Breeniverse Timeline

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Revision as of 14:58, 23 June 2008 by Snl06 (Talk | contribs) (June)

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Before YouTube

May 25th, 1799 - Napoleon's troops, along with artist Vivant Denon reach Denderah. Denon makes sketches of the Zodiac.
October 12th, 1875 - Aleister Crowley is born.
1917 or 1918 - According to the video What Happened? the rogue Elder's organs are "almost 90 years old". This places his birth (or at least his organs) around this year.
1943 - According to Daniel in his video Aleister Crowley a girl is kidnapped in Arizona, and Crowley may have been involved.
1980s - Bree's mother meets Gemma's mother in Edinburgh at university. Bree's parents meet at a showing of Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead.
1987 - Gemma, Jonas and Gina are born.
1988 - Daniel is born.
April 5th, 1989 - Sarah is born.
October 26th, 1989 - Bree is born in Russian Siberia, near Lake Baikal.
1989 - Gina and Bree were purchased by Verdus and taken to America.
1992 - Emma is born.
1994 - Bree begins treatment for her lazy eye.
1996 - According to Gemma, a family disappears after their daughter participates in the same ceremony in which Bree is eventually chosen to play part. (Many have speculated this is Tachyon's family)
1998 - Bree's family moves to New Zealand, where she briefly goes to a public school for the first time.
2000 - Bree's family visits the Northern Territory of Australia. Jonas's parents are lost at sea in the Pacific Ocean and assumed dead.
2002 - Bree's family moves to Nottinghamshire, England, where Bree meets Gemma and befriends her dog.
2004 - Bree's family moves back to America, where she meets Daniel and Cassie during a brief stint in public school. Her classmates make fun of her and call her "Stargirl". In the same year, Daniel's grandmother passes away.



May 12th - Bree registers the YouTube account lonelygirl15 and begins commenting on the videos of many popular YouTubers.
May 24th - Bree posts her first video Paytotheorderofofof vs. Dinosaur.


Mid-June - Daniel graduates from high school; Bree is not allowed to attend his graduation party.
June 16th - Bree posts the video First Blog / Dorkiness Prevails which, as noted in the title, is her first blog. Two days later, she posts the video Purple Monkey, which introduces her beloved puppet.
June 23rd - Although previously mentioned in videos and comments, Daniel makes his first on-camera appearance in the video The Danielbeast.


July 4th - In the video, My Parents Suck... Bree reveals that Daniel came to her house to take her on a hiking trip, but her parents refuse to let her go. The next day Daniel creates a YouTube account and responds with the video Daniel Responds.
July 9th - Bree posts the first video of the PSW SeriesProving Science Wrong!
July 12th - Bree and Daniel finally go hiking together. Bree posts the video My Parents... Let Us Go Hiking!!! the next day. Romantic tensions on the trip lead to the video Boy Problems...
July 29th - Bree's dad nearly catches her making the blog entry The Tolstoy Principle (and Dad "talks" to Daniel). He takes Daniel aside for a personal talk in which he asks Daniel to film a play at Bree's summer camp. Daniel refuses.


August 6th - Bree finally confronts Daniel about his conversation with her dad in the video What Did Daniel and Dad Talk About?. Daniel makes Bree upset by trying to light some candles in her room. The picture of Aleister Crowley is first seen in this video, as is Thor. This leads to a fight on August 15th between Bree and Daniel in the video I Probably Shouldn't Post This...
August 24th - Bree has the play. Daniel films a short video To Hell With Bree's Dad (yeah!) announcing that he's going to make amends with Bree and go to her play. After the play, Bree and Daniel go on what could be considered a date.
August 28th - Daniel takes Bree swimming in the San Gabriel River. The next day Bree posts the video Swimming!, in which she first mentions Cassie.
August 31st - Bree and Daniel make cookies. P. Monkey signals that something momentous will happen on October 12, 2006.


September 3rd - Bree's parents tell her she's been chosen to participate in a ceremony.
September 9th - Bree sneaks out with Daniel for the first time. They go to a party where they meet with Andrea and Paul, who invite them to go out again with them. Later, she is caught by her Dad who grounds her and bans Daniel from the house. A Few days later Bree sneaks out to meet with Daniel at a park so they can go bowling with Andrea and Paul. Daniel finds out that Bree is taking iron pills.
September 16th - Bree sneaks out to a party with Daniel. They kiss for the first time.
September 20th - Bree sneaks out to meet Daniel, and learns how to drive. They get in a fight over Bree's religion, in which Bree mentions the Order of Denderah for the first time.
September 23rd - Bree attends the Equinox celebration with her parents, and is introduced to Lucy. The next day Bree sneaks out to see Daniel, and they have a fight. Bree confesses to her parents that she's been sneaking out. Bree and Daniel are no longer speaking to each other.
September 27th - Lucy is seen by Daniel for the first time, as she and Bree go to a park to practice for the ceremony; Bree asks Daniel not to follow her anymore.


