalent throughout the series.
* In her blog she talks frequently about her [[relationships#Sarah and Jay|relationship]] with a boy named Jay.  This is believed to be a reference to former LGPedia admin [[User:JayHenry|JayHenry]], also known as JayHank.
*She has an affinity for doughnuts. "I like doughnuts" is a phrase she uses often. In her blog she also mentions she is sad because there is no doughnut store by the new cabin after they [[Getting Her Back|rescue Bree]].
*The character of Sarah was created by [[Glenn Rubenstein]]. [http://lg15today.blogspot.com/2007/12/what-time-is-itcoverage-of-glenn-on.html] He based her name off of the pseudonym girls often use when calling into the show "[http://www.lovelineshow.com/ Loveline]." [http://lg15today.blogspot.com/2007/12/what-time-is-itcoverage-of-glenn-on_26.html]
*In the storyline Glenn originally created, Sarah's sister was to be a girl named [[Molly]], instead of Taylor, as she turned out to be.
Sarah means "lady" or "princess" in Hebrew. It was the name of Abraham's wife in the Old Testament. She became the mother of Isaac at the age of 90. Her name was once שָׂרָי (Saray), but God changed it (Genesis 17:15). [http://www.behindthename.com/php/view.php?name=sarah].
{{The Resistance}}

Latest revision as of 01:44, 24 June 2016

LG15res-Sarah official.jpg
First Appearance Last Appearance
Crazy Emo Chick Catching Up, Closing Out
Character information
Age 35
Date of Birth April 5th, 1989
Place of Origin En USA.gif United States
Relationships Daniel Barlow (Boyfriend)
Carl Adams (Boyfriend)
LG15 10008
MySpace skyisempty99
Forum Posts SkyIsEmpty
YouTube theskyisempty99
Twitter theskyisempty99
Portrayed by Alexandra Dreyfus
List of Sarah's blogs
Videos with Sarah

Sarah Genatiempo is a young woman who was a member of TAAG for most of 2007 and 2008, and later was a part of the new resistance movement in late 2008 called the Hymn of None. She was a main character in lonelygirl15 and LG15: The Resistance, and also the sister of Taylor, who first mentions Sarah in her video blog Practice Sucked :(. Both Sarah and Taylor are from the town of Zavalla, Texas.

In 2008, it is revealed that she was working a mole for the Order of Denderah. The length, span and nature of her loyalties to the Order have yet to be fully clarified. Sarah initially led the group to believe that she had been forced by her father, who works for the Order as a cemetery watchman, to help them shortly after Bree's death. This is proven false after Maggie discovers that she had been working for the Order of her own free will for much longer than that. The last time she is seen on camera, Sarah indicates that she has been chosen to ascend to the rank of an Elder.


High School Drama

Sarah begins blogging on her MySpace account around the time her sister starts posted video blogs on YouTube. Sarah expresses her dismay regarding Taylor's ability to get whatever she wants from her parents, and often goes out of her way to say something mean about her. She talks in length about a boy she likes named Jay, who stopped returning her calls. She also becomes upset when she loses Colossus, her pet ferret, though she soon locates him in Taylor's closet.

Sarah's original MySpace profile picture.

Out of boredom, she decides to go to a local fair with her family, she runs into Jay at the pig stalls, and they hook up right there. She goes on to reveal that Jay has stopped acknowledging her existence, and that her friends don't believe her claims that she hooked up with him. Sarah becomes even more dismayed when Jay turns his affections to Vanessa, whom Sarah doesn't consider the brightest bulb, and becomes more upset when Jay asks Vanessa to Prom.

Bree, Daniel, and Jonas met Sarah at a park in Crazy Emo Chick, which marked Sarah's first appearance on video. Sarah's behavior in this encounter was clearly more mischievous than Taylor had earlier implied. As far as anyone can tell from the video, the original plan was for Bree, Daniel, and Jonas to meet Taylor a local park. The plan soon changed, however, as Sarah showed up instead, scaring the trio by saying she had a gun on Daniel's back, and demanding the camera be shut off. During the "blackout," Sarah apparently explained herself, and revealed that the "gun" on Daniel was in reality a tube of lipstick. Sarah also had another chance to surprise Daniel and subsequently "pantsed" him. Needless to say, Daniel's first impression of Taylor's sister wasn't friendly.

While Sarah's been willing to help, she was never very concerned with knowing the full story, having said (on the in-character chat), "to be perfectly honest I sort of zoned after "and then they made me perform a fake ceremony to fool Daniel." Nevertheless, she was disappointed to see Daniel and Jonas leave Texas. While she never mentions Daniel by name, she laments about his ignorance of her in her blog. She also reveals that she has decided not to attend the prom, which disappointed her mother, though Sarah couldn't have cared less.