October 1st - Bree goes to possibly see a doctor with Lucy, and is followed by Daniel.
October 6th - Daniel begins to research Bree's religion and posts the video Order Of Denderah.
October 12th - Bree participates in the ceremony. While Daniel spies on the ceremony, someone takes pictures of him, which he later discovers on Lucy's computer.
October 15th - Daniel follows Lucy to her home and breaks in to discover the pictures of him spying on Bree's ritual. Two days later Bree hints that Daniel may be in danger for making The Ceremony and Following The Helper.
October 19th - Gemma posts her first video. Sometime during this weekend, Daniel calls Bree on the phone for the first time in nearly a month. Bree also reveals that the ceremony on the 12th was fake.
October 24th - Bree goes to Daniel's friend's house to talk to him, and reconsiders doing the Ceremony


November 1st - Bree's parents tell her that the deacons refuse to let her get out of performing the ceremony.
November 4th - Bree's parents are apparently kidnapped by Lucy and a Deacon.
November 7th - Bree and Daniel go into hiding for several days since witnessing Bree's parents being taken away.
November 15th - Gemma warns Bree and Daniel to be on the lookout, revealing the presence of the watchers. Jonas posts his first video.
November 23rd - Bree goes out to the movies and posts the video Date With P. Monkey. The next day Bree decides to have a picnic-style Thanksgiving dinner with Daniel on a hiking trail. The idea is proposed that Bree and Daniel go to stay at Jonas's house.


December 1st - In response to advice from Tachyon, Daniel decides to ditch his car. Bree and Daniel are living on the streets and in a warehouse. They argue about whether they can trust Jonas and whether they should return home.
December 9th - Daniel and Bree wait inside a parking garage for Jonas to show up. When he does, Daniel changes his mind and tells Bree that he's going home. Bree leaves Daniel for Jonas a couple days later, Daniel posts a video, telling about his return to his parents and giving an apology to Bree.
December 11th - Over the next few days, Tachyon posts videos, which shows footage of Gemma walking down a sunny street that is clearly not in London, Gemma and Lucy getting in to a car together, and talking on a phone to an unknown person about OpAphid.
December 15th - Over the next week, Daniel searches Bree's house, finding a suspicious box, discovers a hidden camera in his room and flees. He then sneaks into the warehouse from which the box was sent, and finds a large supply of EPOGEN. Meanwhile, Bree attempts to contact relatives.
December 25th - Daniel arrives at Jonas's house before dawn on Christmas. Jonas films Bree and Daniel's reunion, but wakes up the next morning to find Bree missing, along with his car and one of his credit cards.
December 28th - Daniel and Jonas uncover the code that Bree used to communicate with her father, and set out to catch up with her at her meeting location.
December 31st - Jonas and Daniel find Bree with her father, and rescue her from the Order. However, during the rescue, Bree's dad is shot and presumed dead. Other deaths this day include Brother killing Gemma & Dr. Isaac Gilman dying in a mysterious car crash off the I-5.'



January 15th - Daniel implies that he and Bree slept together, which Bree vehemently denies.
January 26th - After going out to the bowling alley, Daniel is abducted.
January 29th - Bree sets out with Jonas to track down Daniel. This results in a road trip, and they end up having to stay in a motel that night. Jonas repeatedly assures the viewers (Daniel in particular, wherever he is) that his sharing a motel bed with Bree is strictly platonic.


February 4th - While Brainwashed, Daniel posts an OpAphid style video, reassuring Bree that the Order is good, and she should go through with the ceremony. The next day Bree offers to surrender herself to the Order, to perform the ceremony, if Daniel is released.
February 10th - With the Help of Tachyon and Brother, Bree and Jonas rescue Daniel, Tachyon shares a lot of information with Bree.
February 16th - Jonas confronts a watcher and discovers his house is no longer safe from The Order, so they go into Hiding at Jonas's cabin in the woods.
February 26th - Bree finds a Watcher symbol , in Jonas's cabin and thinks Jonas is part of a plan by The Order. She ties up Jonas, refusing to let him go until he explains the symbol to her.


March 1st - After escaping, Jonas posts the video Jonas finds boxes of Information proving that Jonas parent's were not part of the Order, but rather fighting against it.
March 7th - Bree, Jonas and Daniel, go to the house of Jonas's aunt Alex, looking for more information.
March 11th - Alex is picked up from the airport by Daniel and Jonas. Bree decides to hang out with Tachyon instead and get some training.
March 14th - Daniel, Alex, and Jonas go to a party where a photo of Lucy is spotted.
March 17th - Jonas confronts Alex, who admits to being part of the Order, and claims Jonas's parents are still alive.
March 20th - Daniel and Jonas meet up with Bree again and head for Las Vegas. They are then tracked down there, but manage to escape.
March 26th - The Order capture Bree, Daniel and Jonas and subject them to Psychological Torture. Bree agrees to do the ceremony.
March 31st - They manage to escape from where the Order were keeping them but Bree is spotted by the cameraman, who is suddenly shot. None of the three can remember what happened.


April 3rd - Bree gives background information about her mother and her religion, which she finally gives a name -- the Hymn Of One.
April 4th - The three follow Alex to Mexico, and Bree and Daniel confront Alex. Bree mentions that people have been saying that someone drugged them, but Alex denies that this was The Order's doing. Jonas later makes up with Alex.
April 9th - Jules posts her first video on YouTube.
April 12th - Nikki Bower reports that Tachyon, Brother, and OpAphid are confirmed to be missing and haven't been seen since.
April 13th - Alex takes the three to her favorite beach, but when Lucy is suddenly there, Jonas assumes that Alex has set them up. He grabs a gun from the front seat and threatens them with it. Alex claims that they are there for her, that they have a "new girl" for the ceremony, and that Bree is no longer needed.
April 14th - Taylor posts her first video on Revver.
April 16th - The three decide to stay in a bunker that has been used by The Resistance. Jonas found out about it while looking through his parent's files, and they discover more clues there. Bree learns that Jules could be the New Girl that Alex was talking about, by watching Nikki Bower's video.
April 26th - Bree learns that Taylor thinks she knows who Julia is, and decides to go to Texas. There, they meet Taylor, as well as her sister.


May 4th - Jules is tracked down, Bree attempts to talk to her about how she shouldn't do the ceremony but Jules runs off. Bree and Daniel kidnap Jules.
May 9th - Jules escapes. They eventually find her, but Lucy and the watchers show up. Bree goes to talk to them and ends up going with them, leaving Daniel and Jonas perplexed.
May 18th - Taylor discovers that Jules (unlike Bree) is not adopted. Daniel steals Jules's medical records, which contain a page with the EPOGEN symbol on it and the note "Trait Negative."
May 25th - A brainwashed Bree makes a video advertising the hymn of one, but containing a hidden message.
May 26th - Sarah meets up with the boys in California. The three of them find a box containing significant information about Bree.


June 1st - Daniel, Jonas, and Sarah infiltrate a Hymn of One recruitment seminar, and get Bree back, against her will.
June 5th - In a rented cabin, Bree's friends try to deprogram her.
June 8th - In the morning after their first kiss, Jonas discovers that Bree has run away.
June 15th - Bree, apparently still brainwashed, uploads a video from her phone, stating that she is lost asking the Hymn of One to come find her. They pick her up shortly afterwards.
June 18th - Taylor cracks a barcode from Bree's dad's box, tracing it to the Wyman Foundation in San Diego, CA.
June 19th - Daniel finds the name Dr. Isaac Gilman in the box, but when they go to the Wyman Foundation to find him, they are told he doesn't work there.
June 20th - After more research, the gang infiltrates Issac Gilman's health club, where they meet a woman who claims to be able to help them.
June 22nd - They privately meet with the woman, who reveals herself to be Issac Gilman's former mistress. They also learn that Gilman died on 12/31/06 (the same day as Bree's dad).
June 25th - Jonas heads back to Zavalla, where he and Taylor eventually contact Issac Gilman's son, Spencer.
June 29th - Spencer posts a video response, stating that he knows nothing of his father's work and that he wishes to be left alone.


July 6th - Daniel and Sarah find Isaac Gilman's research files, at Jonas's parent's yacht club, while Jonas and Taylor return to California.
July 11th - Spencer and Taylor, with the help of the forum members, decipher the damaged documents, and discover the key to making Bree 'trait negative'.
July 12th - It is revealed by the informant nicknamed "Deep Throat" by Daniel that the Ceremony will be within a month and that Bree is currently in a lockup.