As graduation came closer, Sarah decided to go to a party with her friends. There, she saw Jay, and decided to make him jealous by making out with the bartender. She blogged about it on her MySpace and later posted pictures, which Taylor considered offensive. She was so offended that she titled her next video blog, My Sister = Slut. After Taylor apologized for being insulting, Sarah had a talk with their mother, which according to Taylor sounded like, she was trying to convince mom to let her go somewhere. The following morning, Sarah left, only to reappear days later alongside Daniel and Jonas in California.

A Summer With Daniel

Sarah overtly and aggressively begins to pursue Daniel in a romantic and/or sexual context. In her first blog, she plays with Purple Monkey and pretends he is Daniel, kissing him and pressing him against her breasts. After Bree is rescued, it is painfully clear that she has suffered psychological damage from her stay with the Hymn of One. As a result of this, Daniel seems to focus his attention on Sarah as a means to distance himself from the reality of what's happening with Bree. Sarah doesn't take what's going on with Bree seriously, and treats her as if she's Colossus. Daniel tries to defend his actions (many of which seem to have hindered Bree's recovery), and tries to make it look like Jonas is taking advantage of her delicate state of mind. The next day, Sarah videotapes Jonas and Bree kissing, solidifying the rift between Daniel and Jonas.

Sarah tells Daniel to back off.

After Bree escapes, the trio go search for her. However, Daniel and Sarah seem more preoccupied with flirting, ticking off Jonas, who accuses Daniel and Sarah of not caring at all about Bree (they don't help their case by continuing to flirt instead of search). Sarah is a bit annoyed by Jonas's behavior as well, and deems it a side effect of losing his virginity to Bree. Sarah makes a video explaining that sex is no big deal, and that Jonas is blowing the entire situation out of proportion. Jonas, infuriated, sends an angry email to Taylor complaining about her sister's behavior. Taylor is annoyed that she's been dragged into this, and posts a video analyzing Jonas's behavior towards Sarah and in general. Bree posts a video announcing her decision to go back to the Hymn of One, so TAAG focus their efforts on a scientist by the name of Isaac Gilman, who worked with Bree's father. Sarah has some fun insinuating that Gilman is mad, which only succeeds in further angering Jonas. Sarah apologizes after realizing that she is really succeeding in hurting Jonas, and admits that she doesn't do "Huggy and Mushy" well. The team began to cooperate and located the mistress of Dr. Gilman, who informed them that he was killed on the same day as Drew Avery.

Jonas goes to Texas to work with Taylor, leaving Daniel and Sarah on their own. They take advantage of the alone time, and the day ends with them hooking up. Afterwards, Sarah becomes annoyed when Daniel begins taking things too seriously and becomes clingy. This small rift between the two starts to grow when Sarah drops Issac Gilman's files in the water. While Sarah claims it was an accident, Daniel soon believes her actions to be deliberate. With the help of Spencer, Isaac Gilman's son, the teens began focusing on the rescue of Bree and of making her Trait Negative with the help of Gilman's serum. During the training Spencer puts them through, he questions Daniel about his relationship with Sarah, to which Daniel replies that he is no longer interested. Sarah is the only one who isn't trained, as she is already prepared to do her part: distract the security guard.

The Serum is successfully made, and TAAG prepare to go rescue Bree. On the morning of Taylor and Sarah both protested, saying that they did not want to go, though they went anyway. While trying to get to Bree by 11 am TAAG ran into a Watcher who chased them, rammed into their car and forced them to crash and run for their lives. Sarah became separated from the rest of the group, but Nikki Bower came to the rescue just in time. After their rescue, Daniel went and received information that the Ceremony was in the middle of nowhere. They also realized that their serum was broken in the crash and Sarah left to find the other vial. Sarah took a long time, and everyone besides Taylor began doubting whether she would return. Finally, Sarah made it back to them with the serum in hand and with the remaining five members of TAAG together, they pressed forward, finally finding Bree, but only in time to see her die. When Sarah witnessed Daniel's grief caused by Bree's death, she shouted to Bree that "Daniel was always yours . . .", and that she couldn't "compete with a ghost."

Regaining Her Footing

Soon after Bree's death, Sarah & Taylor returned to Zavalla, Texas where Sarah returned to her old promiscuous ways, as noted by Taylor in Sluttiness Prevails. Sarah seemed to no longer care who she dated, though Taylor argued that she still harbored feelings for Daniel. She had also returned to showing her distaste of video blogging.

Although at first, Sarah lied saying she had lost the serum which Daniel and Jonas requested for Emma, Sarah returned to help TAAG when she saw that the they truly needed her help. She began to develop a relationship with Emma and helped her when she wanted to make her own decisions about becoming trait negative.

Sarah making her classic "annoyed face"
Helping Emma escape back to her parents, Sarah moved into a rented house with Daniel and Jonas, making it obvious that she was bothered by Daniel's new girlfriend, Mallory's constant presence in their new home. That may also be the reason why she took the opportunity to leave the house by going on a stakeout with Jonas. Although she made very clear she considered it stupid to go to LaRezisto with Emma, there was nothing she could do from home, so she helped Daniel with his Student Film instead, playing the role of Rebecca. She also vowed to be more honest in the future, but when she tried to tell Mallory the truth about Daniel (probably willfully accepting the possibility she might break up with him afterwards), she learned that Daniel had already come forward to her, making for an awkward moment, and leading to even more hostility towards Mallory. When her suspicions about LaRezisto were confirmed, and Emma was gone, she was reasonably angry, and even went as far as questioning Jonas's honesty as a whole.

Having been left at home once more, Sarah, out of necessity, spent some more time with Mallory, helping her with the contest to re-cut Daniel's film and carving pumpkins with her. After the guys returned, however, she and her opinion were, once again, disrespected. After Daniel screamed at her and he, Jonas, and Sonia didn't even ask her to come along to save the Ceremony baby, Sarah openly voiced her opinion that the guys were sexist. This, however, only brought her mockery from Jonas and Daniel, which she called unfair.

Showing her own deceptive side, and, once again, seeding trouble in paradise, Sarah later talked Mallory into having direct contact (as close as butt-touching and kissing) with Chris, in order to get information about Emma out of him. This failed, however, as the seemingly important information they got only led them to a joint venture presentation, where they barely escaped Lucy and some Wyman security personnel.

Sarah had another chance to show her deception/acting/damsel in distress skills when she was, once again, used to distract a guard at Pleasant Manor (impressing both Daniel and Jonas, who didn't think she could pull it off), and it was her who found a way inside. While they did leave the manor unharmed, the experience inside the manor, coupled with Daniel's seemingly indestructible relationship with Mallory, seemed to have broken her will to continue, to the point where she was openly asking herself "What the hell am I doing here?". She soon found the answer was continuing to investigate and fight the Order, although she expressed her feelings that the Lullaby Project, a collaboration of the HoO, the Wyman Foundation, and Verdus Pharmaceuticals, may be a good thing. She went with Daniel and Jonas on a stakeout, following a truck from the Lullaby Project, the Order's newest guise. After following the truck to a nearby truck stop, Sarah and Jonas disappeared, leading Daniel to believe they had been abducted. Days later, the two had not turned up and Daniel posted another video in which Taylor appeared and had also not seen her sister, increasing Daniel's worry. The next day, though, Jonas managed to find an internet connection with WiFi and post a video, showing Daniel that they had been stuck in the truck for four days. Sarah bugged Jonas boredly during this time, and then started to break down, yelling that she needed to get out. The next day, Carl, Chris, and Claudia rescued them from the truck, which Sarah was, at first, reluctant to accept.

Helping at the Lullaby Project

Sarah and her new friend Jennie at the "Global Lullaby Village"

The two were taken to a Lullaby Project Prenatal Care Center in the middle of the desert, where they were toured around the encampment and given food and shelter. After spending a few days with these people, Jonas and Sarah decided to bike back home. When Jonas became irritated with Sarah, he left her stranded in the middle of the desert, and when he came back for her, she was gone, leaving her bike behind. Later that day, Taylor posted a message saying that she would be coming back to L.A. via the bus.

Several days later, however, Sarah made a video explaining that the Lullaby Project employees picked her up in a truck after Jonas left her and she had decided to stay at the Prenatal Care Center where she was helping out with a new friend named Jennie. Sarah once again reiterated that the Lullaby Project seemed to be genuinely there to help people, and that she hadn't .."felt that good about doing something in...ever." Days later, Jennie was introduced on camera where she and Sarah explained a little about the "Global Lullaby Village", which is what Claudia calls the Lullaby Project encampment which is constantly relocating.

Sarah later recounted an experience she had in the Song Circle at the Lullaby Project where she heard something that she thought to be her "eternal song". She remained skeptical about the religion but believed that the song she heard was real. Since then, Jennie began posting videos some which further fueled worry about Sarah. Nearly two weeks went by before Sarah posted another video, explaining that she really felt her eternal song and that she felt closer to those within the HoO than she did with her biological family. After Jennie realized the questionable methods used by the Lullaby Project, she decided to ask Jonas, Daniel, and Emma for help in saving Sarah, and after a very disturbing chat with Sarah, the gang headed to Mexico where they witnessed a brainwashed-looking Sarah being "welcomed" to the family by Carl, they then took Sarah back by force as she protested telling them she belonged there.

Back in California

Sarah loses sleep.

While Sarah was initially angry about having been taken from the Lullaby Project (losing some sleep over it as well), she quickly returned to normal, and soon began a number of illegal projects with Daniel, including breaking into Verdus Pharmaceuticals's offices, helping the community break into Ted McKinley's match.com account, and breaking into Ted McKinley's apartment. After the boys had handed over the memo stolen in that mission to the community and bugged Lucy's car, it was she who saved Daniel and Jonas from an armed Watcher by knocking him out. She then went with the others to William Porter's house block, trying to save Emma a second time, after Lucy had escaped with her the first time.