August 3rd - Bree sacrifices her life for Jonas, Daniel, Taylor, Sarah, and Spencer.
August 5th-10th - Daniel, Jonas, Spencer, Taylor and Sarah all return to their respective homes. A mysterious new blogger named LaRezisto posts a video with the message "Fight the Order - Join the Resistance."
August 18th - LaRezisto posts a video that shows Jonas's parents, alive and well. He claims that they have no memory of Jonas.
August 22nd - Daniel opens a e-mail from Bree, and a "man in black" appears immediately outside his house. Daniel sends a copy to LaRezisto, then quickly deletes it.
August 24th - Jonas goes to meet his parents, and is introduced to his younger sister Emma. Later in the day, Carl and Sonia show up at his parents' house, and it is revealed that his parents belong to the Hymn of One.
August 30th - Daniel goes on a date with his new girlfriend, Mallory. Taylor discovers that the new 'Trait Positive' girl that the Order wants is Emma.
August 31st - Agents of the Order invade Jonas's parents' home and try to take Emma. Both of Jonas's parents are shot (but not killed) in the struggle. Daniel comes to help, and he and Jonas take Emma to a safehaven in Arizona.


September 4th - Jonas, now staying in a motel near the Grand Canyon, asks Sarah to bring the vial of serum that Spencer made, to make Emma 'trait negative.'
September 6th - Taylor tells Jonas that Sarah has lost the serum. Jonas is infuriated, and demands that she find it.
September 7th - Sarah reveals that she, in fact, has the serum, but she "wanted a normal life." She then goes to Arizona.
September 8th - The Order comes and tries again to forcibly take Emma. Emma, in desperation, throws herself at a Shadow, and he hits the ground dead. The gang then runs and escapes the Order's grasp.
September 13th - LaRezisto claims that 'trait positive' girls have special powers, and that Emma has the power to stop the Order once and for all.
September 14th - Jonas, convinced of her power, asks Emma to stay and help fight the Order. Emma reveals that she has already started taking the serum, to become 'trait negative' and live a normal life.
September 16th - Emma gets on a train to go back home.
September 17th - Jonas sees Carl and Sonia handing out HoO fliers and discussing the Ceremony.
September 18th - Daniel, Jonas, and Sarah move into a rented house together.
September 20th - Jonas and Sarah go on a Stakeout to spy on Carl and Sonia and a Watcher speaks for the first time in the series. On the same day in a different blog Emma announces she does not want to fight the order and will be taking her last injection.
September 21st - Daniel and Jonas go to the Griffith Observatory where they see Sonia and Carl bring a Trait positive baby to her adoptive parents.
September 23rd - LaRezisto posts a video in which a trait positive woman named Claire urges Emma to join her in fighting the Order.
September 24th - Daniel and Sarah tell us that Jonas has taken Emma to Claire without their consent.
September 26th - Daniel begins making a Student Film for class, and on the same day Jonas and Emma find Claire.
September 27th - Sarah announces that she is turning over a new leaf and tells Mallory about Daniel's involvement in the Resistance, to which Mallory replies that she already knows.
September 28th - Jonas lets Claire take Emma deeper into the woods without him. A watcher appears and tells Jonas that Claire is a "LaRezisto Shadow."


October 1st - Daniel shows us his finished student film.
October 2nd - The Watcher and Jonas look for Emma and Claire. The Watcher reveals that there is a rouge Elder trying to obtain Eternal Life by going against the Order, he also tells us that this is the Elder who kidnapped BDJ in Vegas. On the same day, Daniel tells us that Jonas has returned but He's Not Talking about what happened.
October 3rd - Sarah vents to us about Jonas's mistakes and Mallory asks us to help edit Daniels student film.
October 4th - Daniel and Jonas go back to Jonas's old house to look for more information. When there, they find that the house has been gone through and there are things missing from the box they found in the cabin.
October 5th - Sarah and Mallory tell us that Daniel and Jonas found out Emma is hidden somewhere in L.A. and then they carve pumpkins. On the same day, Daniel and Jonas return home and Sonia follows soon after.
October 8th - Sonia tells us more information and denounces her faith in the HoO. She offers to help TAAG fight the order with the information she has.
October 10th - Claire and Emma make a video in which Emma seems to be coerced by Claire to tell everyone she's OK. Claire warns TAAG not to try finding Emma.
October 11th - Jonas obsesses over finding a code in Emma's last video, Daniel and Sarah help Sonia track down the Ceremony baby, and LaRezisto/Claire make a new video once again attempting to force Emma into saying she's fine.
October 13th - Daniel and Jonas help Sonia kidnap the ceremony baby.
October 15th - Sarah is outraged she was not included in recovering the baby, and attempts to show her independence by building a birdhouse. The boys later make fun of Sarah's attempts.
October 16th - Sonia is shown having been beaten by a HoO member because she would not reveal where the baby was.
October 17th - Chris posts a video denying that there is an Order and warning TAAG to quit trying to save the trait positive girls. That same day, Sarah and a reluctant Mallory go find Chris at a bar, and Mallory flirts with Chris to secretly get information.
October 19th - TAAG finds out that there has been a new partnership created between Verdus Pharmaceuticals, the Wyman Foundation, and the Hymn of One.
October 20th - Emma and Claire make another video in which Emma tells us a story.
October 24th - Emma and Claire make a video with Emma telling TAAG goodbye, and confirming she will be performing the Ceremony. On the same day a season two recap was posted.
October 25th - Jonas and Daniel discover the code Emma has been sending, and go to stop the Ceremony, the video ends with Jonas telling us they may not make it out alive.
October 26th - TAAG manages to find Emma, the rouge elder is shot by Claire who in turn is shot by the Watcher, and Emma's father tells her that Jonas will no longer be bothering her.
October 29th - Jonas announces (again) he will no longer be running from the Order, but fighting them.
October 30th - Emma posts a video where she tells us that she is in hiding with her parents.
October 31st - Daniel tries to get back into film school, but his teacher denies him. On the same day, Mallory takes the professor out to coffee and convinces him to take Daniel back.