After Daniel and Jonas rescued both Emma and Gina, the six of them went to a rented cabin near Big Bear Lake. Since then, Sarah seemingly resumed her relationship with Daniel. Although, tension began to run high as a result of Sarah assuming that Jennie was interested in Daniel, they were able to put it behind them and Sarah was said to have been playing beer pong with Gina while Jennie and Jonas got close. Sarah later gave forum members the challenge of figuring out what Gina had drawn. As a result, Sarah suffered another outburst from Daniel, who told her that she had violated Gina's privacy.

The whole gang had to once again relocate when they spotted the Shadow of William Porter following them. Back at the rented house, Sarah shared her room with Gina who stole her sketch paper. After much arguing over Gina's wish to find Bree's adoptive mother, Sarah and Daniel decided to stay behind while Jennie and Jonas decided to take Gina to try to find Bree's mom. The next day, Sarah went to the store, and while there, she was approached by a store clerk who told her a "muscled-out psycho" had been asking about her friends and her. When Sarah got back to the rented house, Daniel yelled at her, saying all she did was put the team at risk.

While Jonas tried to wake up Jennie, TAAG learned that the Shadow found their home and tried to attack Jennie, but the Shadow chased Jennie out of the rented house and was killed. The next day, the group blew off steam at the beach.

Getting Cozy With Carl

Sarah and Carl go out to lunch.

Recently, Sarah revealed that she had slept with Carl while in Mexico, and he wrote her a cheesy love note in Spanish in the book he gave her. It called her his "Sacred Spirit." Not long after she revealed this, Carl showed up and announced that he had left the Hymn of One to be with Sarah. He offers to provide TAAG information if Sarah goes out with him. Sarah contemplates the offer and, to the other's disapproval, accepts. Because of this, everyone becomes hostile towards Sarah, especially Daniel. Feeling guilty after Carl's aid leads to Gina's abduction, Sarah attempts to get information from Carl about Bree's mom, but fails to be convincing as Carl immediately sees what she is doing.

Sarah accompanies the others to Catalina Island, where she uses her "conversation skills" to distract the owner of Alcombe Antiques while Jonas and Daniel investigate inside. Her visit is cut short, however, as Carl invites her on a real vacation. Sarah, feeling that she is not wanted, accepts, and departs from the group.

Almost two weeks later, after TAAG discovers that there is a hit out on them, they return to the rented house to discover Sarah and Carl drinking Margaritas in festive outfits. Unlike on previous occasions, The others don't act too hostile towards Carl and Sarah, and seemed to have gotten used to the idea that they are together. Sarah and the others decide that the best way to stop Edward Salinas, a politician who is trying to kill them so he can ascend to the level of an Elder in the Hymn of One, is to infiltrate his campaign. During the "audition" process, Sarah makes several suggestive remarks, and the group ultimately decides that Jennie is the best candidate.

After discovering that Emma has been targeted for the Ceremony, Sarah and the others set off to find her. On the way, Daniel reveals that Sarah has stopped taking Carl's calls, but neither of them elaborate. After Emma is safely rescued, she hangs out with Sarah and Gina in the backyard, noting her surprise that Gina and Sarah are "getting along" after the "Daniel drama". Sarah says that they have put that behind them, and that she was happy with Carl "for now". However, her attitude changes when Carl is captured by Salinas. She admits that being around Daniel had confused her, but she believes that she is in love with Carl. She lashes out at Daniel after he points out that Salinas is only using Carl as bait, comparing the situation to that of the effort to rescue Bree.

Picking Up the Pieces

After Emma saves Carl, Sarah apparently talks to him every day. Gina recognizes that was Sarah's way of coping, denial. In her next blog, Sarah suggests a LG15 Prom. After discussion with Daniel and Jonas, Sarah decides on an '80s theme. Daniel asks her to the prom, but she announces she had already asked Carl.

When Sarah arrives at the prom, she admits how terrible Carl's outfit is. He dances with and without Sarah awkwardly, and Sarah is embarrassed in front of everyone. After that, Sarah gets away from Carl briefly, pouring alcohol into the punch. She isn't very interested in the text from Thompson, or the update on Salinas' website. After that, Sarah talks to Daniel, who filmed her and put his hands on her waist and neck. Daniel then says he's stealing Carl's date, until Emma jumps behind him and scares him. Later, Sarah accidentally spills her drink on Carl, while he tries to send an email. When he leaves to clean up in the bathroom, Sarah starts to second-guess her choice of Carl out loud. She asks Daniel to get some punch with her. The two dance until Jonas calls them to a meeting, where they discover Carl betrayed them once again. Once Carl is tied up, Sarah takes Daniel to a room, and the two start to make out. In the background as they kiss, Lucy and Carl run out of the cabin.

Sarah begins to move on.

Sarah ran from prom into the woods, until her legs gave out. Finally, when she found a road, she passed out. When she woke up, someone was taking her to the hospital. She got out of the car, and walked a few miles to a Denny's and called Daniel on a payphone. Him and Jonas came and picked her up. Later, on her next blog, she compliments Gina and says 'she knew her better than anyone else did'. She expresses her anger at Carl for not only killing one of her friends, but also for using her to do it. She tears Carl's note out of Finding the One. The footage then cuts to Sarah at the grill, where she seems even more upset. She talks about how she could return to Texas, while throwing Carl's belonging into the grill, then lighting it all on fire. Daniel and her had gotten even closer since prom, even though Sarah doesn't know where the relationship is going. Over the weekend, Daniel tells Sarah how it's not her fault that Gina died, but she doesn't believe him.

Sarah posted a new blog almost a week after the previous. She explains how she doesn't feel bad about Salinas's suicide, and that he got what he deserved. She thinks it's clear the Order killed him, showing the Order how dangerous TAAG can be. Telling how they captured Carl, she goes on to say that he hasn't said a word since he was captured. She thinks they should starve him, reflecting again on how he used her. Daniel wouldn't let Sarah in the room alone with Carl, afraid she would attack him. During their only encounter on camera, Sarah lunges for him but Daniel restrains her. After Carl is handed over to the police, TAAG sends Sarah to plea to Carl one last time to get him to talk, only to discover that he had committed suicide in his cell.

The following week, Sarah and Daniel are seen kissing and touching affectionately on camera, confirming that they are once again pursuing a relationship. Daniel expresses his pleasure with the developing relationship, and goes as far as stating that they've talked about the future. Sarah also confirms that they are back together. After Gina's hidden drawings are discovered, Sarah and the others piece together that Gina was held in a facility in La Crete - and that the Order's Science Headquarters was located there. Afterwards, Jonas left to find answers on his own, and Jennie became the third wheel to Daniel and Sarah, who had to keep their PDA low so as to not upset her. After Jonas is sent a DVD with footage of someone watching the house, Sarah and the others are forced to move out of the rented house. After Daniel spends a day researching, he joins Sarah for a day at the beach and tells her that Jonas has gone back to his parents house. Sarah acts fidgety after hearing the news, and the subject is dropped.

Secrets Revealed

A few days later Jonas is captured by Lucy, and Sarah reluctantly joins Daniel and Jennie in rescuing him. No sooner have they recovered then they are contacted by Taylor, who has discovered papers in her attic that suggest that their father is a member of the Hymn of One. Sarah is initially apprehensive about going home, and speculates that Taylor might have misinterpreted the situation or that she was lying for attention. After getting comforted by Daniel, she gets him to promise that he'll stick by her "No Matter What". After arriving in Texas, Taylor and Sarah lead the others to their father's apartment. At the apartment, they find footage of a hooded figure telling the recipient that with Salinas gone, they are next in line for the Ceremony, and they only need to hand over Jonas to Ascend to Elder. Sarah acts fidgety and Taylor yells at her for not making the connection between "the tombs" mentioned in the message and their father's career as an undertaker. In further viewing the DVDs, it is revealed that the two sisters, especially Taylor, was used as a means to lure Bree to Zavalla to find Jules so that the Order could capture her.

Daniel gets angry with Sarah for what she's done.

However, there proved to be more to the story. After a search of the tombs, Taylor went out for a walk by herself and vanished. The group became frantic and visited all of her acquaintances to no avail. When Daniel got home, he looked in Sarah's suitcase for a T-Shirt and found a picture of Taylor tied up with a note from her father. The note revealed that Sarah had been working for her father as a mole since the weeks following Bree's death, and that Taylor was captured as punishment for not doing her job properly. When confronted by Daniel, Sarah revealed that her sister and mother's lives had been threatened, and that she had been the one sending the group messages and clues. She also admitted to faking being brainwashed by the Hymn of One in order to distance herself from the group. Daniel doesn't believe her, and tells her that he's going to tell Jonas and Jennie. As he leaves, Sarah smashes a vase over his head and runs off.

Sarah sends her messenger Jerry to the group a couple of days later after Jonas is captured during Taylor's rescue, and he explains that Sarah's father plans on killing Jonas during the eclipse. Soon after, Sarah sends a picture of Jonas on a boat to TAAG, allowing them to find the location of the Ceremony. The morning of the ascension, Sarah sends the group coordinates and blueprints of the boat, and Daniel and Jennie successfully board and free Jonas. In the chaos, Daniel gets stuck in a network of pipes, and after freeing himself, witnesses Sarah's dad verbally attacking her for what she has done. He drags her off, and she is tied up with a newly re-captured Jonas and the Ceremony girl, Nadia Dalton. After Nadia is taken to get her blood drained, Jonas is able to break them both free. He interrupts the ceremony but is unable to save Nadia, and Sarah finally stands up to her father and tells him to go to hell as she flees the ship.

After returning to shore, Sarah films the aftermath and tries to talk to Daniel, who ignores her and walks away. After Jennie and Spencer take an injured Spencer to the hospital, Daniel and Jonas both go their separate ways and walk away, leaving Sarah alone on the beach.