November 1st - Sarah tours L.A. and questions why she is still there.
November 2nd - Jonas attempts to find a connection between Verdus Pharmaceuticals, The Wyman Foundation and the Hymn of One, concluding that they are each fronts for the Order.
November 5th - Jonas and Sarah attempt to investigate the Lullaby Project by going to the building where it is ran, with little success.
November 7th - Emma gives us an update where she tells us that she is OK, but has been under the weather and having strange dreams.
November 8th - Daniel and Mallory speculate about their professor's sexual orientation.
November 9th - Daniel gives a shoutout to Greg Gallows and challenges him to color and braid his hair and then do a Grillz video. On the same day, Daniel believes that Sarah and Jonas were abducted
November 12th - Daniel, still concerned for Sarah and Jonas, contacts Taylor for the first time 2 months, but no one has heard anything.
November 13th - Sarah and Jonas post a video telling Daniel to come find them, as they have been locked in the back of a Semi for nearly four days
November 14th - Sarah and Jonas are rescued from the back of the truck, not by Daniel, but by Chris, Carl, and Claudia.
November 15th - Sarah posts about The Lullaby Project's encampment. She breifly details the surroundings and how the camp works.
November 16th - Jonas and Sarah get into an argument and Jonas leaves Sarah alone in the desert, only to come back for her, but finding that she has disappeared.
November 19th - Finding out Sarah is on her way home, Jonas posts a video from a hotel room where he has received a mysterious package containing a VHS. On the same day, he posts the recording which shows a young girl in a doctor's office.
November 20th - Daniel takes a trip down memory lane.
November 21st - Jonas shows more of the VHS tape and cannot understand it.
November 22nd - Emma posts a Thanksgiving video where she tells us she and her family are still in hiding.
November 23rd - Taylor posts a discovery that the faceless doctor is actually revealed in the mirror at the end of the VHS.
November 24th - Taylor OMG! You have to save her! tells Jonas he has to save Sarah, as the doctor revealed in the mirror, is also the researcher from Verdus Pharmaceuticals and she fears for Sarah's safety.
November 26th - Jonas shows us he has been following the doctor and finds him in a tent packing his things. The doctor tells Jonas that he was the person who gave him the VHS tape and that they will talk about it later.
November 27th - Emma posts a video in which she cannot sleep and worries about her rash.
November 28th - Mallory posts a video to Daniel where she is helping Professor DelMundo with a film project. On the same day, Daniel makes a video telling us that Jonas is on top of trying to find Sarah. On the same day, Jonas shows us his interesting conversation with Dr. Hart.
November 29th - Sarah finally posts a video letting us know that she is alive and still with the Lullaby Project helping them pass out care packages with a new friend, Jennie.
November 30th - Jonas and Dr. Hart are frightened by someone knocking on their door, assuming it is Verdus Pharmaceuticals, they begin making an escape, however they soon find out it is Emma.