LG15: The Resistance

Fun Things To Do in Hiding

After the events on the S.S. Hathor's Song, and Daniel's rejection, Sarah went into hiding in order to protect herself from her vengeful father. She remains inactive online for a couple of weeks, but ultimately caves and posts a MySpace blog asking if anyone is out there (referring to the lack of activity from either TAAG or The Order). She later posts a video on a new YouTube account and tells us that she's been spending the last few weeks watching TV, painting her toes, and playing with her stuffed monkey. Not long after posting her third video diary, she updates her MySpace blog where she acknowledges that developments have occurred while she's been in hiding, and expresses her desire to help fight the Order. She makes it clear that she doesn't feel the need for redemption, as her actions on the S.S. Hathor's Song was redeeming enough, and says that she's doing this because she wants to. She cites the treatment she has received on the boards, and that many people don't trust her. She says that if "You guys want to call me out, so be it. Just don't be surprised when I call back."

Sarah pleads with Daniel to contact her in any way.

Soon after, The mysterious Hymn of None posts footage of Jonas receiving a phone call from Sarah, resulting in him yelling at her to stop calling him. After seeing the footage, Jonas insists that he is done with trying to fight the Order, but Sarah takes up the Hymn of None's cause and becomes the self-proclaimed "head cheerleader of team resistance". She convinces community members to harass Jonas into rejoining the fight by incessantly messaging him. Over the next week, as Jonas flees the FBI, Sarah researches LifesBlood Labs and discovers that they were stealing from the Order. Following this discovery, Jonas is kidnapped by LifesBlood Labs, only to be rescued days later by Sarah, who tracks down the vehicle and attacks the agents with Mace. However, her intentions were questioned by Jonas and members of the community alike, as Sarah had secretly followed him to Chicago. However, Sarah explains that she wants to get back at the Order for stealing her life and using her as a pawn by helping Jonas.

True to her word, Sarah accompanies Jonas to the Willow Woods Auction and helps him steal the Samsaran Doctrine, as well as fight off the security guards. However, once they get back to safety, they are unable to make heads or tails of the writings, and pawn off deciphering it onto the community while they go out. While the night initially starts off as a way to decide whether or not they could trust Reed, it quickly turned into a night of heavy drinking that resulting in both Jonas and Sarah posting drunken rants online. The Hymn of None scolds them for their carelessness, and tells them to start acting more mature now that they are leaders of a resistance. They take the warning to heart, and spend the entire next day translating the book. One of the passages revealed the possibility that there could be a cure for the trait positive gene, and Jonas and Sarah immediately set out to find out more, picking up Reed on the way.

As they leave their motel room in Chicago, Reed seems to hit on Sarah, and she makes fun of his lack of skills at hitting on girls successfully. She continues to tease him the entire way to the next motel, and takes one of the two beds in the room, forcing Reed to sleep on the floor. The following day, their rental car was broken into, and they were forced to stay put in town while it was being fixed. Upon the car's repair, the Hymn of None discovered that the location of the cure was in an auction in Boston. As they left the hotel to head east, the FBI Agents show up in the parking lot, and Sarah yells at Jonas for using his credit card to pay for the room. After Reed successfully distracts the Agents, allowing the trio to escape, the head for Reed's ex-girlfriend, Estelle's, apartment. As they make their two-week drive to Pittsburgh, Sarah and Reed continue to alternatively bond and fight, which stresses out Jonas because it is clear that the situation will end badly.

The Driving Force

Upon arriving in Pittsburgh, Sarah clashes with Estelle almost immediately, as the later obviously still has feelings for Reed. As Halloween night progresses, she becomes increasingly irritable, from tossing candy at trick-or-treaters and slamming the door in their faces to getting into an all-out cat-fight with Estelle. After Maggie, "leader" of the Hymn of None, shows up on their doorstep, Sarah begins to distance herself even further from the rest of the group as they begin pairing up, and seemingly abandon their original plan of going to Boston. After Sarah finds Jonas and Maggie missing one morning, she goes to inform Reed, and finds him in bed with Estelle. Infuriated, she gets into another heated fight with Estelle, and blurts out that she couldn't care less about Reed. Estelle becomes uncomfortable and Reed is visibly hurt, and while Sarah attempts to apologize, Jonas and Maggie return from seeing a movie, and Sarah yells at them for being so careless and ignoring all the warnings that were given to them by Maggie herself. After running off by herself, Sarah confesses that she dislikes being the one keeping everyone on task, and wishes that things could go back to the way they were before.

Sarah and Reed argue, resulting in Sarah smacking him and leaving.

After Maggie posts a video where she admits that the Hymn of None is nothing more than the four of them and the online community that were following Jonas and Sarah's story before, Sarah posts a notice blaming Maggie outright for the situation that they are in, and for the lack of motivation to go to Boston at all on the part of Jonas and Reed. Nonetheless, they arrive in Boston, but Sarah is enraged when she finds out that Jonas has decided not to go to the auction. After yelling at Jonas and Maggie for a bit, Reed pulls her aside and tells her to calm down and asks her why she is acting like a "total bitch". Sarah smacks him across the face, and tells him to go sleep with his "little slut" again before going off on her own. After realizing the danger they've placed her in, Jonas, Maggie, and Reed make a video apologizing and reveal that the FBI has found their location and they are unable to go and meet up with her. Sarah posts a response telling them that she doesn't care whether or not they show up to help her or not, as she has the support of the internet community, some of whom would show up to meet her on the day of the auction.

On the day of the auction, Sarah runs into a contact who tells her that she needs to "come alone". Seemingly ignoring him, she meets up with members of the Community and they begin to follow the directions given to them in a voice message left for those attending the auction. After they make it to a certain point, however, the contact from earlier takes Sarah's computer and tells her that she was supposed to come alone before handing her a note and leaving. Sarah parts with the community at this point and travels to Boston's South Station per the note's instructions and finds a note on LifesBlood Labs stationary saying that they have the cure in Los Angeles. Sarah returns to the hotel to meet up with the others, who successfully ditched the FBI Agents, and they fly out to Los Angeles a couple of days later. There, Sarah and Jonas go off on their own and attempt to break into the LifesBlood Labs HQ, only to get arrested and thrown in jail. They are bailed out by Reed, who goes to the jail and bails them out before yelling at them and leaving. However, Reed is captured by LifesBlood Labs while trying to return to Chicago, and Maggie calls Jonas and Sarah down to the address of the old LifesBlood Labs research building. After locating the encrypted footage archives from underneath the security desk, Sarah and the others begin to keep tabs on LifesBlood Labs and its president Leonard Alderman. After a few days, Jonas and Sarah break into the building and successfully rescue Reed.

The following week, the Hymn of None prepare to make a bold move against both the Hymn of One and LifesBlood Labs, and Sarah makes a video expressing her gratitude towards the community, just wanting to say "Thank you". The following morning, Sarah drives the getaway car after Jonas and Reed break into the Hymn of One Los Angeles Center, stealing their catalog of all the trait positive girls. A couple of hours later, they arrive at the home of Dr. Leonard J. Alderman and attempt to bait him into coming outside. After he locks the door, they break in and Alderman ambushes them, and holds a knife up to Sarah's throat. Jonas is able to overpower him, but Alderman is still able to slash Sarah's chest with the knife.

Ulterior Motives

They bring Alderman back to their hideout, and while Maggie is interrogating them, Jonas cleans and bandages Sarah's wound. Sarah tells Jonas that he saved her life, and kisses him. Reed walks in on them and freaks out, and leaves the apartment to get some air. After Maggie back to her room, Jonas and Sarah grab Alderman, put him in the trunk of their car, and go to an abandoned building downtown in order to set up a trade with the Hymn of One and LifesBlood Labs to get the cure. Back at the hideout, Reed returns and Maggie remains her in room cracking the files she retrieved from the Old LifesBlood Labs and tracking the car that she was taken away by the Hymn of one in with the community. Footage from security cameras show a disoriented Maggie fleeing the scene after Beaumont distracts the Order agents by attempting to escape. He is shot by someone off-camera who is revealed to be Sarah, and Maggie realizes that Sarah wasn't forced to be a mole inside TAAG by her father like was originally believed. Rather, she had been working for the Order of her own free will the entire time, and was so antagonistic towards Maggie because she was afraid she might remember what happened. Fearing for Jonas's safety, Maggie sends Reed away then goes to the abandoned building to try and save him.

At the exchange, Sarah watches from the sidelines while Jonas attempts to negotiate the transfer, but it falls apart after the FBI Agents show up and take out when member from each of the negotiating parties. Jonas tosses Sarah the box containing the cure, and Sarah flees to the stairs. On her way down, she spots Maggie down below and puts the camera down at the bottom of the next stair landing, and hides in the adjacent doorway. After Maggie spots the camera and stops in confusion, Sarah steps out and knocks Maggie unconscious with the metal box and drags her into the room.
Sarah reveals her true allegiance.
She arrives back at the car and discovers that Alderman has escaped, and recieves a call from someone in the Order. She yells at them for not doing a better job of keeping the FBI away, as she had almost been shot getting out of there. As she hangs up, she resumes her innocent act as Jonas returns, and they get in the car to drive back to the hideout. On the way back, Sarah begins to laugh to herself, and starts to wonder aloud how far someone would go to achieve eternal life. She then goes on to mock Jonas's weakness for trait positive girls, and says that he is "so unbelievably stupid". She pulls out a gun and tells him to pull over the car, and reveals that she is "totally, and completely, and utterly evil". She goes on to reveal that she had been tasked with bringing him in ("And brownie points if I deliver your wispy little girlfriend.") and that she had been faking her feelings for him just like she had done with Reed. As two Shadows arrive and drag Jonas away, Sarah addresses the community in an echo of what she said the previous day - "Like I said before, thank you. None of this would have been possible without all your help and support. You know, it's funny, 'cause I really thought you'd be smarter than that, but... Well, I was pleasantly surprised. Kisses."