December 3rd - Jonas gives us an update, letting us know he and Emma are back at home, and telling us that Emma had to run away from her parents because they would not stop injecting her even after seeing what happened to Gina, and that Dr. Hart wants to study her and help her turn trait negative without dying.
December 4th - Jennie is officially introduced to us by Sarah and she tells us about herself.
December 5th - Daniel tells us he is going to go surprise Mallory on the set of the film she is helping to make.
December 6th - Daniel goes to find Mallory and instead sees her kissing Professor DelMundo.
December 7th - Jonas, Emma, and Dr. Hart break into Verdus Pharmaceuticals to use the lab facilities for Emma.
December 11th - Emma and Dr. Hart bond and talk about Gina.
December 12th - Mallory makes a plea to the audience to vote on whether or not she should keep trying to apologize to Daniel and if he should take her back.
December 13th - Daniel watches Mallory's video and attempts to contact Sarah at the Lullaby Project with no success. The conference call with Jonas takes place. Later, Daniel, Emma and Jonas play a game show.
December 14th - Sarah posts an alarming video in which she claims to have heard her "Eternal Song"
December 15th - Jonas and Dr. Hart take Emma underground when they realize that they are being stalked by corporate thugs.
December 17th - Jennie makes her first blog where she tells us about a rock she found and brings about more concern that Sarah is becoming part of the HoO.
December 18th - Daniel posts a video telling us that he hates Mallory for cheating and just wants to talk to Sarah, begging Jennie to give him any information she might have on her whereabouts.
December 19th - Jennie posts a video in which she tries to do outreach work for the Lullaby Project but is turned away by a woman who claims the Lullaby Project is a "curse" that has caused miscarriages in her family.
December 21st - Jonas tells us that he believes there is a spy among us who told Virgil the code for the conference call and warning everyone to be careful. On the same day, Emma, against Jonas's wishes, posts a video telling us she is in yet another undisclosed location and that her parents have put out an APB on her.
December 22nd - Jonas and Dr. Hart go to meet with a reporter when Verdus finds them and open fire, shooting Dr. Hart.
December 25th - Jonas posts a video telling us that Dr. Hart may have been killed and showing us the meeting he had with the reporter they were supposed to meet the day they were shot at.
December 26th - Sarah posts another worrisome video where she tries to explain her feelings and emotions about what has been going on with her lately.



January 2nd - In an irc chat, Sarah announces she will be performing some form of her "evolution" on January 4th
January 3rd - Emma posts a video telling us they are all headed to Mexico to try and save Sarah. On the same day Mallory tells us that Professor DelMundo is now stalking her and that she doesn't feel safe in her home.
January 4th - Daniel, Jonas, and Emma meet Jennie in Mexico and save Sarah from the Hymn of One, Sarah is very upset and doesn't want to leave, but they take her by force.
January 8th - After saving Sarah, TAAG decides to split up, Daniel taking Sarah back home, and Jonas and Emma staying in Mexico with Jennie to spy on Carl. On the same day, Daniel and Sarah get in a fight on the way home.
January 9th - Sarah posts a video where she can't sleep and seems to be reverting back to her old self.
January 10th - Jonas and Jennie spy on Carl and Lucy. On the same day, Daniel tells us and Mallory both in no uncertain terms that they are most assuredly over.
January 11th - Daniel and Sarah infiltrate Verdus to get information, but with little success. On the same day, Jonas, Emma, and Jennie go to meet with Dr. Hart, but are ambushed by the Order and Emma is kidnapped.
January 13th - Taylor posts a video telling us she is no longer worried about Sarah, that she is getting a job and that she is becoming interested in and Jack.
January 14th - Jennie lets us know that Jonas is alive and that she is bringing him home.
January 15th - Daniel tells Jennie and Jonas to Stay Strong.
January 16th - Taylor talks more about Jack and tells Sarah to be careful.
January 17th - Dr. Hart explains that he had to kidnap Emma in order to save Gina.
January 18th - Jonas posts a video in which he drunkenly regrets all of his mistakes.
January 19th - Sarah and Daniel pay a visit to Ted McKinley's apartment. Daniel finds some documents from Verdus in the apartment.
January 21st - After examining the documents, Daniel reveals that Gina was never a patient in the Hart Study.
January 22nd - Jonas announces that he and Daniel will be at Ghiradelli Square the following day to meet with fans for help.
January 23rd - Dr. Hart confirms that Gina was not a patient, but born true trait positive and studied to be the control of the study.
January 24th - Jonas summarizes what transpired in Ghiradelli Square. Lucy followed them to the location, in which Jonas and Daniel fled to another location, leaving a cell phone with a memo, leading the fans to The Cannery. Again, the location changed, this time to Hyde Pier.
January 25th - Daniel and Jonas break into William Porter's house, meeting Virgil there. Virgil is ultimately shot and killed while TAAG make a narrow escape. Then TAAG find their way to a hospital, where they find Emma, Dr. Hart and Gina. Jonas becomes upset when Daniel apparently leaves Emma behind but saves Gina. Soon after that, Jonas has entered the hospital, against the advice of Daniel. He comes across a scene of Emma and an Elder performing The Ceremony. The Elder appears to die and Dr. Hart helps Emma to escape. Jonas and Emma escape from the hospital soon. Finally, Dr. Hart reveals that Gina and Bree are sisters, originally from Russia, having been purchased by Verdus.


February 11th - Daniel gives us an update showing that Emma was weakened from the Ceremony and why she chose to do the The Ceremony.
February 12th - Jonas updates everyone on Emma's condition.
February 13th - Daniel and Sarah reveal that tensions have been high in the cabin, especially between Jennie and Jonas.
February 14th - Everyone is perplexed at what Gina is building. During the video, Emma shows a staged Boggle board, which when decoded, led to a Craigslist listing where Emma sent her parents a message. This led to a chat between Emma and her parents later that night. Also on this date, Jennie posted a video telling Jonas that he should let Emma make her own choices.
February 15th - Emma posts a very emotional video in which she reveals a very tough decision she has made. She reveals her decision to go and be with her parents again.
February 16th - Jonas is very upset that Emma has left.
February 19th - Jonas laments his inability to cope with Emma's leaving. On the same day Jennie and Sarah have their first Cat Fight!
February 20th - Gina makes her first blog and she and Daniel get closer.
February 21st - Jonas and Jennie get intimate
February 23rd - Daniel shows us the aftermath of the gangs partying, and Jonas finds out that Sarah has posted Gina's drawings on the forum. Daniel recognizes one of the drawings as Bree's adoptive mother.
February 25th - Daniel questions Gina about her portrait of Bree's mother, to which she replies "All I see is a face."
February 27th - The gang is forced to relocate when they spot William Porter's Shadow trailing them in one of their latest videos.
February 28th - Gina makes her second blog contemplating her memories. She also finally tells us that Bree's mother's name was Elizabeth. On the same day, William Porter's Shadow posts a video full of puzzles and codes, telling TAAG that he is after them.
February 29th - Sarah attempts some humor, and Gina goes missing.


March 1st - Daniel and Jonas find Gina at Bree's old house, saying that she had been there as a child, on the way home with Gina, Daniel spots Lucy and the Shadow following them in a black SUV.
March 3rd - Jonas talks about his feelings and tells us he and Daniel had gotten into a fight, and that, while they are still friends, he's not sure if they can stick together.
March 4th - Jennie gets Gina ready and Gina announces that she will be in chat later that evening. Later, in the chat, TAAG discusses their next plan of action, amid much fighting.
March 5th - Sarah tells us that Jennie and Jonas are going to take Gina to find Bree's mom, but that she and Daniel are staying behind, also, she said that a store clerk told her that the Shadow was looking for her and her friends.
March 6th - Gina wonders if splitting up TAAG was the right thing to do.
March 7th - Porter's Shadow is caught on film lurking in Jennie's bedroom, they then chase him out the door where is is apparently struck by a vehicle and killed.
March 10th - TAAG has fun At the Beach!
March 11th - Jennie determines that Sarah will be the best canidate for getting them close to Carl.
March 12th - Sarah finds a love letter from Carl and admits to sleeping with him while she was in Mexico.
March 13th - Daniel and Jonas go on a stakeout stalking Carl..again.
March 14th - Carl shows up with roses and tells Sarah he's quit the HoO.
March 17th - Jennie ponders what her purpose is.
March 18th - Sarah considers a "romantic" deal from Carl.
March 19th - TAAG finds that Elizabeth Avery may have more to do with Verdus than they thought.
March 20th - Gina explains how she sees things.
March 21st - Gina is abducted by Bree's mother.
March 22nd - Gina is returned seemingly drugged and with a CD.
March 25th - Daniel and Carl get into a fight about Sarah.
March 27th - This disc Gina was given is revealed to be videos of Gina and Bree playing together as children.
March 28th - Gina tells us she has decided to meet Bree's mom
March 29th - Gina meets Bree's mom and talks with her.
March 31st - With new incentive, Daniel vows to avenge Bree's death


April 1st - Sarah tries to get information from Carl.
April 2nd - TAAG finds a mysterious phone with a mysterious message on it.
April 3rd - The code is cracked and Daniel gets jealous of Gina and Jonas's closeness.
April 4th - TAAG meets with Bree's Mom and she tells them to look for a Mary Annette
April 7th - Jonas vows to avenge Bree's death.
April 8th - Daniel busts out the P. Monkey email and posts it on the forum.
April 9th - TAAG takes a trip to Catalina Island in search of Bree's Elder.
April 10th - Jennie expresses concern for Jonas and all of TAAG.
April 12th - TAAG heads to the Alcombe Antique store to get a lead on Bree's Elder and spot Lucy buying a doll for someone.
April 14th - After finding Bree's Elder's coat of arms, TAAG posts it on the forum in hopes of more leads.
April 15th - Sarah decides to leave with Carl.
April 16th - Steve posted a video saying that he had seen the coat of arms and TAAG decides it's time to head to London.
April 17th - TAAG has a fun time at the beach!
April 18th - Jonas decides to go to London on his own.
April 21st - Jonas meets Steve at the London airport.
April 22nd - Jonas and Steve are shot at while Hunting The Elder.
April 23rd - The K-Team throw a party to welcome Jonas to the U.K.
April 24th - Steve shows Jonas the DVD with Michelle Clore speaking a foreign language and mentioning each member of TAAG by name.
April 25th - Steve and Jonas are once again attacked and they both head to America.
April 28th - Jonas and Steve come to America and are immediately shot at.
April 29th - It is revealed that Steve was the one who was shot, then TAAG sits back, eats tacos and has a good laugh about the name of a certain British delicacy.
April 30th - TAAG finds out it is Edward Salinas who is trying to kill them this time and Daniels computer is hacked by him with a ominous message.