Daniel, who had been informed by Maggie of what had happened prior to her capture, makes a video saying that he knew Sarah was evil, and deconstructs her actions since he had left the group in August. According to security footage, Jonas's capture by "LifesBlood Lab Agents" had been staged by Sarah, who didn't actually use real mace in the fight, and the trip to Boston was staged by Sarah, as the contact was an accomplice of hers. Sarah responds by telling Daniel that he's really pathetic for making an "I told you so" video, and wakes up Maggie, who is tied to a pipe inside of an Order hospital. She taunts Maggie by revealing that Dr. Alderman had figured out that she was a pure trait positive for them, meaning that she was the perfect candidate to "mate" with Jonas, who she revealed was the first trait positive male in a Milena, so that they would create an endless supply of trait positive children for the Order to use. After leaving to meet up with Lucy and beating Jonas repeatedly with a lead pipe, Sarah warns anyone out there that anyone who tried to save Jonas and Maggie would be killed. Finally, she revealed thats she needed to leave soon, as she had an ascension to go to, suggesting that she was being rewarded by the Order with eternal life, and ascending to the rank of an Elder.


Sarah's attitude has changed a lot during her presence in the series; originally a dark emo/gothic type of character with an extremely slutty side (which, according to Taylor, was "totally an act"), she has lately been seen to be a lot more optimistic, reflecting in a more colorful set of clothes.


  • During the time Sarah was a part of lonelygirl15, she sometimes used her sister Taylor's account soccerstar4ever to post videos. As of August 26, 2008, however, she has acquired her own account, theskyisempty99.
  • According to Taylor, Sarah has a pet ferret who, according to a blog on her MySpace, is named Colossus, after a book. The book in question is most likely a collection of poetry by Sylvia Plath.
  • Many of Sarah's gestures carry sexual connotations; initial opening of her shirt, showing her leg flexibility, rolling her tongue, and tying a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue. This trend of sexual openness is prevalent throughout the series.
  • In her blog she talks frequently about her relationship with a boy named Jay. This is believed to be a reference to former LGPedia admin JayHenry, also known as JayHank.
  • She has an affinity for doughnuts. "I like doughnuts" is a phrase she uses often. In her blog she also mentions she is sad because there is no doughnut store by the new cabin after they rescue Bree.
  • The character of Sarah was created by Glenn Rubenstein. [1] He based her name off of the pseudonym girls often use when calling into the show "Loveline." [2]
  • In the storyline Glenn originally created, Sarah's sister was to be a girl named Molly, instead of Taylor, as she turned out to be.


Sarah means "lady" or "princess" in Hebrew. It was the name of Abraham's wife in the Old Testament. She became the mother of Isaac at the age of 90. Her name was once שָׂרָי (Saray), but God changed it (Genesis 17:15). [3].


Be sure to check out some theories about Sarah.

lonelygirl15 Characters
Main Characters Bree · Daniel · Jonas · Sarah · Taylor · Emma · Jennie · Gina
Supporting Characters Gemma · OpAphid · Tachyon · Alex · Carl · Spencer · Mallory · Dr. Hart
Recurring Characters Lucy · Nikki B · Virgil · Elizabeth Avery · Bree's Watcher · Brother · Sonia · Jules · The Whartons · Claire · Edward Salinas
Full Character List
LG15: The Resistance Characters
Main Characters Jonas · Sarah · Maggie · Reed
Recurring Characters Dr. Alderman · Beaumont · Daniel · Estelle · Lucy · Doctors
Full Character List
LG15: Outbreak Characters
Main Characters Mason · Crystal · Will · Emma
Current Supporting Characters Spencer · Jordan · Jessica · Mitchell · Francis LaFleur · eyeseeyou · Alizee
Full Character List
KateModern Characters
Main Characters Kate · Charlie · Gavin · Tariq · Steve · Julia · Lee · Lauren
Recurring Characters Sophie · Dudley · Kate's Watcher · Dr. Griffin · Michelle · Terrence · Patricia · Clore's Shadow · Justin · Meryl · Rupert · Toe
Full Character List
The Resistance
Original Members Raymond Wharton · Michael Carruthers · George Kiel
TAAG En USA.gif Bree · Daniel · Jonas · Taylor · Sarah · Spencer · Emma · Jennie · Gina
Hymn of None En USA.gif Maggie · Jonas · Sarah · Reed · Daniel
K-Team En GB.gif Kate · Charlie · Gavin · Tariq · Steve · Sophie · Julia · Lee · Lauren
The FTO En GB.gif Jeffrey · Raymond · Patricia · Lauren
Ola's Gang Flag of Poland.gif Ola · Daniel · Kama · Natan · Justyna · Bartek · Dominika
Landsteiner Flag of Poland.gif Ursyn · Ewa · Pyton · Karolina · Eryk
The Lasties En AU.gif Chasina · Mitch · Antonia · Bray · Jayde · Leigh
European France-Flag.png Mason · Emma · Alizee · LaFleur