May 1st - TAAG almost takes down Salinas but Steve flubs his part of the job.
May 2nd - Daniel and Steve get in an argument and the gang leaves Steve alone in the woods.
May 5th - TAAG once again decides they will not fun anymore, but fight the Order. Daniel calls Sarah asking her to come back.
May 6th - Sarah and Carl return with ensuing hilarity.
May 7th - TAAG wants to go undercover at the Salinas campaign and try to decide who's going to be the best person for the job.
May 8th - Jennie infiltrates Salinas's headquarters and soon finds she is in over her head.
May 9th - Jennie attempts to put the "plantcake" rumors to rest with some Q & A from fans. On the same day, Jennie uploads a video showing that Elizabeth Avery came out of nowhere to tell them that Emma's life was in danger.
May 12th - Jonas shows us the rest of what happened with Jennie and Elizabeth and we find out that Emma is truly in need of help.
May 14th - TAAG receives a package from Emma.
May 16th - TAAG makes a gruesome discovery and show Emma where they can find them, in code, of course.
May 19th - Emma is recovered after some intense hide and seek.
May 20th - Emma catches us up on what's been going on with her and confirms she is ready to fight the Order again!
May 21st - The boys make the girls stay at home, but they still have fun
May 22nd - Salinas sends Sarah a threatening message saying Carl will be blown up if she doesn't give herself up.
May 23rd - Emma decides to save the day on her own.
May 27th - TAAG announces they will be going underground and not posting any videos until they feel it is safe again.


June 2nd - The group's first video after their small hiatus, Gina reveals that during their time offline, TAAG escaped to the rented cabin at Big Bear Lake.
June 3rd - Sarah develops the idea of an 80s prom as the group experiences Cabin Fever.
June 4th - After a day of shopping, Sarah informs the rest of the girls that she's invited Carl to prom. While they are all but positive, Emma instantly supports Sarah's decision.
June 5th - On the afternoon of prom, TAAG settles the prom date situation for good; not to mention, Sarah makes it clear to Daniel that she's already asked Carl to come.
June 6th - The members of TAAG slowly resurface one by one with footage from the night before. First to upload a video is Daniel, on his own and being chased be a Shadow. Not long after, Emma, being pursued by a Watcher, posts on the LG15 forums and uploads her footage, revealing that someone had fallen during the chaos the previous night. Seeing Daniel and Emma's posts, Jennie also uploads a video, giving a puzzle containing a secret location for the remaining members of TAAG to meet up. Her footage contains a realization about the true nature of Carl. TAAG finally meets up, with Sarah and Gina are notably missing. The group heads off for the Hymn of One center, where Jonas confronts Salinas, grabs the last piece of footage from prom, and runs. Emma subsequently uploads it, revealing that it was Gina who had died after taking a bullet intended for Jonas.
June 9th - Emma makes a video and song in tribute to Gina. She also reports that Sarah had showed up "randomly" with a strange explaination as to where she has been and what exactly happened to her.
June 10th - Sarah tells her story about what happened to her after prom. While burning things Carl had given her and expressing her deep hate for him, she reveals how guilty she feels for Gina's death.
June 11th - Taking matters into her own hands, Jennie meets up with Thompson for dinner. After using sleeping pills to knock Thompson out, she searches his apartment and finds encoded documents that could bring Salinas down. She appeals to a friend from, Evergreen, to help her understand the documents.
June 12th - Evergreen explains that the documents Jennie had found were bank statements and wire transfer details. She discovers that hundreds of thousands of dollars were being funneled into Salinas's personal account, and the money may be coming from Sacred Spirit, which officially links Carl to Salinas.
June 13th -Edward Salinas reportedly dies of suicide, and TAAG kidnaps Carl.
June 18th -Carl reveals that Lord Carruthers runs The Order, and financed the Salinas Campaign through Sacred Spirit.